y595705120 3 jaren geleden
100 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 10909 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. 14 0
  2. 5 0
  3. 6 0
  4. 8 0
  5. 6 0
  6. 203 0
  7. 23 0
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  12. 32 0
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  15. 24 0
  16. 9 0
  17. 114 0
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  19. BIN
  20. BIN
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  24. 41 0
  25. 42 0
  26. 43 0
  27. 8 0
  28. 17 0
  29. 723 0
  30. 38 0
  31. 0 0
  32. 27 0
  33. BIN
  34. BIN
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. BIN
  38. BIN
  39. 0 0
  40. BIN
  41. BIN
  42. 1 0
  43. 111 0
  44. 82 0
  45. 155 0
  46. 227 0
  47. 271 0
  48. 56 0
  49. 166 0
  50. 65 0
  51. 297 0
  52. 78 0
  53. 54 0
  54. 44 0
  55. 180 0
  56. 1779 0
  57. 19 0
  58. 39 0
  59. 232 0
  60. 7 0
  61. 77 0
  62. 99 0
  63. 360 0
  64. 31 0
  65. 118 0
  66. 195 0
  67. 151 0
  68. 294 0
  69. 101 0
  70. 142 0
  71. 145 0
  72. 60 0
  73. 103 0
  74. 57 0
  75. 91 0
  76. 62 0
  77. 113 0
  78. 175 0
  79. 111 0
  80. 59 0
  81. 247 0
  82. 7 0
  83. 6 0
  84. 171 0
  85. 150 0
  86. 134 0
  87. 130 0
  88. 157 0
  89. 138 0
  90. 9 0
  91. 3 0
  92. 49 0
  93. 13 0
  94. 77 0
  95. 13 0
  96. 41 0
  97. 13 0
  98. 13 0
  99. 31 0
  100. 91 0

+ 14 - 0

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+ 5 - 0

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+# base api
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+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# just a flag
+ENV = 'production'
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+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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+# just a flag
+ENV = 'staging'
+# base api
+VUE_APP_BASE_API = '/rental'

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 203 - 0

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+ 23 - 0

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+ 6 - 0

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+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+language: node_js
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+script: npm run test
+  email: false

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module.exports = {
+  presets: [
+    // https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/tree/master/packages/@vue/babel-preset-app
+    '@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset'
+  ],
+  'env': {
+    'development': {
+      // babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node plugin only does one thing by converting all import() to require().
+      // This plugin can significantly increase the speed of hot updates, when you have a large number of pages.
+      // https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/advanced/lazy-loading.html
+      'plugins': ['dynamic-import-node']
+    }
+  }

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+const { run } = require('runjs')
+const chalk = require('chalk')
+const config = require('../vue.config.js')
+const rawArgv = process.argv.slice(2)
+const args = rawArgv.join(' ')
+if (process.env.npm_config_preview || rawArgv.includes('--preview')) {
+  const report = rawArgv.includes('--report')
+  run(`vue-cli-service build ${args}`)
+  const port = 9526
+  const publicPath = config.publicPath
+  var connect = require('connect')
+  var serveStatic = require('serve-static')
+  const app = connect()
+  app.use(
+    publicPath,
+    serveStatic('./dist', {
+      index: ['index.html', '/']
+    })
+  )
+  app.listen(port, function () {
+    console.log(chalk.green(`> Preview at  http://localhost:${port}${publicPath}`))
+    if (report) {
+      console.log(chalk.green(`> Report at  http://localhost:${port}${publicPath}report.html`))
+    }
+  })
+} else {
+  run(`vue-cli-service build ${args}`)

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+import md5 from 'js-md5'
+import {
+  getUser
+} from '@/utils/auth'
+const version = '1.0'
+const secret = '017c0743819088468e590246464cc75f';
+export function postData(method, data) {
+  let user = getUser();
+  let uid = user.uid
+  let token = user.token
+  let role = user.roles&&user.roles[0]||''
+  // 未登入
+  if (method.split(".")[0] == 'Auth') {
+    uid = '0'
+    token = ''
+    role = ''
+  }else if( token == ''){
+    return
+  }
+  let body = JSON.stringify(data);
+  let mtime = parseInt(Date.now() / 1000);
+  let sigureStr = "rental_" + version + token + body + method + mtime + secret
+  let sign = md5(sigureStr)
+  let url = `/rental/${method}?t=${mtime}&u=${uid}&v=${version}&s=${sign}`
+  return request({
+    url: url,
+    method: 'post',
+    data: body
+  })

+ 1441 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1441 @@
+  "code": 200,
+  "data": {
+    "property": {
+      "Emergency": [
+        {
+          "key": "name",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
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+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
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+          "default": ""
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+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        }
+      ],
+      "Employer": [
+        {
+          "key": "employer",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "phone",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
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+          "key": "position",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "inCharge",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "howLong",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "annualIncode",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        }
+      ],
+      "PresentLivingInfomation": [
+        {
+          "key": "address",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "landlord",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "type",
+          "title": "rent or own",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "howLong",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "typeOfPet",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "phone",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        }
+      ],
+      "PropertyMeta": [
+        {
+          "key": "companyName",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "paymentDay",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "contact",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "phone",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "monthFee",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "uint32",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "payType",
+          "title": "1-monthly 2-annual 3-monthly_percent_of_rent 4 annual_percent_of_rent",
+          "type": "uint32",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "key": "service",
+          "title": "",
+          "type": "[]string",
+          "required": "",
+          "default": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "router": [
+      { "action": "user.info", "title": "", "Params": [] },
+      {
+        "action": "auth.forgot",
+        "title": "密码重置",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "mail",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "auth.resetpass",
+        "title": "密码重置",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "code",
+            "title": "校验码",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "email",
+            "title": "邮件地址",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "password",
+            "title": "新的密码",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "auth.signin",
+        "title": "用户登入",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "email",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "password",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "auth.signup",
+        "title": "用户注册",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
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+            "type": "string",
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+            "default": ""
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+          {
+            "key": "password",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "property.detail",
+        "title": "property detail",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "propertyId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "property.list",
+        "title": "property list",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "status",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "property.new",
+        "title": "New or update property",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "id",
+            "title": "0-new other-update",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "unit",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "street",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
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+            "key": "city",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
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+            "default": ""
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+            "type": "string",
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+            "default": ""
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+            "default": ""
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+            "key": "pics",
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+            "default": ""
+          },
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+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint8",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "bathrooms",
+            "title": "",
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+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
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+            "title": "",
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+            "default": ""
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+            "default": ""
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+          {
+            "key": "allowPet",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "buildingArea",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
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+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "yearBuilt",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "yearTax",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "expectedRent",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "electricity",
+            "title": "",
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+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
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+            "title": "",
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+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "water",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "gas",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "facility",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "inroduction",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "insurance",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "PropertyMeta",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "strata",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "PropertyMeta",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "management",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "PropertyMeta",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "technician.addfile",
+        "title": "technician 增加文件资料",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "technicianId",
+            "title": "技工的id",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fileType",
+            "title": "文件类型 contract application dirverLicense voidCheck",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fileUrl",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "technician.addnote",
+        "title": "给技工写评价",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "technicianId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "content",
+            "title": "评价内容",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "technician.detail",
+        "title": "tanant 详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "technicianId",
+            "title": "租客的id",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "technician.list",
+        "title": "技工的列表",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "skill",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "technician.new",
+        "title": "technician 新增或修改",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "technicianId",
+            "title": "0-new other-update",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "cell",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "email",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "address",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "skills",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "serviceArea",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "labor",
+            "title": "每小时的费用",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "website",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "inroduction",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "landlord.addfile",
+        "title": "landlord 编辑文件",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "landlordId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fileType",
+            "title": "delegateContract,voidCheck,insurance,other",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "url",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "landlord.addnote",
+        "title": "给房东写评价",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "landlordId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "content",
+            "title": "评价内容",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "landlord.detail",
+        "title": "landlord 详细信息",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "landlordId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "landlord.list",
+        "title": "landlord list",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "status",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "landlord.new",
+        "title": "landlord 新增或修改",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "landlordId",
+            "title": "0-new other-update",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "nationality",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "birthday",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "phone",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "cell",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "email",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "address",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "delegateContract",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "voidCheck",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "insurance",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "other",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "tenant.addfile",
+        "title": "tanant 增加文件资料",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "tanentId",
+            "title": "租客的id",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fileType",
+            "title": "文件类型 contract application dirverLicense voidCheck",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fileUrl",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "tenant.addnote",
+        "title": "给技工写评价",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "technicianId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "content",
+            "title": "评价内容",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "tenant.application",
+        "title": "申请租户",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "propertyId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "phone",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "cell",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "email",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "birthday",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "marital",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "socialInsuranceNo",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "dirverLicenseNo",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "bankName",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "branchAddress",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "emergencyContact",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "[]Emergency",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "presentLivingInfomation",
+            "title": "employer information",
+            "type": "PresentLivingInfomation",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "employerInformation",
+            "title": "employer information",
+            "type": "Employer",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "rentalAddress",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "tenant.detail",
+        "title": "tanant 详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "tanentId",
+            "title": "租客的id",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "tenant.list",
+        "title": "tenant list",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "status",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "tenant.new",
+        "title": "tenant 新增或修改",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "tanentId",
+            "title": "0-new other-update",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "name",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "phone",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "cell",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "email",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "birthday",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "marital",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "socialInsuranceNo",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "dirverLicenseNo",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "bankName",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "branchAddress",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "firstEmergency",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "Emergency",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "nextEmergency",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "Emergency",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "employer",
+            "title": "employer information",
+            "type": "Employer",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "monthlyRent",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "securityDeposite",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "moveInDate",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "moveOutDate",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "leaseType",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "collectFrequency",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "regularVisit",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "rentalAddress",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.applicationinfo",
+        "title": "推广详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "id",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.applicationlist",
+        "title": "申请列表",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.inspectioninfo",
+        "title": "检查详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "id",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.inspectionlist",
+        "title": "检查列表",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.marketinginfo",
+        "title": "推广详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "id",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.marketinglist",
+        "title": "推广列表",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.notification",
+        "title": "send routine notification",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "type",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "required",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "unit",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "date",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fromId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "toId",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "int32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "fromName",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "toName",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "files",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "[]string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "description",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "string",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.paymentinfo",
+        "title": "付款详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "id",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.paymentlist",
+        "title": "付款列表",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.repairinfo",
+        "title": "维修详情",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "id",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      {
+        "action": "routine.repairlist",
+        "title": "维修列表",
+        "Params": [
+          {
+            "key": "from",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          },
+          {
+            "key": "size",
+            "title": "",
+            "type": "uint32",
+            "required": "",
+            "default": ""
+          }
+        ]
+      },
+      { "action": "dashboard.mybusiness", "title": "统计数据", "Params": [] }
+    ]
+  }

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+const md5 = require('md5');
+function renderURL(method, data) {
+  const version = '1.0'
+  const secret = '017c0743819088468e590246464cc75f';
+  const uid = 0;
+  const token = '';
+  const role = '';
+  const mtime = parseInt(Date.now() / 1000);
+  const body = JSON.stringify(data);
+  const sign = md5('rental_' + version + token + body + method + mtime + secret);
+  return {
+    url: `/rental/${method}?t=${mtime}&u=${uid}&v=${version}&s=${sign}`,
+    method: 'post',
+    data: body
+  }
+module.exports = renderURL;

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module.exports = {
+  moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'json', 'vue'],
+  transform: {
+    '^.+\\.vue$': 'vue-jest',
+    '.+\\.(css|styl|less|sass|scss|svg|png|jpg|ttf|woff|woff2)$':
+      'jest-transform-stub',
+    '^.+\\.jsx?$': 'babel-jest'
+  },
+  moduleNameMapper: {
+    '^@/(.*)$': '<rootDir>/src/$1'
+  },
+  snapshotSerializers: ['jest-serializer-vue'],
+  testMatch: [
+    '**/tests/unit/**/*.spec.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)|**/__tests__/*.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'
+  ],
+  collectCoverageFrom: ['src/utils/**/*.{js,vue}', '!src/utils/auth.js', '!src/utils/request.js', 'src/components/**/*.{js,vue}'],
+  coverageDirectory: '<rootDir>/tests/unit/coverage',
+  // 'collectCoverage': true,
+  'coverageReporters': [
+    'lcov',
+    'text-summary'
+  ],
+  testURL: 'http://localhost/'

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "baseUrl": "./",
+    "paths": {
+        "@/*": ["src/*"]
+    }
+  },
+  "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"]

+ 114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+  "name": "vue-element-admin",
+  "version": "4.4.0",
+  "description": "A magical vue admin. An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications. Newest development stack of vue. Lots of awesome features",
+  "author": "Pan <panfree23@gmail.com>",
+  "scripts": {
+    "dev": "vue-cli-service serve",
+    "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue src",
+    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
+    "build:stage": "vue-cli-service build --mode staging",
+    "preview": "node build/index.js --preview",
+    "new": "plop",
+    "svgo": "svgo -f src/icons/svg --config=src/icons/svgo.yml",
+    "test:unit": "jest --clearCache && vue-cli-service test:unit",
+    "test:ci": "npm run lint && npm run test:unit"
+  },
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+    "ali-oss": "^6.13.2",
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+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
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+    "@vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest": "4.4.4",
+    "@vue/cli-service": "4.4.4",
+    "@vue/test-utils": "1.0.0-beta.29",
+    "autoprefixer": "9.5.1",
+    "babel-eslint": "10.1.0",
+    "babel-jest": "23.6.0",
+    "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node": "2.3.3",
+    "chalk": "2.4.2",
+    "chokidar": "2.1.5",
+    "connect": "3.6.6",
+    "eslint": "6.7.2",
+    "eslint-plugin-vue": "6.2.2",
+    "html-webpack-plugin": "3.2.0",
+    "husky": "1.3.1",
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+    "svg-sprite-loader": "4.1.3",
+    "svgo": "1.2.0",
+    "vue-template-compiler": "2.6.10"
+  },
+  "browserslist": [
+    "> 1%",
+    "last 2 versions"
+  ],
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues"
+  },
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">=8.9",
+    "npm": ">= 3.0.0"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "vue",
+    "admin",
+    "dashboard",
+    "element-ui",
+    "boilerplate",
+    "admin-template",
+    "management-system"
+  ],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "lint-staged": {
+    "src/**/*.{js,vue}": [
+      "eslint --fix",
+      "git add"
+    ]
+  },
+  "husky": {
+    "hooks": {
+      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
+    }
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin.git"
+  }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module.exports = {
+  plugins: {
+    autoprefixer: {}
+  }



+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
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+    <link rel="icon" href="favicon.jpg">
+    <title><%= webpackConfig.name %></title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div id="app"></div>
+    <!-- built files will be auto injected -->
+  </body>

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+git pull
+git add -A
+git commit -m 'normal'
+git push origin master

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+  <div id="app">
+    <router-view />
+  </div>
+export default {
+  name: 'App'
+<style lang="scss">
+  body {
+    /*background-color: #F7F7F7;*/
+    background: url("http://zjj.sm.gov.cn/images/201610_sm_zjt_topbanner.png") center top no-repeat #F7F7F7;
+    font-size: 14px;
+  }
+  #app {
+    font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+  }
+  /*! minireset.css v0.0.6 | MIT License | github.com/jgthms/minireset.css */
+  html, body, p, ol, ul, li, dl, dt, dd, blockquote, figure, fieldset, legend, textarea, pre, iframe, hr, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
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+    margin: 0; }
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+    border: 0; }
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+    border-spacing: 0; }
+  td, th {
+    padding: 0; }
+  td:not([align]), th:not([align]) {
+    text-align: left; }
+  .el-carousel__container{
+    background: #F5F7FA;
+    border-color: 1px solid #dfe4ed;
+  }
+  .fl{float:left;}
+  .fr{float:right;}
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+  .banner{margin:0 auto;width:1000px;height:176px;}
+  .logo{ margin-top:61px; float:left;}
+  .jsj{ margin-top:63px; float:left; margin-left:50px;}
+  .nav{ height:50px; background:#0078c7; margin:0 auto; width:1000px;}
+  .nav ul li{ float:left; line-height:50px;}
+  .nav ul li a{ padding:0 27px; color:#FFF; display:block; height:50px;}
+  .nav ul li a:hover{ background:#ffa200; text-decoration:none;}
+  .navfirst a{ background:#ffa200; display:block;}
+  .sousuo{ height:37px; line-height:37px; background:#efefef; border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7; width:1000px; margin:0 auto;}
+  .sousuo h4{ margin-left:20px;}
+  .footer{ height:200px; margin: 20px auto 0;width: 1000px;}
+  .footer p{ text-align:center; color:#FFF; line-height:28px;}
+  .footer p a{ color:#FFF;}

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function fetchList(query) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/article/list',
+    method: 'get',
+    params: query
+  })
+export function fetchArticle(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/article/detail',
+    method: 'get',
+    params: { id }
+  })
+export function fetchPv(pv) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/article/pv',
+    method: 'get',
+    params: { pv }
+  })
+export function createArticle(data) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/article/create',
+    method: 'post',
+    data
+  })
+export function updateArticle(data) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/article/update',
+    method: 'post',
+    data
+  })

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function register(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'auth.signup',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function login(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'auth.signin',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params,
+  })
+export function getUserInfo(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'user.info',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params,
+  })
+export function forgetPassword(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'auth.forgot',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params,
+  })
+export function resetPassword(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'auth.resetpass',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params,
+  })

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+const OSS = require('ali-oss')
+let client = new OSS({
+  region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou',
+  secure: false, // secure: 配合region使用,如果指定了secure为true,则使用HTTPS访问
+  accessKeyId: 'LTAI4G5dHJeNovpuPM173rKB',
+  accessKeySecret: 'RaS32w4g6K5RuKvtcrALlSMUM8JFFB',
+  bucket: 'ndr'
+ *  上传文件,大小不能超过5GB
+ * @param {string} ObjName OSS的储存路径和文件名字
+ * @param {string} fileUrl 本地文件
+ * @retruns Promise
+ */
+export const put = async(ObjName, fileUrl) => {
+  try {
+    let result = await client.put(`${ObjName}`, fileUrl)
+    // ObjName为文件名字,可以只写名字,就直接储存在 bucket 的根路径,如需放在文件夹下面直接在文件名前面加上文件夹名称
+    return result
+  } catch (e) {
+    console.log(e)
+  }
+// 上传成功之后,转换真实的地址
+// 后台只需要传入文件名,回显时候同样也只是返回文件名,说做数据迁移管理时候不麻烦,反正意思就是上传出现问题都和他们无关,so,没办法,所以需要自己根据返回文件名进行转码,生成所需要的url
+export const signatureUrl = async(ObjName) => {
+  try {
+    let result = await client.signatureUrl(`${ObjName}`)
+    return result
+  } catch (e) {
+    console.log(e)
+  }
+export const getFileNameUUID = () => {
+  function rx() {
+    return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1)
+  }
+  return `${+new Date()}_${rx()}${rx()}`

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function getToken() {
+  return request({
+    url: '/qiniu/upload/token', // 假地址 自行替换
+    method: 'get'
+  })

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function searchUser(name) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/search/user',
+    method: 'get',
+    params: { name }
+  })
+export function transactionList(query) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/transaction/list',
+    method: 'get',
+    params: query
+  })

+ 723 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function getTplList() {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tpl.detail',
+    method: 'post'
+  })
+ * 营销接口
+ */
+export function getMarketList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketlist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getMarketInfo(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketinfo',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id,
+    }
+  })
+export function getMarketAdList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketadlist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function marketAdEdit(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketadedit',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function marketAdPublish(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketadpublish',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function marketRented(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketrented',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function marketCrmList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketlistinglist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function marketCrmNew(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketlistingnew',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function marketCrmEdit(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.marketlistingedit',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 申请接口
+ */
+export function applicationInquireCredit(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.applicationinviteCredit',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function applicationEdit(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.applicationedit',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function applicationFile(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.applicationfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function getApplicationList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.applicationlist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getApplicationInfo(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.applicationinfo',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id
+    }
+  })
+export function getApplicationDetail(applicationId) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.applicationdetail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      applicationId
+    }
+  })
+ * 验屋接口
+ */
+export function getInspectionList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.inspectionlist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getInspectionInfo(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.inspectioninfo',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id,
+    }
+  })
+export function inspectionBook(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.inspectionbook',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function inspectionFinish(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.inspectionfinish',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 维修接口
+ */
+export function repairNew(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.new',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function getRepairList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairlist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getRepairInfo(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.repairinfo',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id,
+    }
+  })
+export function repairDetail(repairId) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairdetail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      repairId
+    }
+  })
+export function repairAskQuote(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairaskquote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function repairChoiceTechnician(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairchoicetechnician',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function repairModifyDate(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairModifyDate',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function repairCancelChoice(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repaircancelchoice',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function repairMgFinished(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairmgfinished',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function repairArchive(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'repair.repairarchive',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 付款接口
+ */
+export function getPaymentList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.paymentlist',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getPaymentInfo(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.paymentinfo',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id,
+    }
+  })
+ * 通知接口
+ */
+export function routineNotification(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'routine.notification',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+ * 房产接口
+ */
+export function getPropertyList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.list',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getPropertyDetail(propertyId) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.detail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      propertyId
+    }
+  })
+export function updateProperty(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.new',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function searchByAddress(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.searchbyaddress',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 租客接口
+ */
+ export function getTenantList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.list',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getTenantDetail(tenantId) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.detail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      tenantId
+    }
+  })
+export function updateTenant(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.new',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function applyTenant(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.application',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 房东接口
+ */
+ export function getLandlordList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.list',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getLandlordDetail(landlordId) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.detail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      landlordId
+    }
+  })
+export function updateLandlord(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.new',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 技工接口
+ */
+ export function getTechnicianList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.list',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getTechnicianDetail(technicianId) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.detail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      technicianId
+    }
+  })
+export function updateTechnician(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.new',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 会计接口
+ */
+ export function getAccountList(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'account.list',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      from: 0,
+      size: 10,
+      ...params,
+    }
+  })
+export function getAccountDetail(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'account.detail',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function createTransaction(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'account.new',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function deleteTransaction(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'account.deltransaction',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function confirmTransaction(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'account.done',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function addAccountFile(params = {}) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'account.addfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 配置接口
+ */
+export function UserEdit(params) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'user.edit',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export function UserInfo(params){
+  return request({
+    url: 'user.info',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+ * 增加评价
+ */
+export  function addPropertyNote(PropertyId, content){
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.addnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      PropertyId,
+      content
+    }
+  })
+export function addTenantNote(tenantId, content) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.addnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      tenantId,
+      content
+    }
+  })
+export function addLandlordNote(landlordId, content) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.addnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      landlordId,
+      content
+    }
+  })
+export  function addTechnicianNote(technicianId, content){
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.addnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      technicianId,
+      content
+    }
+  })
+ * 删除评论
+ */
+export function delPropertyNote(PropertyId, ids) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.delnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      PropertyId,
+      ids
+    }
+  })
+export function delTenantNote(tenantId, ids) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.delnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      tenantId,
+      ids
+    }
+  })
+export function delLandlordNote(landlordId, ids) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.delnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      landlordId,
+      ids
+    }
+  })
+export function delTechnicianNote(technicianId, ids) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.delnote',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      technicianId,
+      ids
+    }
+  })
+ * 增加文件
+ */
+export function addPropertyFile(propertyId, files){
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.addfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      propertyId,
+      files
+    }
+  })
+export function addTenantFile(tenantId, files) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.addfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      tenantId,
+      files
+    }
+  })
+export function addLandlordFile(landlordId, files) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.addfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {landlordId, files}
+  })
+export function addTechnicianFile(technicianId, files) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.addfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {technicianId, files}
+  })
+ * 删除文件
+ */
+export function delPropertyFile(id, titleSli){
+  return request({
+    url: 'property.delfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id,
+      titleSli
+    }
+  })
+export function delTenantFile(id, titleSli) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.delfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      id,
+      titleSli
+    }
+  })
+export function delLandlordFile(id, titleSli) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'landlord.delfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {id, titleSli}
+  })
+export function delTechnicianFile(id, titleSli) {
+  return request({
+    url: 'technician.delfile',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {id, titleSli}
+  })
+ * 独立页面接口
+ */
+ export  function directApplication(params){
+  return request({
+    url: 'direct.application',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export  function directTechniciannew(params){
+  return request({
+    url: 'direct.techniciannew',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export  function directRepairNew(params){
+  return request({
+    url: 'direct.repairNew',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export  function directRepairTechnicianFinished(params){
+  return request({
+    url: 'direct.repairTechnicianFinished',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })
+export  function directRepairDetailBySecret(reqSecret){
+  return request({
+    url: 'direct.repairDetailBySecret',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: {
+      reqSecret
+    }
+  })
+export function tenantLeaseNew(params){
+  return request({
+    url: 'tenant.leasenew',
+    method: 'post',
+    data: params
+  })

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function getRoutes() {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/routes',
+    method: 'get'
+  })
+export function getRoles() {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/roles',
+    method: 'get'
+  })
+export function addRole(data) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/role',
+    method: 'post',
+    data
+  })
+export function updateRole(id, data) {
+  return request({
+    url: `/vue-element-admin/role/${id}`,
+    method: 'put',
+    data
+  })
+export function deleteRole(id) {
+  return request({
+    url: `/vue-element-admin/role/${id}`,
+    method: 'delete'
+  })

+ 0 - 0

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+export function login(data) {
+  return Promise.resolve({
+    token: 'e703977d9b82d2de3a878abe0e12e8f90'
+  })
+  // return request({
+  //   url: '/vue-element-admin/user/login',
+  //   method: 'post',
+  //   data
+  // })
+export function getInfo(token) {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/user/info',
+    method: 'get',
+    params: { token }
+  })
+export function logout() {
+  return request({
+    url: '/vue-element-admin/user/logout',
+    method: 'post'
+  })







File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0



+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 111 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  <transition :name="transitionName">
+    <div v-show="visible" :style="customStyle" class="back-to-ceiling" @click="backToTop">
+      <svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 17" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="Icon Icon--backToTopArrow" aria-hidden="true" style="height:16px;width:16px"><path d="M12.036 15.59a1 1 0 0 1-.997.995H5.032a.996.996 0 0 1-.997-.996V8.584H1.03c-1.1 0-1.36-.633-.578-1.416L7.33.29a1.003 1.003 0 0 1 1.412 0l6.878 6.88c.782.78.523 1.415-.58 1.415h-3.004v7.004z" /></svg>
+    </div>
+  </transition>
+export default {
+  name: 'BackToTop',
+  props: {
+    visibilityHeight: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 400
+    },
+    backPosition: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0
+    },
+    customStyle: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: function() {
+        return {
+          right: '50px',
+          bottom: '50px',
+          width: '40px',
+          height: '40px',
+          'border-radius': '4px',
+          'line-height': '45px',
+          background: '#e7eaf1'
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    transitionName: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'fade'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      visible: false,
+      interval: null,
+      isMoving: false
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll)
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll)
+    if (this.interval) {
+      clearInterval(this.interval)
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    handleScroll() {
+      this.visible = window.pageYOffset > this.visibilityHeight
+    },
+    backToTop() {
+      if (this.isMoving) return
+      const start = window.pageYOffset
+      let i = 0
+      this.isMoving = true
+      this.interval = setInterval(() => {
+        const next = Math.floor(this.easeInOutQuad(10 * i, start, -start, 500))
+        if (next <= this.backPosition) {
+          window.scrollTo(0, this.backPosition)
+          clearInterval(this.interval)
+          this.isMoving = false
+        } else {
+          window.scrollTo(0, next)
+        }
+        i++
+      }, 16.7)
+    },
+    easeInOutQuad(t, b, c, d) {
+      if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b
+      return -c / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + b
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+.back-to-ceiling {
+  position: fixed;
+  display: inline-block;
+  text-align: center;
+  cursor: pointer;
+.back-to-ceiling:hover {
+  background: #d5dbe7;
+.fade-leave-active {
+  transition: opacity .5s;
+.fade-leave-to {
+  opacity: 0
+.back-to-ceiling .Icon {
+  fill: #9aaabf;
+  background: none;

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+  <el-breadcrumb class="app-breadcrumb" separator="/">
+    <transition-group name="breadcrumb">
+      <el-breadcrumb-item v-for="(item,index) in levelList" :key="item.path">
+        <span v-if="item.redirect==='noRedirect'||index==levelList.length-1" class="no-redirect">{{ item.meta.title }}</span>
+        <a v-else @click.prevent="handleLink(item)">{{ item.meta.title }}</a>
+      </el-breadcrumb-item>
+    </transition-group>
+  </el-breadcrumb>
+import pathToRegexp from 'path-to-regexp'
+export default {
+  data() {
+    return {
+      levelList: null
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    $route(route) {
+      // if you go to the redirect page, do not update the breadcrumbs
+      if (route.path.startsWith('/redirect/')) {
+        return
+      }
+      this.getBreadcrumb()
+    }
+  },
+  created() {
+    this.getBreadcrumb()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    getBreadcrumb() {
+      // only show routes with meta.title
+      let matched = this.$route.matched.filter(item => item.meta && item.meta.title)
+      const first = matched[0]
+      if (!this.isDashboard(first)) {
+        matched = [{ path: '/', meta: { title: 'Home' }}].concat(matched)
+      }
+      this.levelList = matched.filter(item => item.meta && item.meta.title && item.meta.breadcrumb !== false)
+    },
+    isDashboard(route) {
+      const name = route && route.name
+      if (!name) {
+        return false
+      }
+      return name.trim().toLocaleLowerCase() === 'Dashboard'.toLocaleLowerCase()
+    },
+    pathCompile(path) {
+      // To solve this problem https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/561
+      const { params } = this.$route
+      var toPath = pathToRegexp.compile(path)
+      return toPath(params)
+    },
+    handleLink(item) {
+      const { redirect, path } = item
+      if (redirect) {
+        this.$router.push(redirect)
+        return
+      }
+      this.$router.push(this.pathCompile(path))
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.app-breadcrumb.el-breadcrumb {
+  display: inline-block;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  line-height: 50px;
+  margin-left: 8px;
+  .no-redirect {
+    color: #97a8be;
+    cursor: text;
+  }

+ 155 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+  <div :id="id" :class="className" :style="{height:height,width:width}" />
+import echarts from 'echarts'
+import resize from './mixins/resize'
+export default {
+  mixins: [resize],
+  props: {
+    className: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'chart'
+    },
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'chart'
+    },
+    width: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '200px'
+    },
+    height: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '200px'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      chart: null
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.initChart()
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    if (!this.chart) {
+      return
+    }
+    this.chart.dispose()
+    this.chart = null
+  },
+  methods: {
+    initChart() {
+      this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(this.id))
+      const xAxisData = []
+      const data = []
+      const data2 = []
+      for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
+        xAxisData.push(i)
+        data.push((Math.sin(i / 5) * (i / 5 - 10) + i / 6) * 5)
+        data2.push((Math.sin(i / 5) * (i / 5 + 10) + i / 6) * 3)
+      }
+      this.chart.setOption({
+        backgroundColor: '#08263a',
+        grid: {
+          left: '5%',
+          right: '5%'
+        },
+        xAxis: [{
+          show: false,
+          data: xAxisData
+        }, {
+          show: false,
+          data: xAxisData
+        }],
+        visualMap: {
+          show: false,
+          min: 0,
+          max: 50,
+          dimension: 0,
+          inRange: {
+            color: ['#4a657a', '#308e92', '#b1cfa5', '#f5d69f', '#f5898b', '#ef5055']
+          }
+        },
+        yAxis: {
+          axisLine: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          axisLabel: {
+            textStyle: {
+              color: '#4a657a'
+            }
+          },
+          splitLine: {
+            show: true,
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#08263f'
+            }
+          },
+          axisTick: {
+            show: false
+          }
+        },
+        series: [{
+          name: 'back',
+          type: 'bar',
+          data: data2,
+          z: 1,
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              opacity: 0.4,
+              barBorderRadius: 5,
+              shadowBlur: 3,
+              shadowColor: '#111'
+            }
+          }
+        }, {
+          name: 'Simulate Shadow',
+          type: 'line',
+          data,
+          z: 2,
+          showSymbol: false,
+          animationDelay: 0,
+          animationEasing: 'linear',
+          animationDuration: 1200,
+          lineStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'transparent'
+            }
+          },
+          areaStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: '#08263a',
+              shadowBlur: 50,
+              shadowColor: '#000'
+            }
+          }
+        }, {
+          name: 'front',
+          type: 'bar',
+          data,
+          xAxisIndex: 1,
+          z: 3,
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              barBorderRadius: 5
+            }
+          }
+        }],
+        animationEasing: 'elasticOut',
+        animationEasingUpdate: 'elasticOut',
+        animationDelay(idx) {
+          return idx * 20
+        },
+        animationDelayUpdate(idx) {
+          return idx * 20
+        }
+      })
+    }
+  }

+ 227 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+  <div :id="id" :class="className" :style="{height:height,width:width}" />
+import echarts from 'echarts'
+import resize from './mixins/resize'
+export default {
+  mixins: [resize],
+  props: {
+    className: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'chart'
+    },
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'chart'
+    },
+    width: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '200px'
+    },
+    height: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '200px'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      chart: null
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.initChart()
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    if (!this.chart) {
+      return
+    }
+    this.chart.dispose()
+    this.chart = null
+  },
+  methods: {
+    initChart() {
+      this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(this.id))
+      this.chart.setOption({
+        backgroundColor: '#394056',
+        title: {
+          top: 20,
+          text: 'Requests',
+          textStyle: {
+            fontWeight: 'normal',
+            fontSize: 16,
+            color: '#F1F1F3'
+          },
+          left: '1%'
+        },
+        tooltip: {
+          trigger: 'axis',
+          axisPointer: {
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#57617B'
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        legend: {
+          top: 20,
+          icon: 'rect',
+          itemWidth: 14,
+          itemHeight: 5,
+          itemGap: 13,
+          data: ['CMCC', 'CTCC', 'CUCC'],
+          right: '4%',
+          textStyle: {
+            fontSize: 12,
+            color: '#F1F1F3'
+          }
+        },
+        grid: {
+          top: 100,
+          left: '2%',
+          right: '2%',
+          bottom: '2%',
+          containLabel: true
+        },
+        xAxis: [{
+          type: 'category',
+          boundaryGap: false,
+          axisLine: {
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#57617B'
+            }
+          },
+          data: ['13:00', '13:05', '13:10', '13:15', '13:20', '13:25', '13:30', '13:35', '13:40', '13:45', '13:50', '13:55']
+        }],
+        yAxis: [{
+          type: 'value',
+          name: '(%)',
+          axisTick: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          axisLine: {
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#57617B'
+            }
+          },
+          axisLabel: {
+            margin: 10,
+            textStyle: {
+              fontSize: 14
+            }
+          },
+          splitLine: {
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#57617B'
+            }
+          }
+        }],
+        series: [{
+          name: 'CMCC',
+          type: 'line',
+          smooth: true,
+          symbol: 'circle',
+          symbolSize: 5,
+          showSymbol: false,
+          lineStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              width: 1
+            }
+          },
+          areaStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+                offset: 0,
+                color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0.3)'
+              }, {
+                offset: 0.8,
+                color: 'rgba(137, 189, 27, 0)'
+              }], false),
+              shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
+              shadowBlur: 10
+            }
+          },
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'rgb(137,189,27)',
+              borderColor: 'rgba(137,189,2,0.27)',
+              borderWidth: 12
+            }
+          },
+          data: [220, 182, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122]
+        }, {
+          name: 'CTCC',
+          type: 'line',
+          smooth: true,
+          symbol: 'circle',
+          symbolSize: 5,
+          showSymbol: false,
+          lineStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              width: 1
+            }
+          },
+          areaStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+                offset: 0,
+                color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0.3)'
+              }, {
+                offset: 0.8,
+                color: 'rgba(0, 136, 212, 0)'
+              }], false),
+              shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
+              shadowBlur: 10
+            }
+          },
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'rgb(0,136,212)',
+              borderColor: 'rgba(0,136,212,0.2)',
+              borderWidth: 12
+            }
+          },
+          data: [120, 110, 125, 145, 122, 165, 122, 220, 182, 191, 134, 150]
+        }, {
+          name: 'CUCC',
+          type: 'line',
+          smooth: true,
+          symbol: 'circle',
+          symbolSize: 5,
+          showSymbol: false,
+          lineStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              width: 1
+            }
+          },
+          areaStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+                offset: 0,
+                color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0.3)'
+              }, {
+                offset: 0.8,
+                color: 'rgba(219, 50, 51, 0)'
+              }], false),
+              shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
+              shadowBlur: 10
+            }
+          },
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'rgb(219,50,51)',
+              borderColor: 'rgba(219,50,51,0.2)',
+              borderWidth: 12
+            }
+          },
+          data: [220, 182, 125, 145, 122, 191, 134, 150, 120, 110, 165, 122]
+        }]
+      })
+    }
+  }

+ 271 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+  <div :id="id" :class="className" :style="{height:height,width:width}" />
+import echarts from 'echarts'
+import resize from './mixins/resize'
+export default {
+  mixins: [resize],
+  props: {
+    className: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'chart'
+    },
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'chart'
+    },
+    width: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '200px'
+    },
+    height: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '200px'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      chart: null
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.initChart()
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    if (!this.chart) {
+      return
+    }
+    this.chart.dispose()
+    this.chart = null
+  },
+  methods: {
+    initChart() {
+      this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(this.id))
+      const xData = (function() {
+        const data = []
+        for (let i = 1; i < 13; i++) {
+          data.push(i + 'month')
+        }
+        return data
+      }())
+      this.chart.setOption({
+        backgroundColor: '#344b58',
+        title: {
+          text: 'statistics',
+          x: '20',
+          top: '20',
+          textStyle: {
+            color: '#fff',
+            fontSize: '22'
+          },
+          subtextStyle: {
+            color: '#90979c',
+            fontSize: '16'
+          }
+        },
+        tooltip: {
+          trigger: 'axis',
+          axisPointer: {
+            textStyle: {
+              color: '#fff'
+            }
+          }
+        },
+        grid: {
+          left: '5%',
+          right: '5%',
+          borderWidth: 0,
+          top: 150,
+          bottom: 95,
+          textStyle: {
+            color: '#fff'
+          }
+        },
+        legend: {
+          x: '5%',
+          top: '10%',
+          textStyle: {
+            color: '#90979c'
+          },
+          data: ['female', 'male', 'average']
+        },
+        calculable: true,
+        xAxis: [{
+          type: 'category',
+          axisLine: {
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#90979c'
+            }
+          },
+          splitLine: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          axisTick: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          splitArea: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          axisLabel: {
+            interval: 0
+          },
+          data: xData
+        }],
+        yAxis: [{
+          type: 'value',
+          splitLine: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          axisLine: {
+            lineStyle: {
+              color: '#90979c'
+            }
+          },
+          axisTick: {
+            show: false
+          },
+          axisLabel: {
+            interval: 0
+          },
+          splitArea: {
+            show: false
+          }
+        }],
+        dataZoom: [{
+          show: true,
+          height: 30,
+          xAxisIndex: [
+            0
+          ],
+          bottom: 30,
+          start: 10,
+          end: 80,
+          handleIcon: 'path://M306.1,413c0,2.2-1.8,4-4,4h-59.8c-2.2,0-4-1.8-4-4V200.8c0-2.2,1.8-4,4-4h59.8c2.2,0,4,1.8,4,4V413z',
+          handleSize: '110%',
+          handleStyle: {
+            color: '#d3dee5'
+          },
+          textStyle: {
+            color: '#fff' },
+          borderColor: '#90979c'
+        }, {
+          type: 'inside',
+          show: true,
+          height: 15,
+          start: 1,
+          end: 35
+        }],
+        series: [{
+          name: 'female',
+          type: 'bar',
+          stack: 'total',
+          barMaxWidth: 35,
+          barGap: '10%',
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'rgba(255,144,128,1)',
+              label: {
+                show: true,
+                textStyle: {
+                  color: '#fff'
+                },
+                position: 'insideTop',
+                formatter(p) {
+                  return p.value > 0 ? p.value : ''
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          data: [
+            709,
+            1917,
+            2455,
+            2610,
+            1719,
+            1433,
+            1544,
+            3285,
+            5208,
+            3372,
+            2484,
+            4078
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          name: 'male',
+          type: 'bar',
+          stack: 'total',
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'rgba(0,191,183,1)',
+              barBorderRadius: 0,
+              label: {
+                show: true,
+                position: 'top',
+                formatter(p) {
+                  return p.value > 0 ? p.value : ''
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          data: [
+            327,
+            1776,
+            507,
+            1200,
+            800,
+            482,
+            204,
+            1390,
+            1001,
+            951,
+            381,
+            220
+          ]
+        }, {
+          name: 'average',
+          type: 'line',
+          stack: 'total',
+          symbolSize: 10,
+          symbol: 'circle',
+          itemStyle: {
+            normal: {
+              color: 'rgba(252,230,48,1)',
+              barBorderRadius: 0,
+              label: {
+                show: true,
+                position: 'top',
+                formatter(p) {
+                  return p.value > 0 ? p.value : ''
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          data: [
+            1036,
+            3693,
+            2962,
+            3810,
+            2519,
+            1915,
+            1748,
+            4675,
+            6209,
+            4323,
+            2865,
+            4298
+          ]
+        }
+        ]
+      })
+    }
+  }

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import { debounce } from '@/utils'
+export default {
+  data() {
+    return {
+      $_sidebarElm: null,
+      $_resizeHandler: null
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.initListener()
+  },
+  activated() {
+    if (!this.$_resizeHandler) {
+      // avoid duplication init
+      this.initListener()
+    }
+    // when keep-alive chart activated, auto resize
+    this.resize()
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    this.destroyListener()
+  },
+  deactivated() {
+    this.destroyListener()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    // use $_ for mixins properties
+    // https://vuejs.org/v2/style-guide/index.html#Private-property-names-essential
+    $_sidebarResizeHandler(e) {
+      if (e.propertyName === 'width') {
+        this.$_resizeHandler()
+      }
+    },
+    initListener() {
+      this.$_resizeHandler = debounce(() => {
+        this.resize()
+      }, 100)
+      window.addEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler)
+      this.$_sidebarElm = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar-container')[0]
+      this.$_sidebarElm && this.$_sidebarElm.addEventListener('transitionend', this.$_sidebarResizeHandler)
+    },
+    destroyListener() {
+      window.removeEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler)
+      this.$_resizeHandler = null
+      this.$_sidebarElm && this.$_sidebarElm.removeEventListener('transitionend', this.$_sidebarResizeHandler)
+    },
+    resize() {
+      const { chart } = this
+      chart && chart.resize()
+    }
+  }

+ 166 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+  <div class="dndList">
+    <div :style="{width:width1}" class="dndList-list">
+      <h3>{{ list1Title }}</h3>
+      <draggable :set-data="setData" :list="list1" group="article" class="dragArea">
+        <div v-for="element in list1" :key="element.id" class="list-complete-item">
+          <div class="list-complete-item-handle">
+            {{ element.id }}[{{ element.author }}] {{ element.title }}
+          </div>
+          <div style="position:absolute;right:0px;">
+            <span style="float: right ;margin-top: -20px;margin-right:5px;" @click="deleteEle(element)">
+              <i style="color:#ff4949" class="el-icon-delete" />
+            </span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </draggable>
+    </div>
+    <div :style="{width:width2}" class="dndList-list">
+      <h3>{{ list2Title }}</h3>
+      <draggable :list="list2" group="article" class="dragArea">
+        <div v-for="element in list2" :key="element.id" class="list-complete-item">
+          <div class="list-complete-item-handle2" @click="pushEle(element)">
+            {{ element.id }} [{{ element.author }}] {{ element.title }}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </draggable>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
+export default {
+  name: 'DndList',
+  components: { draggable },
+  props: {
+    list1: {
+      type: Array,
+      default() {
+        return []
+      }
+    },
+    list2: {
+      type: Array,
+      default() {
+        return []
+      }
+    },
+    list1Title: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'list1'
+    },
+    list2Title: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'list2'
+    },
+    width1: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '48%'
+    },
+    width2: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '48%'
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    isNotInList1(v) {
+      return this.list1.every(k => v.id !== k.id)
+    },
+    isNotInList2(v) {
+      return this.list2.every(k => v.id !== k.id)
+    },
+    deleteEle(ele) {
+      for (const item of this.list1) {
+        if (item.id === ele.id) {
+          const index = this.list1.indexOf(item)
+          this.list1.splice(index, 1)
+          break
+        }
+      }
+      if (this.isNotInList2(ele)) {
+        this.list2.unshift(ele)
+      }
+    },
+    pushEle(ele) {
+      for (const item of this.list2) {
+        if (item.id === ele.id) {
+          const index = this.list2.indexOf(item)
+          this.list2.splice(index, 1)
+          break
+        }
+      }
+      if (this.isNotInList1(ele)) {
+        this.list1.push(ele)
+      }
+    },
+    setData(dataTransfer) {
+      // to avoid Firefox bug
+      // Detail see : https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable/issues/1012
+      dataTransfer.setData('Text', '')
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.dndList {
+  background: #fff;
+  padding-bottom: 40px;
+  &:after {
+    content: "";
+    display: table;
+    clear: both;
+  }
+  .dndList-list {
+    float: left;
+    padding-bottom: 30px;
+    &:first-of-type {
+      margin-right: 2%;
+    }
+    .dragArea {
+      margin-top: 15px;
+      min-height: 50px;
+      padding-bottom: 30px;
+    }
+  }
+.list-complete-item {
+  cursor: pointer;
+  position: relative;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  padding: 5px 12px;
+  margin-top: 4px;
+  border: 1px solid #bfcbd9;
+  transition: all 1s;
+.list-complete-item-handle {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  text-overflow: ellipsis;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  margin-right: 50px;
+.list-complete-item-handle2 {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  text-overflow: ellipsis;
+  white-space: nowrap;
+  margin-right: 20px;
+.list-complete-item.sortable-chosen {
+  background: #4AB7BD;
+.list-complete-item.sortable-ghost {
+  background: #30B08F;
+.list-complete-leave-active {
+  opacity: 0;

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+  <el-select ref="dragSelect" v-model="selectVal" v-bind="$attrs" class="drag-select" multiple v-on="$listeners">
+    <slot />
+  </el-select>
+import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
+export default {
+  name: 'DragSelect',
+  props: {
+    value: {
+      type: Array,
+      required: true
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    selectVal: {
+      get() {
+        return [...this.value]
+      },
+      set(val) {
+        this.$emit('input', [...val])
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.setSort()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    setSort() {
+      const el = this.$refs.dragSelect.$el.querySelectorAll('.el-select__tags > span')[0]
+      this.sortable = Sortable.create(el, {
+        ghostClass: 'sortable-ghost', // Class name for the drop placeholder,
+        setData: function(dataTransfer) {
+          dataTransfer.setData('Text', '')
+          // to avoid Firefox bug
+          // Detail see : https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable/issues/1012
+        },
+        onEnd: evt => {
+          const targetRow = this.value.splice(evt.oldIndex, 1)[0]
+          this.value.splice(evt.newIndex, 0, targetRow)
+        }
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.drag-select {
+  ::v-deep {
+    .sortable-ghost {
+      opacity: .8;
+      color: #fff !important;
+      background: #42b983 !important;
+    }
+    .el-tag {
+      cursor: pointer;
+    }
+  }

+ 297 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+  <div :id="id" :ref="id" :action="url" class="dropzone">
+    <input type="file" name="file">
+  </div>
+import Dropzone from 'dropzone'
+import 'dropzone/dist/dropzone.css'
+// import { getToken } from 'api/qiniu';
+Dropzone.autoDiscover = false
+export default {
+  props: {
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      required: true
+    },
+    url: {
+      type: String,
+      required: true
+    },
+    clickable: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    defaultMsg: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '上传图片'
+    },
+    acceptedFiles: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    },
+    thumbnailHeight: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 200
+    },
+    thumbnailWidth: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 200
+    },
+    showRemoveLink: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    maxFilesize: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 2
+    },
+    maxFiles: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 3
+    },
+    autoProcessQueue: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    useCustomDropzoneOptions: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    },
+    defaultImg: {
+      default: '',
+      type: [String, Array]
+    },
+    couldPaste: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      dropzone: '',
+      initOnce: true
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    defaultImg(val) {
+      if (val.length === 0) {
+        this.initOnce = false
+        return
+      }
+      if (!this.initOnce) return
+      this.initImages(val)
+      this.initOnce = false
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    const element = document.getElementById(this.id)
+    const vm = this
+    this.dropzone = new Dropzone(element, {
+      clickable: this.clickable,
+      thumbnailWidth: this.thumbnailWidth,
+      thumbnailHeight: this.thumbnailHeight,
+      maxFiles: this.maxFiles,
+      maxFilesize: this.maxFilesize,
+      dictRemoveFile: 'Remove',
+      addRemoveLinks: this.showRemoveLink,
+      acceptedFiles: this.acceptedFiles,
+      autoProcessQueue: this.autoProcessQueue,
+      dictDefaultMessage: '<i style="margin-top: 3em;display: inline-block" class="material-icons">' + this.defaultMsg + '</i><br>Drop files here to upload',
+      dictMaxFilesExceeded: '只能一个图',
+      previewTemplate: '<div class="dz-preview dz-file-preview">  <div class="dz-image" style="width:' + this.thumbnailWidth + 'px;height:' + this.thumbnailHeight + 'px" ><img style="width:' + this.thumbnailWidth + 'px;height:' + this.thumbnailHeight + 'px" data-dz-thumbnail /></div>  <div class="dz-details"><div class="dz-size"><span data-dz-size></span></div> <div class="dz-progress"><span class="dz-upload" data-dz-uploadprogress></span></div>  <div class="dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div>  <div class="dz-success-mark"> <i class="material-icons">done</i> </div>  <div class="dz-error-mark"><i class="material-icons">error</i></div></div>',
+      init() {
+        const val = vm.defaultImg
+        if (!val) return
+        if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+          if (val.length === 0) return
+          val.map((v, i) => {
+            const mockFile = { name: 'name' + i, size: 12345, url: v }
+            this.options.addedfile.call(this, mockFile)
+            this.options.thumbnail.call(this, mockFile, v)
+            mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-success')
+            mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-complete')
+            vm.initOnce = false
+            return true
+          })
+        } else {
+          const mockFile = { name: 'name', size: 12345, url: val }
+          this.options.addedfile.call(this, mockFile)
+          this.options.thumbnail.call(this, mockFile, val)
+          mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-success')
+          mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-complete')
+          vm.initOnce = false
+        }
+      },
+      accept: (file, done) => {
+        /* 七牛*/
+        // const token = this.$store.getters.token;
+        // getToken(token).then(response => {
+        //   file.token = response.data.qiniu_token;
+        //   file.key = response.data.qiniu_key;
+        //   file.url = response.data.qiniu_url;
+        //   done();
+        // })
+        done()
+      },
+      sending: (file, xhr, formData) => {
+        // formData.append('token', file.token);
+        // formData.append('key', file.key);
+        vm.initOnce = false
+      }
+    })
+    if (this.couldPaste) {
+      document.addEventListener('paste', this.pasteImg)
+    }
+    this.dropzone.on('success', file => {
+      vm.$emit('dropzone-success', file, vm.dropzone.element)
+    })
+    this.dropzone.on('addedfile', file => {
+      vm.$emit('dropzone-fileAdded', file)
+    })
+    this.dropzone.on('removedfile', file => {
+      vm.$emit('dropzone-removedFile', file)
+    })
+    this.dropzone.on('error', (file, error, xhr) => {
+      vm.$emit('dropzone-error', file, error, xhr)
+    })
+    this.dropzone.on('successmultiple', (file, error, xhr) => {
+      vm.$emit('dropzone-successmultiple', file, error, xhr)
+    })
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    document.removeEventListener('paste', this.pasteImg)
+    this.dropzone.destroy()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    removeAllFiles() {
+      this.dropzone.removeAllFiles(true)
+    },
+    processQueue() {
+      this.dropzone.processQueue()
+    },
+    pasteImg(event) {
+      const items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items
+      if (items[0].kind === 'file') {
+        this.dropzone.addFile(items[0].getAsFile())
+      }
+    },
+    initImages(val) {
+      if (!val) return
+      if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+        val.map((v, i) => {
+          const mockFile = { name: 'name' + i, size: 12345, url: v }
+          this.dropzone.options.addedfile.call(this.dropzone, mockFile)
+          this.dropzone.options.thumbnail.call(this.dropzone, mockFile, v)
+          mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-success')
+          mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-complete')
+          return true
+        })
+      } else {
+        const mockFile = { name: 'name', size: 12345, url: val }
+        this.dropzone.options.addedfile.call(this.dropzone, mockFile)
+        this.dropzone.options.thumbnail.call(this.dropzone, mockFile, val)
+        mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-success')
+        mockFile.previewElement.classList.add('dz-complete')
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+    .dropzone {
+        border: 2px solid #E5E5E5;
+        font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
+        color: #777;
+        transition: background-color .2s linear;
+        padding: 5px;
+    }
+    .dropzone:hover {
+        background-color: #F6F6F6;
+    }
+    i {
+        color: #CCC;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-image img {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: 100%;
+    }
+    .dropzone input[name='file'] {
+        display: none;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-image {
+        border-radius: 0px;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview:hover .dz-image img {
+        transform: none;
+        filter: none;
+        width: 100%;
+        height: 100%;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-details {
+        bottom: 0px;
+        top: 0px;
+        color: white;
+        background-color: rgba(33, 150, 243, 0.8);
+        transition: opacity .2s linear;
+        text-align: left;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-details .dz-filename span, .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-details .dz-size span {
+        background-color: transparent;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-details .dz-filename:not(:hover) span {
+        border: none;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-details .dz-filename:hover span {
+        background-color: transparent;
+        border: none;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-remove {
+        position: absolute;
+        z-index: 30;
+        color: white;
+        margin-left: 15px;
+        padding: 10px;
+        top: inherit;
+        bottom: 15px;
+        border: 2px white solid;
+        text-decoration: none;
+        text-transform: uppercase;
+        font-size: 0.8rem;
+        font-weight: 800;
+        letter-spacing: 1.1px;
+        opacity: 0;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview:hover .dz-remove {
+        opacity: 1;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-success-mark, .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-error-mark {
+        margin-left: -40px;
+        margin-top: -50px;
+    }
+    .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-success-mark i, .dropzone .dz-preview .dz-error-mark i {
+        color: white;
+        font-size: 5rem;
+    }

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+  <div v-if="errorLogs.length>0">
+    <el-badge :is-dot="true" style="line-height: 25px;margin-top: -5px;" @click.native="dialogTableVisible=true">
+      <el-button style="padding: 8px 10px;" size="small" type="danger">
+        <svg-icon icon-class="bug" />
+      </el-button>
+    </el-badge>
+    <el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogTableVisible" width="80%" append-to-body>
+      <div slot="title">
+        <span style="padding-right: 10px;">Error Log</span>
+        <el-button size="mini" type="primary" icon="el-icon-delete" @click="clearAll">Clear All</el-button>
+      </div>
+      <el-table :data="errorLogs" border>
+        <el-table-column label="Message">
+          <template slot-scope="{row}">
+            <div>
+              <span class="message-title">Msg:</span>
+              <el-tag type="danger">
+                {{ row.err.message }}
+              </el-tag>
+            </div>
+            <br>
+            <div>
+              <span class="message-title" style="padding-right: 10px;">Info: </span>
+              <el-tag type="warning">
+                {{ row.vm.$vnode.tag }} error in {{ row.info }}
+              </el-tag>
+            </div>
+            <br>
+            <div>
+              <span class="message-title" style="padding-right: 16px;">Url: </span>
+              <el-tag type="success">
+                {{ row.url }}
+              </el-tag>
+            </div>
+          </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+        <el-table-column label="Stack">
+          <template slot-scope="scope">
+            {{ scope.row.err.stack }}
+          </template>
+        </el-table-column>
+      </el-table>
+    </el-dialog>
+  </div>
+export default {
+  name: 'ErrorLog',
+  data() {
+    return {
+      dialogTableVisible: false
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    errorLogs() {
+      return this.$store.getters.errorLogs
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    clearAll() {
+      this.dialogTableVisible = false
+      this.$store.dispatch('errorLog/clearErrorLog')
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+.message-title {
+  font-size: 16px;
+  color: #333;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  padding-right: 8px;

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+  <a href="https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin" target="_blank" class="github-corner" aria-label="View source on Github">
+    <svg
+      width="80"
+      height="80"
+      viewBox="0 0 250 250"
+      style="fill:#40c9c6; color:#fff;"
+      aria-hidden="true"
+    >
+      <path d="M0,0 L115,115 L130,115 L142,142 L250,250 L250,0 Z" />
+      <path
+        d="M128.3,109.0 C113.8,99.7 119.0,89.6 119.0,89.6 C122.0,82.7 120.5,78.6 120.5,78.6 C119.2,72.0 123.4,76.3 123.4,76.3 C127.3,80.9 125.5,87.3 125.5,87.3 C122.9,97.6 130.6,101.9 134.4,103.2"
+        fill="currentColor"
+        style="transform-origin: 130px 106px;"
+        class="octo-arm"
+      />
+      <path
+        d="M115.0,115.0 C114.9,115.1 118.7,116.5 119.8,115.4 L133.7,101.6 C136.9,99.2 139.9,98.4 142.2,98.6 C133.8,88.0 127.5,74.4 143.8,58.0 C148.5,53.4 154.0,51.2 159.7,51.0 C160.3,49.4 163.2,43.6 171.4,40.1 C171.4,40.1 176.1,42.5 178.8,56.2 C183.1,58.6 187.2,61.8 190.9,65.4 C194.5,69.0 197.7,73.2 200.1,77.6 C213.8,80.2 216.3,84.9 216.3,84.9 C212.7,93.1 206.9,96.0 205.4,96.6 C205.1,102.4 203.0,107.8 198.3,112.5 C181.9,128.9 168.3,122.5 157.7,114.1 C157.9,116.9 156.7,120.9 152.7,124.9 L141.0,136.5 C139.8,137.7 141.6,141.9 141.8,141.8 Z"
+        fill="currentColor"
+        class="octo-body"
+      />
+    </svg>
+  </a>
+<style scoped>
+.github-corner:hover .octo-arm {
+  animation: octocat-wave 560ms ease-in-out
+@keyframes octocat-wave {
+  0%,
+  100% {
+    transform: rotate(0)
+  }
+  20%,
+  60% {
+    transform: rotate(-25deg)
+  }
+  40%,
+  80% {
+    transform: rotate(10deg)
+  }
+@media (max-width:500px) {
+  .github-corner:hover .octo-arm {
+    animation: none
+  }
+  .github-corner .octo-arm {
+    animation: octocat-wave 560ms ease-in-out
+  }

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  <div style="padding: 0 15px;" @click="toggleClick">
+    <svg
+      :class="{'is-active':isActive}"
+      class="hamburger"
+      viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
+      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+      width="64"
+      height="64"
+    >
+      <path d="M408 442h480c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H408c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm-8 204c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h480c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H408c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56zm504-486H120c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm0 632H120c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM142.4 642.1L298.7 519a8.84 8.84 0 0 0 0-13.9L142.4 381.9c-5.8-4.6-14.4-.5-14.4 6.9v246.3a8.9 8.9 0 0 0 14.4 7z" />
+    </svg>
+  </div>
+export default {
+  name: 'Hamburger',
+  props: {
+    isActive: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    toggleClick() {
+      this.$emit('toggleClick')
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+.hamburger {
+  display: inline-block;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+.hamburger.is-active {
+  transform: rotate(180deg);

+ 180 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+  <div :class="{'show':show}" class="header-search">
+    <svg-icon class-name="search-icon" icon-class="search" @click.stop="click" />
+    <el-select
+      ref="headerSearchSelect"
+      v-model="search"
+      :remote-method="querySearch"
+      filterable
+      default-first-option
+      remote
+      placeholder="Search"
+      class="header-search-select"
+      @change="change"
+    >
+      <el-option v-for="item in options" :key="item.path" :value="item" :label="item.title.join(' > ')" />
+    </el-select>
+  </div>
+// fuse is a lightweight fuzzy-search module
+// make search results more in line with expectations
+import Fuse from 'fuse.js'
+import path from 'path'
+export default {
+  name: 'HeaderSearch',
+  data() {
+    return {
+      search: '',
+      options: [],
+      searchPool: [],
+      show: false,
+      fuse: undefined
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    routes() {
+      return this.$store.getters.permission_routes
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    routes() {
+      this.searchPool = this.generateRoutes(this.routes)
+    },
+    searchPool(list) {
+      this.initFuse(list)
+    },
+    show(value) {
+      if (value) {
+        document.body.addEventListener('click', this.close)
+      } else {
+        document.body.removeEventListener('click', this.close)
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.searchPool = this.generateRoutes(this.routes)
+  },
+  methods: {
+    click() {
+      this.show = !this.show
+      if (this.show) {
+        this.$refs.headerSearchSelect && this.$refs.headerSearchSelect.focus()
+      }
+    },
+    close() {
+      this.$refs.headerSearchSelect && this.$refs.headerSearchSelect.blur()
+      this.options = []
+      this.show = false
+    },
+    change(val) {
+      this.$router.push(val.path)
+      this.search = ''
+      this.options = []
+      this.$nextTick(() => {
+        this.show = false
+      })
+    },
+    initFuse(list) {
+      this.fuse = new Fuse(list, {
+        shouldSort: true,
+        threshold: 0.4,
+        location: 0,
+        distance: 100,
+        maxPatternLength: 32,
+        minMatchCharLength: 1,
+        keys: [{
+          name: 'title',
+          weight: 0.7
+        }, {
+          name: 'path',
+          weight: 0.3
+        }]
+      })
+    },
+    // Filter out the routes that can be displayed in the sidebar
+    // And generate the internationalized title
+    generateRoutes(routes, basePath = '/', prefixTitle = []) {
+      let res = []
+      for (const router of routes) {
+        // skip hidden router
+        if (router.hidden) { continue }
+        const data = {
+          path: path.resolve(basePath, router.path),
+          title: [...prefixTitle]
+        }
+        if (router.meta && router.meta.title) {
+          data.title = [...data.title, router.meta.title]
+          if (router.redirect !== 'noRedirect') {
+            // only push the routes with title
+            // special case: need to exclude parent router without redirect
+            res.push(data)
+          }
+        }
+        // recursive child routes
+        if (router.children) {
+          const tempRoutes = this.generateRoutes(router.children, data.path, data.title)
+          if (tempRoutes.length >= 1) {
+            res = [...res, ...tempRoutes]
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return res
+    },
+    querySearch(query) {
+      if (query !== '') {
+        this.options = this.fuse.search(query)
+      } else {
+        this.options = []
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.header-search {
+  font-size: 0 !important;
+  .search-icon {
+    cursor: pointer;
+    font-size: 18px;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+  .header-search-select {
+    font-size: 18px;
+    transition: width 0.2s;
+    width: 0;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    background: transparent;
+    border-radius: 0;
+    display: inline-block;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+    ::v-deep .el-input__inner {
+      border-radius: 0;
+      border: 0;
+      padding-left: 0;
+      padding-right: 0;
+      box-shadow: none !important;
+      border-bottom: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
+      vertical-align: middle;
+    }
+  }
+  &.show {
+    .header-search-select {
+      width: 210px;
+      margin-left: 10px;
+    }
+  }

+ 1779 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1779 @@
+  <div v-show="value" class="vue-image-crop-upload">
+    <div class="vicp-wrap">
+      <div class="vicp-close" @click="off">
+        <i class="vicp-icon4" />
+      </div>
+      <div v-show="step == 1" class="vicp-step1">
+        <div
+          class="vicp-drop-area"
+          @dragleave="preventDefault"
+          @dragover="preventDefault"
+          @dragenter="preventDefault"
+          @click="handleClick"
+          @drop="handleChange"
+        >
+          <i v-show="loading != 1" class="vicp-icon1">
+            <i class="vicp-icon1-arrow" />
+            <i class="vicp-icon1-body" />
+            <i class="vicp-icon1-bottom" />
+          </i>
+          <span v-show="loading !== 1" class="vicp-hint">{{ lang.hint }}</span>
+          <span v-show="!isSupported" class="vicp-no-supported-hint">{{ lang.noSupported }}</span>
+          <input v-show="false" v-if="step == 1" ref="fileinput" type="file" @change="handleChange">
+        </div>
+        <div v-show="hasError" class="vicp-error">
+          <i class="vicp-icon2" />
+          {{ errorMsg }}
+        </div>
+        <div class="vicp-operate">
+          <a @click="off" @mousedown="ripple">{{ lang.btn.off }}</a>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div v-if="step == 2" class="vicp-step2">
+        <div class="vicp-crop">
+          <div v-show="true" class="vicp-crop-left">
+            <div class="vicp-img-container">
+              <img
+                ref="img"
+                :src="sourceImgUrl"
+                :style="sourceImgStyle"
+                class="vicp-img"
+                draggable="false"
+                @drag="preventDefault"
+                @dragstart="preventDefault"
+                @dragend="preventDefault"
+                @dragleave="preventDefault"
+                @dragover="preventDefault"
+                @dragenter="preventDefault"
+                @drop="preventDefault"
+                @touchstart="imgStartMove"
+                @touchmove="imgMove"
+                @touchend="createImg"
+                @touchcancel="createImg"
+                @mousedown="imgStartMove"
+                @mousemove="imgMove"
+                @mouseup="createImg"
+                @mouseout="createImg"
+              >
+              <div :style="sourceImgShadeStyle" class="vicp-img-shade vicp-img-shade-1" />
+              <div :style="sourceImgShadeStyle" class="vicp-img-shade vicp-img-shade-2" />
+            </div>
+            <div class="vicp-range">
+              <input
+                :value="scale.range"
+                type="range"
+                step="1"
+                min="0"
+                max="100"
+                @input="zoomChange"
+              >
+              <i
+                class="vicp-icon5"
+                @mousedown="startZoomSub"
+                @mouseout="endZoomSub"
+                @mouseup="endZoomSub"
+              />
+              <i
+                class="vicp-icon6"
+                @mousedown="startZoomAdd"
+                @mouseout="endZoomAdd"
+                @mouseup="endZoomAdd"
+              />
+            </div>
+            <div v-if="!noRotate" class="vicp-rotate">
+              <i @mousedown="startRotateLeft" @mouseout="endRotate" @mouseup="endRotate">↺</i>
+              <i @mousedown="startRotateRight" @mouseout="endRotate" @mouseup="endRotate">↻</i>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div v-show="true" class="vicp-crop-right">
+            <div class="vicp-preview">
+              <div v-if="!noSquare" class="vicp-preview-item">
+                <img :src="createImgUrl" :style="previewStyle">
+                <span>{{ lang.preview }}</span>
+              </div>
+              <div v-if="!noCircle" class="vicp-preview-item vicp-preview-item-circle">
+                <img :src="createImgUrl" :style="previewStyle">
+                <span>{{ lang.preview }}</span>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="vicp-operate">
+          <a @click="setStep(1)" @mousedown="ripple">{{ lang.btn.back }}</a>
+          <a class="vicp-operate-btn" @click="prepareUpload" @mousedown="ripple">{{ lang.btn.save }}</a>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div v-if="step == 3" class="vicp-step3">
+        <div class="vicp-upload">
+          <span v-show="loading === 1" class="vicp-loading">{{ lang.loading }}</span>
+          <div class="vicp-progress-wrap">
+            <span v-show="loading === 1" :style="progressStyle" class="vicp-progress" />
+          </div>
+          <div v-show="hasError" class="vicp-error">
+            <i class="vicp-icon2" />
+            {{ errorMsg }}
+          </div>
+          <div v-show="loading === 2" class="vicp-success">
+            <i class="vicp-icon3" />
+            {{ lang.success }}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="vicp-operate">
+          <a @click="setStep(2)" @mousedown="ripple">{{ lang.btn.back }}</a>
+          <a @click="off" @mousedown="ripple">{{ lang.btn.close }}</a>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <canvas v-show="false" ref="canvas" :width="width" :height="height" />
+    </div>
+  </div>
+'use strict'
+import request from '@/utils/request'
+import language from './utils/language.js'
+import mimes from './utils/mimes.js'
+import data2blob from './utils/data2blob.js'
+import effectRipple from './utils/effectRipple.js'
+export default {
+  props: {
+    // 域,上传文件name,触发事件会带上(如果一个页面多个图片上传控件,可以做区分
+    field: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'avatar'
+    },
+    // 原名key,类似于id,触发事件会带上(如果一个页面多个图片上传控件,可以做区分
+    ki: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0
+    },
+    // 显示该控件与否
+    value: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    // 上传地址
+    url: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    },
+    // 其他要上传文件附带的数据,对象格式
+    params: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: null
+    },
+    // Add custom headers
+    headers: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: null
+    },
+    // 剪裁图片的宽
+    width: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 200
+    },
+    // 剪裁图片的高
+    height: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 200
+    },
+    // 不显示旋转功能
+    noRotate: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    // 不预览圆形图片
+    noCircle: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    },
+    // 不预览方形图片
+    noSquare: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    },
+    // 单文件大小限制
+    maxSize: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 10240
+    },
+    // 语言类型
+    langType: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'zh'
+    },
+    // 语言包
+    langExt: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: null
+    },
+    // 图片上传格式
+    imgFormat: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'png'
+    },
+    // 是否支持跨域
+    withCredentials: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    const { imgFormat, langType, langExt, width, height } = this
+    let isSupported = true
+    const allowImgFormat = ['jpg', 'png']
+    const tempImgFormat =
+      allowImgFormat.indexOf(imgFormat) === -1 ? 'jpg' : imgFormat
+    const lang = language[langType] ? language[langType] : language['en']
+    const mime = mimes[tempImgFormat]
+    // 规范图片格式
+    this.imgFormat = tempImgFormat
+    if (langExt) {
+      Object.assign(lang, langExt)
+    }
+    if (typeof FormData !== 'function') {
+      isSupported = false
+    }
+    return {
+      // 图片的mime
+      mime,
+      // 语言包
+      lang,
+      // 浏览器是否支持该控件
+      isSupported,
+      // 浏览器是否支持触屏事件
+      // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
+      isSupportTouch: document.hasOwnProperty('ontouchstart'),
+      // 步骤
+      step: 1, // 1选择文件 2剪裁 3上传
+      // 上传状态及进度
+      loading: 0, // 0未开始 1正在 2成功 3错误
+      progress: 0,
+      // 是否有错误及错误信息
+      hasError: false,
+      errorMsg: '',
+      // 需求图宽高比
+      ratio: width / height,
+      // 原图地址、生成图片地址
+      sourceImg: null,
+      sourceImgUrl: '',
+      createImgUrl: '',
+      // 原图片拖动事件初始值
+      sourceImgMouseDown: {
+        on: false,
+        mX: 0, // 鼠标按下的坐标
+        mY: 0,
+        x: 0, // scale原图坐标
+        y: 0
+      },
+      // 生成图片预览的容器大小
+      previewContainer: {
+        width: 100,
+        height: 100
+      },
+      // 原图容器宽高
+      sourceImgContainer: {
+        // sic
+        width: 240,
+        height: 184 // 如果生成图比例与此一致会出现bug,先改成特殊的格式吧,哈哈哈
+      },
+      // 原图展示属性
+      scale: {
+        zoomAddOn: false, // 按钮缩放事件开启
+        zoomSubOn: false, // 按钮缩放事件开启
+        range: 1, // 最大100
+        rotateLeft: false, // 按钮向左旋转事件开启
+        rotateRight: false, // 按钮向右旋转事件开启
+        degree: 0, // 旋转度数
+        x: 0,
+        y: 0,
+        width: 0,
+        height: 0,
+        maxWidth: 0,
+        maxHeight: 0,
+        minWidth: 0, // 最宽
+        minHeight: 0,
+        naturalWidth: 0, // 原宽
+        naturalHeight: 0
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    // 进度条样式
+    progressStyle() {
+      const { progress } = this
+      return {
+        width: progress + '%'
+      }
+    },
+    // 原图样式
+    sourceImgStyle() {
+      const { scale, sourceImgMasking } = this
+      const top = scale.y + sourceImgMasking.y + 'px'
+      const left = scale.x + sourceImgMasking.x + 'px'
+      return {
+        top,
+        left,
+        width: scale.width + 'px',
+        height: scale.height + 'px',
+        transform: 'rotate(' + scale.degree + 'deg)', // 旋转时 左侧原始图旋转样式
+        '-ms-transform': 'rotate(' + scale.degree + 'deg)', // 兼容IE9
+        '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + scale.degree + 'deg)', // 兼容FireFox
+        '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + scale.degree + 'deg)', // 兼容Safari 和 chrome
+        '-o-transform': 'rotate(' + scale.degree + 'deg)' // 兼容 Opera
+      }
+    },
+    // 原图蒙版属性
+    sourceImgMasking() {
+      const { width, height, ratio, sourceImgContainer } = this
+      const sic = sourceImgContainer
+      const sicRatio = sic.width / sic.height // 原图容器宽高比
+      let x = 0
+      let y = 0
+      let w = sic.width
+      let h = sic.height
+      let scale = 1
+      if (ratio < sicRatio) {
+        scale = sic.height / height
+        w = sic.height * ratio
+        x = (sic.width - w) / 2
+      }
+      if (ratio > sicRatio) {
+        scale = sic.width / width
+        h = sic.width / ratio
+        y = (sic.height - h) / 2
+      }
+      return {
+        scale, // 蒙版相对需求宽高的缩放
+        x,
+        y,
+        width: w,
+        height: h
+      }
+    },
+    // 原图遮罩样式
+    sourceImgShadeStyle() {
+      const { sourceImgMasking, sourceImgContainer } = this
+      const sic = sourceImgContainer
+      const sim = sourceImgMasking
+      const w =
+        sim.width === sic.width ? sim.width : (sic.width - sim.width) / 2
+      const h =
+        sim.height === sic.height ? sim.height : (sic.height - sim.height) / 2
+      return {
+        width: w + 'px',
+        height: h + 'px'
+      }
+    },
+    previewStyle() {
+      const { ratio, previewContainer } = this
+      const pc = previewContainer
+      let w = pc.width
+      let h = pc.height
+      const pcRatio = w / h
+      if (ratio < pcRatio) {
+        w = pc.height * ratio
+      }
+      if (ratio > pcRatio) {
+        h = pc.width / ratio
+      }
+      return {
+        width: w + 'px',
+        height: h + 'px'
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    value(newValue) {
+      if (newValue && this.loading !== 1) {
+        this.reset()
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  created() {
+    // 绑定按键esc隐藏此插件事件
+    document.addEventListener('keyup', this.closeHandler)
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.closeHandler)
+  },
+  methods: {
+    // 点击波纹效果
+    ripple(e) {
+      effectRipple(e)
+    },
+    // 关闭控件
+    off() {
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.$emit('input', false)
+        this.$emit('close')
+        if (this.step === 3 && this.loading === 2) {
+          this.setStep(1)
+        }
+      }, 200)
+    },
+    // 设置步骤
+    setStep(no) {
+      // 延时是为了显示动画效果呢,哈哈哈
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        this.step = no
+      }, 200)
+    },
+    /* 图片选择区域函数绑定
+     ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    preventDefault(e) {
+      e.preventDefault()
+      return false
+    },
+    handleClick(e) {
+      if (this.loading !== 1) {
+        if (e.target !== this.$refs.fileinput) {
+          e.preventDefault()
+          if (document.activeElement !== this.$refs) {
+            this.$refs.fileinput.click()
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    handleChange(e) {
+      e.preventDefault()
+      if (this.loading !== 1) {
+        const files = e.target.files || e.dataTransfer.files
+        this.reset()
+        if (this.checkFile(files[0])) {
+          this.setSourceImg(files[0])
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    // 检测选择的文件是否合适
+    checkFile(file) {
+      const { lang, maxSize } = this
+      // 仅限图片
+      if (file.type.indexOf('image') === -1) {
+        this.hasError = true
+        this.errorMsg = lang.error.onlyImg
+        return false
+      }
+      // 超出大小
+      if (file.size / 1024 > maxSize) {
+        this.hasError = true
+        this.errorMsg = lang.error.outOfSize + maxSize + 'kb'
+        return false
+      }
+      return true
+    },
+    // 重置控件
+    reset() {
+      this.loading = 0
+      this.hasError = false
+      this.errorMsg = ''
+      this.progress = 0
+    },
+    // 设置图片源
+    setSourceImg(file) {
+      const fr = new FileReader()
+      fr.onload = e => {
+        this.sourceImgUrl = fr.result
+        this.startCrop()
+      }
+      fr.readAsDataURL(file)
+    },
+    // 剪裁前准备工作
+    startCrop() {
+      const {
+        width,
+        height,
+        ratio,
+        scale,
+        sourceImgUrl,
+        sourceImgMasking,
+        lang
+      } = this
+      const sim = sourceImgMasking
+      const img = new Image()
+      img.src = sourceImgUrl
+      img.onload = () => {
+        const nWidth = img.naturalWidth
+        const nHeight = img.naturalHeight
+        const nRatio = nWidth / nHeight
+        let w = sim.width
+        let h = sim.height
+        let x = 0
+        let y = 0
+        // 图片像素不达标
+        if (nWidth < width || nHeight < height) {
+          this.hasError = true
+          this.errorMsg = lang.error.lowestPx + width + '*' + height
+          return false
+        }
+        if (ratio > nRatio) {
+          h = w / nRatio
+          y = (sim.height - h) / 2
+        }
+        if (ratio < nRatio) {
+          w = h * nRatio
+          x = (sim.width - w) / 2
+        }
+        scale.range = 0
+        scale.x = x
+        scale.y = y
+        scale.width = w
+        scale.height = h
+        scale.degree = 0
+        scale.minWidth = w
+        scale.minHeight = h
+        scale.maxWidth = nWidth * sim.scale
+        scale.maxHeight = nHeight * sim.scale
+        scale.naturalWidth = nWidth
+        scale.naturalHeight = nHeight
+        this.sourceImg = img
+        this.createImg()
+        this.setStep(2)
+      }
+    },
+    // 鼠标按下图片准备移动
+    imgStartMove(e) {
+      e.preventDefault()
+      // 支持触摸事件,则鼠标事件无效
+      if (this.isSupportTouch && !e.targetTouches) {
+        return false
+      }
+      const et = e.targetTouches ? e.targetTouches[0] : e
+      const { sourceImgMouseDown, scale } = this
+      const simd = sourceImgMouseDown
+      simd.mX = et.screenX
+      simd.mY = et.screenY
+      simd.x = scale.x
+      simd.y = scale.y
+      simd.on = true
+    },
+    // 鼠标按下状态下移动,图片移动
+    imgMove(e) {
+      e.preventDefault()
+      // 支持触摸事件,则鼠标事件无效
+      if (this.isSupportTouch && !e.targetTouches) {
+        return false
+      }
+      const et = e.targetTouches ? e.targetTouches[0] : e
+      const {
+        sourceImgMouseDown: { on, mX, mY, x, y },
+        scale,
+        sourceImgMasking
+      } = this
+      const sim = sourceImgMasking
+      const nX = et.screenX
+      const nY = et.screenY
+      const dX = nX - mX
+      const dY = nY - mY
+      let rX = x + dX
+      let rY = y + dY
+      if (!on) return
+      if (rX > 0) {
+        rX = 0
+      }
+      if (rY > 0) {
+        rY = 0
+      }
+      if (rX < sim.width - scale.width) {
+        rX = sim.width - scale.width
+      }
+      if (rY < sim.height - scale.height) {
+        rY = sim.height - scale.height
+      }
+      scale.x = rX
+      scale.y = rY
+    },
+    // 按钮按下开始向右旋转
+    startRotateRight(e) {
+      const { scale } = this
+      scale.rotateRight = true
+      const rotate = () => {
+        if (scale.rotateRight) {
+          const degree = ++scale.degree
+          this.createImg(degree)
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            rotate()
+          }, 60)
+        }
+      }
+      rotate()
+    },
+    // 按钮按下开始向左旋转
+    startRotateLeft(e) {
+      const { scale } = this
+      scale.rotateLeft = true
+      const rotate = () => {
+        if (scale.rotateLeft) {
+          const degree = --scale.degree
+          this.createImg(degree)
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            rotate()
+          }, 60)
+        }
+      }
+      rotate()
+    },
+    // 停止旋转
+    endRotate() {
+      const { scale } = this
+      scale.rotateLeft = false
+      scale.rotateRight = false
+    },
+    // 按钮按下开始放大
+    startZoomAdd(e) {
+      const { scale } = this
+      scale.zoomAddOn = true
+      const zoom = () => {
+        if (scale.zoomAddOn) {
+          const range = scale.range >= 100 ? 100 : ++scale.range
+          this.zoomImg(range)
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            zoom()
+          }, 60)
+        }
+      }
+      zoom()
+    },
+    // 按钮松开或移开取消放大
+    endZoomAdd(e) {
+      this.scale.zoomAddOn = false
+    },
+    // 按钮按下开始缩小
+    startZoomSub(e) {
+      const { scale } = this
+      scale.zoomSubOn = true
+      const zoom = () => {
+        if (scale.zoomSubOn) {
+          const range = scale.range <= 0 ? 0 : --scale.range
+          this.zoomImg(range)
+          setTimeout(function() {
+            zoom()
+          }, 60)
+        }
+      }
+      zoom()
+    },
+    // 按钮松开或移开取消缩小
+    endZoomSub(e) {
+      const { scale } = this
+      scale.zoomSubOn = false
+    },
+    zoomChange(e) {
+      this.zoomImg(e.target.value)
+    },
+    // 缩放原图
+    zoomImg(newRange) {
+      const { sourceImgMasking, scale } = this
+      const {
+        maxWidth,
+        maxHeight,
+        minWidth,
+        minHeight,
+        width,
+        height,
+        x,
+        y
+      } = scale
+      const sim = sourceImgMasking
+      // 蒙版宽高
+      const sWidth = sim.width
+      const sHeight = sim.height
+      // 新宽高
+      const nWidth = minWidth + ((maxWidth - minWidth) * newRange) / 100
+      const nHeight = minHeight + ((maxHeight - minHeight) * newRange) / 100
+      // 新坐标(根据蒙版中心点缩放)
+      let nX = sWidth / 2 - (nWidth / width) * (sWidth / 2 - x)
+      let nY = sHeight / 2 - (nHeight / height) * (sHeight / 2 - y)
+      // 判断新坐标是否超过蒙版限制
+      if (nX > 0) {
+        nX = 0
+      }
+      if (nY > 0) {
+        nY = 0
+      }
+      if (nX < sWidth - nWidth) {
+        nX = sWidth - nWidth
+      }
+      if (nY < sHeight - nHeight) {
+        nY = sHeight - nHeight
+      }
+      // 赋值处理
+      scale.x = nX
+      scale.y = nY
+      scale.width = nWidth
+      scale.height = nHeight
+      scale.range = newRange
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        if (scale.range === newRange) {
+          this.createImg()
+        }
+      }, 300)
+    },
+    // 生成需求图片
+    createImg(e) {
+      const {
+        mime,
+        sourceImg,
+        scale: { x, y, width, height, degree },
+        sourceImgMasking: { scale }
+      } = this
+      const canvas = this.$refs.canvas
+      const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
+      if (e) {
+        // 取消鼠标按下移动状态
+        this.sourceImgMouseDown.on = false
+      }
+      canvas.width = this.width
+      canvas.height = this.height
+      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)
+      // 将透明区域设置为白色底边
+      ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'
+      ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)
+      ctx.translate(this.width * 0.5, this.height * 0.5)
+      ctx.rotate((Math.PI * degree) / 180)
+      ctx.translate(-this.width * 0.5, -this.height * 0.5)
+      ctx.drawImage(
+        sourceImg,
+        x / scale,
+        y / scale,
+        width / scale,
+        height / scale
+      )
+      this.createImgUrl = canvas.toDataURL(mime)
+    },
+    prepareUpload() {
+      const { url, createImgUrl, field, ki } = this
+      this.$emit('crop-success', createImgUrl, field, ki)
+      if (typeof url === 'string' && url) {
+        this.upload()
+      } else {
+        this.off()
+      }
+    },
+    // 上传图片
+    upload() {
+      const {
+        lang,
+        imgFormat,
+        mime,
+        url,
+        params,
+        field,
+        ki,
+        createImgUrl
+      } = this
+      const fmData = new FormData()
+      fmData.append(
+        field,
+        data2blob(createImgUrl, mime),
+        field + '.' + imgFormat
+      )
+      // 添加其他参数
+      if (typeof params === 'object' && params) {
+        Object.keys(params).forEach(k => {
+          fmData.append(k, params[k])
+        })
+      }
+      // 监听进度回调
+      // const uploadProgress = (event) => {
+      //   if (event.lengthComputable) {
+      //     this.progress = 100 * Math.round(event.loaded) / event.total
+      //   }
+      // }
+      // 上传文件
+      this.reset()
+      this.loading = 1
+      this.setStep(3)
+      request({
+        url,
+        method: 'post',
+        data: fmData
+      })
+        .then(resData => {
+          this.loading = 2
+          this.$emit('crop-upload-success', resData.data)
+        })
+        .catch(err => {
+          if (this.value) {
+            this.loading = 3
+            this.hasError = true
+            this.errorMsg = lang.fail
+            this.$emit('crop-upload-fail', err, field, ki)
+          }
+        })
+    },
+    closeHandler(e) {
+      if (this.value && (e.key === 'Escape' || e.keyCode === 27)) {
+        this.off()
+      }
+    }
+  }
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+  }
+  100% {
+    background-position-y: 40px;
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+    transform: scale(1) translatey(0);
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+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap {
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+  width: 600px;
+  height: 330px;
+  padding: 25px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  -webkit-animation: vicp 0.12s ease-in;
+  animation: vicp 0.12s ease-in;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-close {
+  position: absolute;
+  right: -30px;
+  top: -30px;
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+  position: relative;
+  display: block;
+  width: 30px;
+  height: 30px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.18s;
+  transition: -webkit-transform 0.18s;
+  transition: transform 0.18s;
+  transition: transform 0.18s, -webkit-transform 0.18s;
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+  -ms-transform: rotate(0);
+  transform: rotate(0);
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-close .vicp-icon4::after,
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+  -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
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+  -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
+  -ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
+  transform: rotate(-45deg);
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+  -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
+  -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
+  transform: rotate(90deg);
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+  position: relative;
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+  padding: 35px;
+  height: 170px;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
+  text-align: center;
+  border: 1px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
+  overflow: hidden;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step1 .vicp-drop-area .vicp-icon1 {
+  display: block;
+  margin: 0 auto 6px;
+  width: 42px;
+  height: 42px;
+  overflow: hidden;
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+  display: block;
+  padding: 15px;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  color: #666;
+  line-height: 30px;
+  .vicp-wrap
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+  top: 0;
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+  padding: 30px;
+  width: 100%;
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+  line-height: 30px;
+  background-color: #eee;
+  text-align: center;
+  color: #666;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step1 .vicp-drop-area:hover {
+  cursor: pointer;
+  border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step2 .vicp-crop {
+  overflow: hidden;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step2 .vicp-crop .vicp-crop-left {
+  float: left;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-img-container {
+  position: relative;
+  display: block;
+  width: 240px;
+  height: 180px;
+  background-color: #e5e5e0;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-img-container
+  .vicp-img {
+  position: absolute;
+  display: block;
+  cursor: move;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+  -moz-user-select: none;
+  -ms-user-select: none;
+  user-select: none;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-img-container
+  .vicp-img-shade {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+  box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+  position: absolute;
+  background-color: rgba(241, 242, 243, 0.8);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-img-container
+  .vicp-img-shade.vicp-img-shade-1 {
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-img-container
+  .vicp-img-shade.vicp-img-shade-2 {
+  bottom: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-rotate {
+  position: relative;
+  width: 240px;
+  height: 18px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-rotate
+  i {
+  display: block;
+  width: 18px;
+  height: 18px;
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  line-height: 18px;
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
+  color: #fff;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-rotate
+  i:hover {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  cursor: pointer;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-rotate
+  i:first-child {
+  float: left;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-rotate
+  i:last-child {
+  float: right;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range {
+  position: relative;
+  margin: 30px 0 10px 0;
+  width: 240px;
+  height: 18px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon5,
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon6 {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  width: 18px;
+  height: 18px;
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon5:hover,
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon6:hover {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  cursor: pointer;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon5 {
+  left: 0;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon5::before {
+  position: absolute;
+  content: "";
+  display: block;
+  left: 3px;
+  top: 8px;
+  width: 12px;
+  height: 2px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon6 {
+  right: 0;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon6::before {
+  position: absolute;
+  content: "";
+  display: block;
+  left: 3px;
+  top: 8px;
+  width: 12px;
+  height: 2px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  .vicp-icon6::after {
+  position: absolute;
+  content: "";
+  display: block;
+  top: 3px;
+  left: 8px;
+  width: 2px;
+  height: 12px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"] {
+  display: block;
+  padding-top: 5px;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  width: 180px;
+  height: 8px;
+  vertical-align: top;
+  background: transparent;
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  /* 滑块
+               ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  /* 轨道
+               ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:focus {
+  outline: none;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+  box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+  margin-top: -3px;
+  width: 12px;
+  height: 12px;
+  background-color: #61c091;
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  border: none;
+  -webkit-transition: 0.2s;
+  transition: 0.2s;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-moz-range-thumb {
+  box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+  width: 12px;
+  height: 12px;
+  background-color: #61c091;
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  border: none;
+  -webkit-transition: 0.2s;
+  transition: 0.2s;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-ms-thumb {
+  box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
+  appearance: none;
+  width: 12px;
+  height: 12px;
+  background-color: #61c091;
+  border: none;
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  -webkit-transition: 0.2s;
+  transition: 0.2s;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:active::-moz-range-thumb {
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);
+  width: 14px;
+  height: 14px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:active::-ms-thumb {
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);
+  width: 14px;
+  height: 14px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:active::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);
+  margin-top: -4px;
+  width: 14px;
+  height: 14px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 6px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  border: none;
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.3);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-moz-range-track {
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 6px;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  border: none;
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.3);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-ms-track {
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
+  width: 100%;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  background: transparent;
+  border-color: transparent;
+  color: transparent;
+  height: 6px;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  border: none;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-ms-fill-lower {
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.3);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]::-ms-fill-upper {
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.15);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:focus::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.5);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:focus::-moz-range-track {
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.5);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:focus::-ms-fill-lower {
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.45);
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-left
+  .vicp-range
+  input[type="range"]:focus::-ms-fill-upper {
+  background-color: rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.25);
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step2 .vicp-crop .vicp-crop-right {
+  float: right;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-right
+  .vicp-preview {
+  height: 150px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-right
+  .vicp-preview
+  .vicp-preview-item {
+  position: relative;
+  padding: 5px;
+  width: 100px;
+  height: 100px;
+  float: left;
+  margin-right: 16px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-right
+  .vicp-preview
+  .vicp-preview-item
+  span {
+  position: absolute;
+  bottom: -30px;
+  width: 100%;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  color: #bbb;
+  display: block;
+  text-align: center;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-right
+  .vicp-preview
+  .vicp-preview-item
+  img {
+  position: absolute;
+  display: block;
+  top: 0;
+  bottom: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  margin: auto;
+  padding: 3px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+  overflow: hidden;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+  -moz-user-select: none;
+  -ms-user-select: none;
+  user-select: none;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-right
+  .vicp-preview
+  .vicp-preview-item.vicp-preview-item-circle {
+  margin-right: 0;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step2
+  .vicp-crop
+  .vicp-crop-right
+  .vicp-preview
+  .vicp-preview-item.vicp-preview-item-circle
+  img {
+  border-radius: 100%;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step3 .vicp-upload {
+  position: relative;
+  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+  box-sizing: border-box;
+  padding: 35px;
+  height: 170px;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
+  text-align: center;
+  border: 1px dashed #ddd;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step3 .vicp-upload .vicp-loading {
+  display: block;
+  padding: 15px;
+  font-size: 16px;
+  color: #999;
+  line-height: 30px;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step3 .vicp-upload .vicp-progress-wrap {
+  margin-top: 12px;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step3
+  .vicp-upload
+  .vicp-progress-wrap
+  .vicp-progress {
+  position: relative;
+  display: block;
+  height: 5px;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  background-color: #4a7;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.3);
+  box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.3);
+  -webkit-transition: width 0.15s linear;
+  transition: width 0.15s linear;
+  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(
+    135deg,
+    rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 25%,
+    transparent 25%,
+    transparent 50%,
+    rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%,
+    rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 75%,
+    transparent 75%,
+    transparent
+  );
+  background-image: linear-gradient(
+    -45deg,
+    rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 25%,
+    transparent 25%,
+    transparent 50%,
+    rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%,
+    rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 75%,
+    transparent 75%,
+    transparent
+  );
+  background-size: 40px 40px;
+  -webkit-animation: vicp_progress 0.5s linear infinite;
+  animation: vicp_progress 0.5s linear infinite;
+  .vicp-wrap
+  .vicp-step3
+  .vicp-upload
+  .vicp-progress-wrap
+  .vicp-progress::after {
+  content: "";
+  position: absolute;
+  display: block;
+  top: -3px;
+  right: -3px;
+  width: 9px;
+  height: 9px;
+  border: 1px solid rgba(245, 246, 247, 0.7);
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.7);
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(68, 170, 119, 0.7);
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  background-color: #4a7;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step3 .vicp-upload .vicp-error,
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-step3 .vicp-upload .vicp-success {
+  height: 100px;
+  line-height: 100px;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-operate {
+  position: absolute;
+  right: 20px;
+  bottom: 20px;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-operate a {
+  position: relative;
+  float: left;
+  display: block;
+  margin-left: 10px;
+  width: 100px;
+  height: 36px;
+  line-height: 36px;
+  text-align: center;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  color: #4a7;
+  border-radius: 2px;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+  -moz-user-select: none;
+  -ms-user-select: none;
+  user-select: none;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-operate a:hover {
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-error,
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-success {
+  display: block;
+  font-size: 14px;
+  line-height: 24px;
+  height: 24px;
+  color: #d10;
+  text-align: center;
+  vertical-align: top;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-success {
+  color: #4a7;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-icon3 {
+  position: relative;
+  display: inline-block;
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+  top: 4px;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-icon3::after {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 3px;
+  left: 6px;
+  width: 6px;
+  height: 10px;
+  border-width: 0 2px 2px 0;
+  border-color: #4a7;
+  border-style: solid;
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
+  -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
+  transform: rotate(45deg);
+  content: "";
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-icon2 {
+  position: relative;
+  display: inline-block;
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+  top: 4px;
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-icon2::after,
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-icon2::before {
+  content: "";
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 9px;
+  left: 4px;
+  width: 13px;
+  height: 2px;
+  background-color: #d10;
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
+  -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);
+  transform: rotate(45deg);
+.vue-image-crop-upload .vicp-wrap .vicp-icon2::after {
+  -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
+  -ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
+  transform: rotate(-45deg);
+.e-ripple {
+  position: absolute;
+  border-radius: 100%;
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+  background-clip: padding-box;
+  pointer-events: none;
+  -webkit-user-select: none;
+  -moz-user-select: none;
+  -ms-user-select: none;
+  user-select: none;
+  -webkit-transform: scale(0);
+  -ms-transform: scale(0);
+  transform: scale(0);
+  opacity: 1;
+.e-ripple.z-active {
+  opacity: 0;
+  -webkit-transform: scale(2);
+  -ms-transform: scale(2);
+  transform: scale(2);
+  -webkit-transition: opacity 1.2s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-out;
+  transition: opacity 1.2s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-out;
+  transition: opacity 1.2s ease-out, transform 0.6s ease-out;
+  transition: opacity 1.2s ease-out, transform 0.6s ease-out,
+    -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-out;

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * database64文件格式转换为2进制
+ *
+ * @param  {[String]} data dataURL 的格式为 “data:image/png;base64,****”,逗号之前都是一些说明性的文字,我们只需要逗号之后的就行了
+ * @param  {[String]} mime [description]
+ * @return {[blob]}      [description]
+ */
+export default function(data, mime) {
+  data = data.split(',')[1]
+  data = window.atob(data)
+  var ia = new Uint8Array(data.length)
+  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+    ia[i] = data.charCodeAt(i)
+  }
+  // canvas.toDataURL 返回的默认格式就是 image/png
+  return new Blob([ia], {
+    type: mime
+  })

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * 点击波纹效果
+ *
+ * @param  {[event]} e        [description]
+ * @param  {[Object]} arg_opts [description]
+ * @return {[bollean]}          [description]
+ */
+export default function(e, arg_opts) {
+  var opts = Object.assign({
+    ele: e.target, // 波纹作用元素
+    type: 'hit', // hit点击位置扩散center中心点扩展
+    bgc: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)' // 波纹颜色
+  }, arg_opts)
+  var target = opts.ele
+  if (target) {
+    var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect()
+    var ripple = target.querySelector('.e-ripple')
+    if (!ripple) {
+      ripple = document.createElement('span')
+      ripple.className = 'e-ripple'
+      ripple.style.height = ripple.style.width = Math.max(rect.width, rect.height) + 'px'
+      target.appendChild(ripple)
+    } else {
+      ripple.className = 'e-ripple'
+    }
+    switch (opts.type) {
+      case 'center':
+        ripple.style.top = (rect.height / 2 - ripple.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'
+        ripple.style.left = (rect.width / 2 - ripple.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'
+        break
+      default:
+        ripple.style.top = (e.pageY - rect.top - ripple.offsetHeight / 2 - document.body.scrollTop) + 'px'
+        ripple.style.left = (e.pageX - rect.left - ripple.offsetWidth / 2 - document.body.scrollLeft) + 'px'
+    }
+    ripple.style.backgroundColor = opts.bgc
+    ripple.className = 'e-ripple z-active'
+    return false
+  }

+ 232 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+export default {
+  zh: {
+    hint: '点击,或拖动图片至此处',
+    loading: '正在上传……',
+    noSupported: '浏览器不支持该功能,请使用IE10以上或其他现在浏览器!',
+    success: '上传成功',
+    fail: '图片上传失败',
+    preview: '头像预览',
+    btn: {
+      off: '取消',
+      close: '关闭',
+      back: '上一步',
+      save: '保存'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: '仅限图片格式',
+      outOfSize: '单文件大小不能超过 ',
+      lowestPx: '图片最低像素为(宽*高):'
+    }
+  },
+  'zh-tw': {
+    hint: '點擊,或拖動圖片至此處',
+    loading: '正在上傳……',
+    noSupported: '瀏覽器不支持該功能,請使用IE10以上或其他現代瀏覽器!',
+    success: '上傳成功',
+    fail: '圖片上傳失敗',
+    preview: '頭像預覽',
+    btn: {
+      off: '取消',
+      close: '關閉',
+      back: '上一步',
+      save: '保存'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: '僅限圖片格式',
+      outOfSize: '單文件大小不能超過 ',
+      lowestPx: '圖片最低像素為(寬*高):'
+    }
+  },
+  en: {
+    hint: 'Click or drag the file here to upload',
+    loading: 'Uploading…',
+    noSupported: 'Browser is not supported, please use IE10+ or other browsers',
+    success: 'Upload success',
+    fail: 'Upload failed',
+    preview: 'Preview',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Cancel',
+      close: 'Close',
+      back: 'Back',
+      save: 'Save'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Image only',
+      outOfSize: 'Image exceeds size limit: ',
+      lowestPx: 'Image\'s size is too low. Expected at least: '
+    }
+  },
+  ro: {
+    hint: 'Atinge sau trage fișierul aici',
+    loading: 'Se încarcă',
+    noSupported: 'Browser-ul tău nu suportă acest feature. Te rugăm încearcă cu alt browser.',
+    success: 'S-a încărcat cu succes',
+    fail: 'A apărut o problemă la încărcare',
+    preview: 'Previzualizează',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Anulează',
+      close: 'Închide',
+      back: 'Înapoi',
+      save: 'Salvează'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Doar imagini',
+      outOfSize: 'Imaginea depășește limita de: ',
+      loewstPx: 'Imaginea este prea mică; Minim: '
+    }
+  },
+  ru: {
+    hint: 'Нажмите, или перетащите файл в это окно',
+    loading: 'Загружаю……',
+    noSupported: 'Ваш браузер не поддерживается, пожалуйста, используйте IE10 + или другие браузеры',
+    success: 'Загрузка выполнена успешно',
+    fail: 'Ошибка загрузки',
+    preview: 'Предпросмотр',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Отменить',
+      close: 'Закрыть',
+      back: 'Назад',
+      save: 'Сохранить'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Только изображения',
+      outOfSize: 'Изображение превышает предельный размер: ',
+      lowestPx: 'Минимальный размер изображения: '
+    }
+  },
+  'pt-br': {
+    hint: 'Clique ou arraste o arquivo aqui para carregar',
+    loading: 'Carregando…',
+    noSupported: 'Browser não suportado, use o IE10+ ou outro browser',
+    success: 'Sucesso ao carregar imagem',
+    fail: 'Falha ao carregar imagem',
+    preview: 'Pré-visualizar',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Cancelar',
+      close: 'Fechar',
+      back: 'Voltar',
+      save: 'Salvar'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Apenas imagens',
+      outOfSize: 'A imagem excede o limite de tamanho: ',
+      lowestPx: 'O tamanho da imagem é muito pequeno. Tamanho mínimo: '
+    }
+  },
+  fr: {
+    hint: 'Cliquez ou glissez le fichier ici.',
+    loading: 'Téléchargement…',
+    noSupported: 'Votre navigateur n\'est pas supporté. Utilisez IE10 + ou un autre navigateur s\'il vous plaît.',
+    success: 'Téléchargement réussit',
+    fail: 'Téléchargement echoué',
+    preview: 'Aperçu',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Annuler',
+      close: 'Fermer',
+      back: 'Retour',
+      save: 'Enregistrer'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Image uniquement',
+      outOfSize: 'L\'image sélectionnée dépasse la taille maximum: ',
+      lowestPx: 'L\'image sélectionnée est trop petite. Dimensions attendues: '
+    }
+  },
+  nl: {
+    hint: 'Klik hier of sleep een afbeelding in dit vlak',
+    loading: 'Uploaden…',
+    noSupported: 'Je browser wordt helaas niet ondersteund. Gebruik IE10+ of een andere browser.',
+    success: 'Upload succesvol',
+    fail: 'Upload mislukt',
+    preview: 'Voorbeeld',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Annuleren',
+      close: 'Sluiten',
+      back: 'Terug',
+      save: 'Opslaan'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Alleen afbeeldingen',
+      outOfSize: 'De afbeelding is groter dan: ',
+      lowestPx: 'De afbeelding is te klein! Minimale afmetingen: '
+    }
+  },
+  tr: {
+    hint: 'Tıkla veya yüklemek istediğini buraya sürükle',
+    loading: 'Yükleniyor…',
+    noSupported: 'Tarayıcı desteklenmiyor, lütfen IE10+ veya farklı tarayıcı kullanın',
+    success: 'Yükleme başarılı',
+    fail: 'Yüklemede hata oluştu',
+    preview: 'Önizle',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'İptal',
+      close: 'Kapat',
+      back: 'Geri',
+      save: 'Kaydet'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Sadece resim',
+      outOfSize: 'Resim yükleme limitini aşıyor: ',
+      lowestPx: 'Resmin boyutu çok küçük. En az olması gereken: '
+    }
+  },
+  'es-MX': {
+    hint: 'Selecciona o arrastra una imagen',
+    loading: 'Subiendo...',
+    noSupported: 'Tu navegador no es soportado, porfavor usa IE10+ u otros navegadores mas recientes',
+    success: 'Subido exitosamente',
+    fail: 'Sucedió un error',
+    preview: 'Vista previa',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Cancelar',
+      close: 'Cerrar',
+      back: 'Atras',
+      save: 'Guardar'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Unicamente imagenes',
+      outOfSize: 'La imagen excede el tamaño maximo:',
+      lowestPx: 'La imagen es demasiado pequeño. Se espera por lo menos:'
+    }
+  },
+  de: {
+    hint: 'Klick hier oder zieh eine Datei hier rein zum Hochladen',
+    loading: 'Hochladen…',
+    noSupported: 'Browser wird nicht unterstützt, bitte verwende IE10+ oder andere Browser',
+    success: 'Upload erfolgreich',
+    fail: 'Upload fehlgeschlagen',
+    preview: 'Vorschau',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'Abbrechen',
+      close: 'Schließen',
+      back: 'Zurück',
+      save: 'Speichern'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: 'Nur Bilder',
+      outOfSize: 'Das Bild ist zu groß: ',
+      lowestPx: 'Das Bild ist zu klein. Mindestens: '
+    }
+  },
+  ja: {
+    hint: 'クリック・ドラッグしてファイルをアップロード',
+    loading: 'アップロード中...',
+    noSupported: 'このブラウザは対応されていません。IE10+かその他の主要ブラウザをお使いください。',
+    success: 'アップロード成功',
+    fail: 'アップロード失敗',
+    preview: 'プレビュー',
+    btn: {
+      off: 'キャンセル',
+      close: '閉じる',
+      back: '戻る',
+      save: '保存'
+    },
+    error: {
+      onlyImg: '画像のみ',
+      outOfSize: '画像サイズが上限を超えています。上限: ',
+      lowestPx: '画像が小さすぎます。最小サイズ: '
+    }
+  }

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export default {
+  'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
+  'png': 'image/png',
+  'gif': 'image/gif',
+  'svg': 'image/svg+xml',
+  'psd': 'image/photoshop'

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+  <div class="json-editor">
+    <textarea ref="textarea" />
+  </div>
+import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'
+import 'codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css'
+import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'
+import 'codemirror/theme/rubyblue.css'
+import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript'
+import 'codemirror/addon/lint/lint'
+import 'codemirror/addon/lint/json-lint'
+export default {
+  name: 'JsonEditor',
+  /* eslint-disable vue/require-prop-types */
+  props: ['value'],
+  data() {
+    return {
+      jsonEditor: false
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    value(value) {
+      const editorValue = this.jsonEditor.getValue()
+      if (value !== editorValue) {
+        this.jsonEditor.setValue(JSON.stringify(this.value, null, 2))
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.jsonEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.$refs.textarea, {
+      lineNumbers: true,
+      mode: 'application/json',
+      gutters: ['CodeMirror-lint-markers'],
+      theme: 'rubyblue',
+      lint: true
+    })
+    this.jsonEditor.setValue(JSON.stringify(this.value, null, 2))
+    this.jsonEditor.on('change', cm => {
+      this.$emit('changed', cm.getValue())
+      this.$emit('input', cm.getValue())
+    })
+  },
+  methods: {
+    getValue() {
+      return this.jsonEditor.getValue()
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.json-editor {
+  height: 100%;
+  position: relative;
+  ::v-deep {
+    .CodeMirror {
+      height: auto;
+      min-height: 300px;
+    }
+    .CodeMirror-scroll {
+      min-height: 300px;
+    }
+    .cm-s-rubyblue span.cm-string {
+      color: #F08047;
+    }
+  }

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+  <div class="board-column">
+    <div class="board-column-header">
+      {{ headerText }}
+    </div>
+    <draggable
+      :list="list"
+      v-bind="$attrs"
+      class="board-column-content"
+      :set-data="setData"
+    >
+      <div v-for="element in list" :key="element.id" class="board-item">
+        {{ element.name }} {{ element.id }}
+      </div>
+    </draggable>
+  </div>
+import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
+export default {
+  name: 'DragKanbanDemo',
+  components: {
+    draggable
+  },
+  props: {
+    headerText: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'Header'
+    },
+    options: {
+      type: Object,
+      default() {
+        return {}
+      }
+    },
+    list: {
+      type: Array,
+      default() {
+        return []
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    setData(dataTransfer) {
+      // to avoid Firefox bug
+      // Detail see : https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable/issues/1012
+      dataTransfer.setData('Text', '')
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.board-column {
+  min-width: 300px;
+  min-height: 100px;
+  height: auto;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  background: #f0f0f0;
+  border-radius: 3px;
+  .board-column-header {
+    height: 50px;
+    line-height: 50px;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    padding: 0 20px;
+    text-align: center;
+    background: #333;
+    color: #fff;
+    border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;
+  }
+  .board-column-content {
+    height: auto;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    border: 10px solid transparent;
+    min-height: 60px;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    align-items: center;
+    .board-item {
+      cursor: pointer;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 64px;
+      margin: 5px 0;
+      background-color: #fff;
+      text-align: left;
+      line-height: 54px;
+      padding: 5px 10px;
+      box-sizing: border-box;
+      box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+    }
+  }

+ 360 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+  <div :class="computedClasses" class="material-input__component">
+    <div :class="{iconClass:icon}">
+      <i v-if="icon" :class="['el-icon-' + icon]" class="el-input__icon material-input__icon" />
+      <input
+        v-if="type === 'email'"
+        v-model="currentValue"
+        :name="name"
+        :placeholder="fillPlaceHolder"
+        :readonly="readonly"
+        :disabled="disabled"
+        :autocomplete="autoComplete"
+        :required="required"
+        type="email"
+        class="material-input"
+        @focus="handleMdFocus"
+        @blur="handleMdBlur"
+        @input="handleModelInput"
+      >
+      <input
+        v-if="type === 'url'"
+        v-model="currentValue"
+        :name="name"
+        :placeholder="fillPlaceHolder"
+        :readonly="readonly"
+        :disabled="disabled"
+        :autocomplete="autoComplete"
+        :required="required"
+        type="url"
+        class="material-input"
+        @focus="handleMdFocus"
+        @blur="handleMdBlur"
+        @input="handleModelInput"
+      >
+      <input
+        v-if="type === 'number'"
+        v-model="currentValue"
+        :name="name"
+        :placeholder="fillPlaceHolder"
+        :step="step"
+        :readonly="readonly"
+        :disabled="disabled"
+        :autocomplete="autoComplete"
+        :max="max"
+        :min="min"
+        :minlength="minlength"
+        :maxlength="maxlength"
+        :required="required"
+        type="number"
+        class="material-input"
+        @focus="handleMdFocus"
+        @blur="handleMdBlur"
+        @input="handleModelInput"
+      >
+      <input
+        v-if="type === 'password'"
+        v-model="currentValue"
+        :name="name"
+        :placeholder="fillPlaceHolder"
+        :readonly="readonly"
+        :disabled="disabled"
+        :autocomplete="autoComplete"
+        :max="max"
+        :min="min"
+        :required="required"
+        type="password"
+        class="material-input"
+        @focus="handleMdFocus"
+        @blur="handleMdBlur"
+        @input="handleModelInput"
+      >
+      <input
+        v-if="type === 'tel'"
+        v-model="currentValue"
+        :name="name"
+        :placeholder="fillPlaceHolder"
+        :readonly="readonly"
+        :disabled="disabled"
+        :autocomplete="autoComplete"
+        :required="required"
+        type="tel"
+        class="material-input"
+        @focus="handleMdFocus"
+        @blur="handleMdBlur"
+        @input="handleModelInput"
+      >
+      <input
+        v-if="type === 'text'"
+        v-model="currentValue"
+        :name="name"
+        :placeholder="fillPlaceHolder"
+        :readonly="readonly"
+        :disabled="disabled"
+        :autocomplete="autoComplete"
+        :minlength="minlength"
+        :maxlength="maxlength"
+        :required="required"
+        type="text"
+        class="material-input"
+        @focus="handleMdFocus"
+        @blur="handleMdBlur"
+        @input="handleModelInput"
+      >
+      <span class="material-input-bar" />
+      <label class="material-label">
+        <slot />
+      </label>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+// source:https://github.com/wemake-services/vue-material-input/blob/master/src/components/MaterialInput.vue
+export default {
+  name: 'MdInput',
+  props: {
+    /* eslint-disable */
+    icon: String,
+    name: String,
+    type: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'text'
+    },
+    value: [String, Number],
+    placeholder: String,
+    readonly: Boolean,
+    disabled: Boolean,
+    min: String,
+    max: String,
+    step: String,
+    minlength: Number,
+    maxlength: Number,
+    required: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    },
+    autoComplete: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'off'
+    },
+    validateEvent: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      currentValue: this.value,
+      focus: false,
+      fillPlaceHolder: null
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    computedClasses() {
+      return {
+        'material--active': this.focus,
+        'material--disabled': this.disabled,
+        'material--raised': Boolean(this.focus || this.currentValue) // has value
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    value(newValue) {
+      this.currentValue = newValue
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    handleModelInput(event) {
+      const value = event.target.value
+      this.$emit('input', value)
+      if (this.$parent.$options.componentName === 'ElFormItem') {
+        if (this.validateEvent) {
+          this.$parent.$emit('el.form.change', [value])
+        }
+      }
+      this.$emit('change', value)
+    },
+    handleMdFocus(event) {
+      this.focus = true
+      this.$emit('focus', event)
+      if (this.placeholder && this.placeholder !== '') {
+        this.fillPlaceHolder = this.placeholder
+      }
+    },
+    handleMdBlur(event) {
+      this.focus = false
+      this.$emit('blur', event)
+      this.fillPlaceHolder = null
+      if (this.$parent.$options.componentName === 'ElFormItem') {
+        if (this.validateEvent) {
+          this.$parent.$emit('el.form.blur', [this.currentValue])
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+  // Fonts:
+  $font-size-base: 16px;
+  $font-size-small: 18px;
+  $font-size-smallest: 12px;
+  $font-weight-normal: normal;
+  $font-weight-bold: bold;
+  $apixel: 1px;
+  // Utils
+  $spacer: 12px;
+  $transition: 0.2s ease all;
+  $index: 0px;
+  $index-has-icon: 30px;
+  // Theme:
+  $color-white: white;
+  $color-grey: #9E9E9E;
+  $color-grey-light: #E0E0E0;
+  $color-blue: #2196F3;
+  $color-red: #F44336;
+  $color-black: black;
+  // Base clases:
+  %base-bar-pseudo {
+    content: '';
+    height: 1px;
+    width: 0;
+    bottom: 0;
+    position: absolute;
+    transition: $transition;
+  }
+  // Mixins:
+  @mixin slided-top() {
+    top: - ($font-size-base + $spacer);
+    left: 0;
+    font-size: $font-size-base;
+    font-weight: $font-weight-bold;
+  }
+  // Component:
+  .material-input__component {
+    margin-top: 36px;
+    position: relative;
+    * {
+      box-sizing: border-box;
+    }
+    .iconClass {
+      .material-input__icon {
+        position: absolute;
+        left: 0;
+        line-height: $font-size-base;
+        color: $color-blue;
+        top: $spacer;
+        width: $index-has-icon;
+        height: $font-size-base;
+        font-size: $font-size-base;
+        font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+        pointer-events: none;
+      }
+      .material-label {
+        left: $index-has-icon;
+      }
+      .material-input {
+        text-indent: $index-has-icon;
+      }
+    }
+    .material-input {
+      font-size: $font-size-base;
+      padding: $spacer $spacer $spacer - $apixel * 10 $spacer / 2;
+      display: block;
+      width: 100%;
+      border: none;
+      line-height: 1;
+      border-radius: 0;
+      &:focus {
+        outline: none;
+        border: none;
+        border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; // fixes the height issue
+      }
+    }
+    .material-label {
+      font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
+      position: absolute;
+      pointer-events: none;
+      left: $index;
+      top: 0;
+      transition: $transition;
+      font-size: $font-size-small;
+    }
+    .material-input-bar {
+      position: relative;
+      display: block;
+      width: 100%;
+      &:before {
+        @extend %base-bar-pseudo;
+        left: 50%;
+      }
+      &:after {
+        @extend %base-bar-pseudo;
+        right: 50%;
+      }
+    }
+    // Disabled state:
+    &.material--disabled {
+      .material-input {
+        border-bottom-style: dashed;
+      }
+    }
+    // Raised state:
+    &.material--raised {
+      .material-label {
+        @include slided-top();
+      }
+    }
+    // Active state:
+    &.material--active {
+      .material-input-bar {
+        &:before,
+        &:after {
+          width: 50%;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .material-input__component {
+    background: $color-white;
+    .material-input {
+      background: none;
+      color: $color-black;
+      text-indent: $index;
+      border-bottom: 1px solid $color-grey-light;
+    }
+    .material-label {
+      color: $color-grey;
+    }
+    .material-input-bar {
+      &:before,
+      &:after {
+        background: $color-blue;
+      }
+    }
+    // Active state:
+    &.material--active {
+      .material-label {
+        color: $color-blue;
+      }
+    }
+    // Errors:
+    &.material--has-errors {
+      &.material--active .material-label {
+        color: $color-red;
+      }
+      .material-input-bar {
+        &:before,
+        &:after {
+          background: transparent;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// doc: https://nhnent.github.io/tui.editor/api/latest/ToastUIEditor.html#ToastUIEditor
+export default {
+  minHeight: '200px',
+  previewStyle: 'vertical',
+  useCommandShortcut: true,
+  useDefaultHTMLSanitizer: true,
+  usageStatistics: false,
+  hideModeSwitch: false,
+  toolbarItems: [
+    'heading',
+    'bold',
+    'italic',
+    'strike',
+    'divider',
+    'hr',
+    'quote',
+    'divider',
+    'ul',
+    'ol',
+    'task',
+    'indent',
+    'outdent',
+    'divider',
+    'table',
+    'image',
+    'link',
+    'divider',
+    'code',
+    'codeblock'
+  ]

+ 118 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+  <div :id="id" />
+// deps for editor
+import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css' // codemirror
+import 'tui-editor/dist/tui-editor.css' // editor ui
+import 'tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-contents.css' // editor content
+import Editor from 'tui-editor'
+import defaultOptions from './default-options'
+export default {
+  name: 'MarkdownEditor',
+  props: {
+    value: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    },
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      required: false,
+      default() {
+        return 'markdown-editor-' + +new Date() + ((Math.random() * 1000).toFixed(0) + '')
+      }
+    },
+    options: {
+      type: Object,
+      default() {
+        return defaultOptions
+      }
+    },
+    mode: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'markdown'
+    },
+    height: {
+      type: String,
+      required: false,
+      default: '300px'
+    },
+    language: {
+      type: String,
+      required: false,
+      default: 'en_US' // https://github.com/nhnent/tui.editor/tree/master/src/js/langs
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      editor: null
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    editorOptions() {
+      const options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, this.options)
+      options.initialEditType = this.mode
+      options.height = this.height
+      options.language = this.language
+      return options
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    value(newValue, preValue) {
+      if (newValue !== preValue && newValue !== this.editor.getValue()) {
+        this.editor.setValue(newValue)
+      }
+    },
+    language(val) {
+      this.destroyEditor()
+      this.initEditor()
+    },
+    height(newValue) {
+      this.editor.height(newValue)
+    },
+    mode(newValue) {
+      this.editor.changeMode(newValue)
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.initEditor()
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    this.destroyEditor()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    initEditor() {
+      this.editor = new Editor({
+        el: document.getElementById(this.id),
+        ...this.editorOptions
+      })
+      if (this.value) {
+        this.editor.setValue(this.value)
+      }
+      this.editor.on('change', () => {
+        this.$emit('input', this.editor.getValue())
+      })
+    },
+    destroyEditor() {
+      if (!this.editor) return
+      this.editor.off('change')
+      this.editor.remove()
+    },
+    setValue(value) {
+      this.editor.setValue(value)
+    },
+    getValue() {
+      return this.editor.getValue()
+    },
+    setHtml(value) {
+      this.editor.setHtml(value)
+    },
+    getHtml() {
+      return this.editor.getHtml()
+    }
+  }

+ 195 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+  <div class="el-panel__wrapper" @click.self="handleWrapperClick">
+    <div role="dialog" :key="key" aria-modal="true" :aria-label="title || 'dialog'" :class="['el-dialog', { 'is-fullscreen': fullscreen, 'el-dialog--center': center }, customClass]" ref="dialog" :style="style">
+      <div class="el-dialog__header">
+        <slot name="title">
+          <span class="el-dialog__title">{{ title }}</span>
+        </slot>
+        <button type="button" class="el-dialog__headerbtn" aria-label="Close" v-if="showClose" @click="handleClose">
+          <i class="el-dialog__close el-icon el-icon-close"></i>
+        </button>
+      </div>
+      <div class="el-dialog__body"><slot></slot></div>
+      <div class="el-dialog__footer" v-if="$slots.footer">
+        <slot name="footer"></slot>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import Migrating from 'element-ui/src/mixins/migrating'
+import emitter from 'element-ui/src/mixins/emitter'
+export default {
+  name: 'ElPanel',
+  mixins: [emitter, Migrating],
+  inject: ['modalOk', 'modalCancel', 'modalClose'],
+  props: {
+    title: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+    modal: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    modalAppendToBody: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    appendToBody: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    lockScroll: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    closeOnClickModal: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    closeOnPressEscape: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    showClose: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    width: String,
+    fullscreen: Boolean,
+    customClass: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+    top: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '-15vh',
+    },
+    beforeClose: Function,
+    center: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    destroyOnClose: Boolean,
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      closed: false,
+      key: 0,
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    style() {
+      let style = {}
+      if (!this.fullscreen) {
+        style.marginTop = this.top
+        if (this.width) {
+          style.width = this.width
+        }
+      }
+      return style
+    },
+  },
+  watch: {
+    visible(val) {
+      if (val) {
+        this.closed = false
+        this.$emit('open')
+        this.$el.addEventListener('scroll', this.updatePopper)
+        this.$nextTick(() => {
+          this.$refs.dialog.scrollTop = 0
+        })
+        if (this.appendToBody) {
+          document.body.appendChild(this.$el)
+        }
+      } else {
+        this.$el.removeEventListener('scroll', this.updatePopper)
+        if (!this.closed) this.$emit('close')
+        if (this.destroyOnClose) {
+          this.$nextTick(() => {
+            this.key++
+          })
+        }
+      }
+    },
+  },
+  mounted() {
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    // if appendToBody is true, remove DOM node after destroy
+    if (this.appendToBody && this.$el && this.$el.parentNode) {
+      this.$el.parentNode.removeChild(this.$el)
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    getMigratingConfig() {
+      return {
+        props: {
+          size: 'size is removed.',
+        },
+      }
+    },
+    handleWrapperClick() {
+      if (!this.closeOnClickModal) return
+      this.handleClose()
+    },
+    handleClose() {
+      if (typeof this.beforeClose === 'function') {
+        this.beforeClose(this.hide)
+      } else {
+        this.hide()
+      }
+    },
+    hide(cancel) {
+      this.modalClose();
+      if (cancel !== false) {
+        this.$emit('update:visible', false)
+        this.$emit('close')
+        this.closed = true
+      }
+    },
+    updatePopper() {
+      this.broadcast('ElSelectDropdown', 'updatePopper')
+      this.broadcast('ElDropdownMenu', 'updatePopper')
+    },
+    afterEnter() {
+      this.$emit('opened')
+    },
+    afterLeave() {
+      this.$emit('closed')
+    },
+  },
+<style lang="scss">
+  width: 50vw;
+  .el-dialog{
+    width: 100%;
+  }

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import modal from './modal';
+import {
+  isArray,
+  isFunction,
+  isPlainObject,
+  isString,
+  forEach
+} from 'lodash-es';
+export default {
+  install(G1o) {
+    G1o.component('modal', modal);
+    G1o.prototype.$Modal = ({
+      ok = function() {},
+      cancel = function() {},
+      close = function() {},
+      closeable = true,
+      visible = false,
+      transition = 'up',
+      large,
+      transparent,
+      position = 'flex',
+      flex = position === 'flex',
+      styles,
+      modalStyles,
+      mask,
+      opacity,
+      store,
+      router,
+      data,
+      children: cjk = [],
+      target,
+      single
+    } = {}) => {
+      let h4k = document.createElement('div');
+      if (
+        !target ||
+        !Object.prototype.toString.call(target).indexOf('HTML') > -1 ||
+        target.nodeType !== 1
+      ) {
+        target = document.body;
+      }
+      target.appendChild(h4k);
+      const _ = new G1o({
+        el: h4k,
+        store,
+        router,
+        data,
+        render: function(q7e) {
+          return q7e(
+            modal,
+            {
+              props: {
+                global: true,
+                styles,
+                modalStyles,
+                transition,
+                large,
+                transparent,
+                position,
+                flex,
+                closeable,
+                visible,
+                mask,
+                opacity,
+                target,
+                single
+              },
+              on: {
+                ok,
+                cancel,
+                close
+              },
+              ref: 'modal'
+            },
+            b3h(q7e, cjk, this.$data)
+          );
+        },
+        created() {
+          this.target = target;
+        },
+        methods: {
+          remove() {
+            this.$destroy();
+          },
+          open(data) {
+            this.$refs.modal.open(data);
+          },
+          close() {
+            this.$refs.modal.close();
+          },
+          ok(data) {
+            this.$refs.modal.ok(data);
+          },
+          cancel(data) {
+            this.$refs.modal.cancel(data);
+          }
+        },
+        destroyed() {
+          this.target = null;
+          h4k = null;
+        }
+      });
+      // return $children[0];
+      return _;
+    };
+    function b3h(g4r, n8y, v2t) {
+      const a3e = [];
+      if (!isArray(n8y)) {
+        n8y = [n8y];
+      }
+      forEach(n8y, (p0i, key) => {
+        const g4j = j98(g4r, p0i, v2t);
+        !!g4j && a3e.push(g4j);
+      });
+      return a3e;
+    }
+    function j98(i8u, kk3, n37) {
+      switch (true) {
+        case isFunction(kk3):
+          return kk3(i8u, n37);
+        case isString(kk3):
+          return kk3;
+        case isPlainObject(kk3):
+          if (kk3._scopeId) {
+            return i8u(kk3, { props: Object.assign({}, n37) });
+          } else if (kk3.component) {
+            kk3.options = kk3.options || {};
+            kk3.options.props = Object.assign(kk3.options.props || {}, n37);
+            return i8u(kk3.component, kk3.options, b3h(i8u, kk3.children, n37));
+          }
+          return null;
+        case isArray(kk3):
+          kk3 = [].slice.apply(kk3);
+          if (!kk3[1] || isPlainObject(kk3[1])) {
+            kk3[1] = kk3[1] || {};
+            kk3[1].props = Object.assign(kk3[1].props || {}, n37);
+          }
+          return i8u.apply(null, kk3);
+        default:
+          return null;
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 294 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.modal {
+  position: fixed;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+  bottom: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  display: block;
+  z-index: 999;
+  text-align: center;
+  &:before {
+    content: '';
+    display: inline-block;
+    height: 100%;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+  }
+.modal-dialog {
+  position: relative;
+  // margin: 0 auto;
+  display: inline-block;
+  max-width: 100%;
+  vertical-align: middle;
+  // text-align: left;
+.modal-top {
+  /* display: table-cell;
+    vertical-align: top;
+    text-align: center; */
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: flex-start;
+  &:before {
+    vertical-align: top;
+  }
+  .modal-dialog {
+    vertical-align: top;
+  }
+.modal-bottom {
+  /* display: table-cell;
+    vertical-align: bottom;
+    text-align: center; */
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: flex-end;
+  &:before {
+    vertical-align: bottom;
+  }
+  .modal-dialog {
+    vertical-align: bottom;
+  }
+.modal-center {
+  display: flex;
+  justify-content: center;
+  align-items: center;
+.mask {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  display: block;
+  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+  position: absolute;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+.modal-trans {
+  pointer-events: none;
+  .modal-dialog {
+    pointer-events: visible;
+  }
+.modal-leave-active {
+  transition: all 0.25s;
+  .modal-dialog {
+    transition: transform 0.25s ease-out;
+  }
+  &.modal-large {
+    transition: all 0.25s;
+    .modal-dialog {
+      transition: transform 0.25s ease-in-out;
+    }
+  }
+.modal-leave-active {
+  opacity: 0;
+  &.modal-up {
+    .modal-dialog {
+      transform: translateY(30%);
+    }
+    &.modal-large {
+      .modal-dialog {
+        transform: translateY(100%);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  &.modal-down {
+    .modal-dialog {
+      transform: translateY(-30%);
+    }
+    &.modal-large {
+      .modal-dialog {
+        transform: translateY(-100%);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  &.modal-scale {
+    .modal-dialog {
+      transform: scale(0.8);
+    }
+    &.modal-large {
+      .modal-dialog {
+        transform: scale(0.5);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  <transition name="modal" :appear="true" @before-enter="beforeEnter" @after-enter="afterEnter" @before-leave="beforeLeave" @after-leave="afterLeave">
+    <div v-if="seen" :class="classes" :style="modalStyles">
+      <div v-if="mask" class="mask" @click.self.prevent.stop="maskhit" :style="maskStyle"></div>
+      <div ref="modal" class="modal-dialog" :style="style">
+        <slot></slot>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </transition>
+export default {
+  name: 'Modal',
+  props: {
+    transition: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'up', // [fade, scale, ]
+    },
+    position: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'flex', // [top, center, bottom]
+    },
+    large: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    flex: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    styles: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: null,
+    },
+    modalStyles: {
+      type: Object,
+      default: null,
+    },
+    visible: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    closeable: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    global: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    mask: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: true,
+    },
+    opacity: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0.6,
+    },
+    transparent: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+    single: {
+      type: Boolean,
+      default: false,
+    },
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      destroyed: false,
+      seen: this.visible,
+    }
+  },
+  provide() {
+    const { ok: modalOk, cancel: modalCancel, close: modalClose } = this;
+    return {
+      modalOk,
+      modalCancel,
+      modalClose,
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    classes() {
+      return ['modal', this.large ? 'modal-large' : '', this.flex ? 'modal-flex' : `modal-${this.position}`, this.transition ? `modal-${this.transition}` : '', this.transparent ? 'modal-trans' : '']
+    },
+    style() {
+      // let defaultStyle = this.flex ? {} : {top: '10%'};
+      let defaultStyle = {}
+      Object.assign(defaultStyle, this.styles)
+      return defaultStyle
+    },
+    maskStyle() {
+      return {
+        background: `rgba(0,0,0,${this.opacity})`,
+      }
+    },
+  },
+  watch: {},
+  created() {
+    this.target = this.global && this.$parent.target ? this.$parent.target : document.body
+    // this.$root.$el.appendChild(this.$el);
+    !this.global &&
+      this.$nextTick(() => {
+        // document.body.appendChild(this.$el);
+        this.target.append(this.$el)
+      })
+  },
+  mounted() {},
+  beforeDestroy() {},
+  destroyed() {
+    // console.log('child destroyed');
+    // document.body.removeChild(this.$el);
+    this.target.removeChild(this.$el)
+  },
+  methods: {
+    open() {
+      if (!this.seen) {
+        this.seen = true
+      }
+    },
+    close() {
+      if (this.seen) {
+        this.seen = false
+      }
+    },
+    ok(data) {
+      this.close()
+      this.$emit('ok', data)
+    },
+    cancel(data) {
+      this.close()
+      this.$emit('cancel', data)
+    },
+    maskhit() {
+      if (this.closeable) {
+        this.cancel()
+      }
+    },
+    beforeEnter() {
+      this.$emit('open')
+    },
+    afterEnter() {
+      this.$emit('opened')
+    },
+    beforeLeave() {
+      this.$emit('close')
+    },
+    afterLeave() {
+      this.$emit('closed')
+      if (!this.single && this.global) {
+        this.$destroy()
+        this.$parent.remove()
+      }
+    },
+  },

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+  <div :class="{'hidden':hidden}" class="pagination-container">
+    <el-pagination
+      :background="background"
+      :current-page.sync="currentPage"
+      :page-size.sync="pageSize"
+      :layout="layout"
+      :page-sizes="pageSizes"
+      :total="total"
+      v-bind="$attrs"
+      @size-change="handleSizeChange"
+      @current-change="handleCurrentChange"
+    />
+  </div>
+  import { scrollTo } from '@/utils/scroll-to'
+  export default {
+    name: 'Pagination',
+    props: {
+      total: {
+        required: true,
+        type: Number
+      },
+      page: {
+        type: Number,
+        default: 1
+      },
+      limit: {
+        type: Number,
+        default: 20
+      },
+      pageSizes: {
+        type: Array,
+        default() {
+          return [10, 20, 30, 50]
+        }
+      },
+      layout: {
+        type: String,
+        default: 'total, prev, pager, next, jumper'
+      },
+      background: {
+        type: Boolean,
+        default: true
+      },
+      autoScroll: {
+        type: Boolean,
+        default: true
+      },
+      hidden: {
+        type: Boolean,
+        default: false
+      }
+    },
+    computed: {
+      currentPage: {
+        get() {
+          return this.page
+        },
+        set(val) {
+          this.$emit('update:page', val)
+        }
+      },
+      pageSize: {
+        get() {
+          return this.limit
+        },
+        set(val) {
+          this.$emit('update:limit', val)
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    methods: {
+      handleSizeChange(val) {
+        this.$emit('pagination', { page: this.currentPage, limit: val })
+        if (this.autoScroll) {
+          scrollTo(0, 800)
+        }
+      },
+      handleCurrentChange(val) {
+        this.$emit('pagination', { page: val, limit: this.pageSize })
+        if (this.autoScroll) {
+          scrollTo(0, 800)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+  .pagination-container {
+    background: #fff;
+    padding: 32px 16px;
+  }
+  .pagination-container.hidden {
+    display: none;
+  }

+ 142 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+  <div :style="{zIndex:zIndex,height:height,width:width}" class="pan-item">
+    <div class="pan-info">
+      <div class="pan-info-roles-container">
+        <slot />
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <!-- eslint-disable-next-line -->
+    <div :style="{backgroundImage: `url(${image})`}" class="pan-thumb"></div>
+  </div>
+export default {
+  name: 'PanThumb',
+  props: {
+    image: {
+      type: String,
+      required: true
+    },
+    zIndex: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 1
+    },
+    width: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '150px'
+    },
+    height: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '150px'
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+.pan-item {
+  width: 200px;
+  height: 200px;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  display: inline-block;
+  position: relative;
+  cursor: default;
+  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+.pan-info-roles-container {
+  padding: 20px;
+  text-align: center;
+.pan-thumb {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  background-position: center center;
+  background-size: cover;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  position: absolute;
+  transform-origin: 95% 40%;
+  transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
+/* .pan-thumb:after {
+  content: '';
+  width: 8px;
+  height: 8px;
+  position: absolute;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  top: 40%;
+  left: 95%;
+  margin: -4px 0 0 -4px;
+  background: radial-gradient(ellipse at center, rgba(14, 14, 14, 1) 0%, rgba(125, 126, 125, 1) 100%);
+  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
+} */
+.pan-info {
+  position: absolute;
+  width: inherit;
+  height: inherit;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+.pan-info h3 {
+  color: #fff;
+  text-transform: uppercase;
+  position: relative;
+  letter-spacing: 2px;
+  font-size: 18px;
+  margin: 0 60px;
+  padding: 22px 0 0 0;
+  height: 85px;
+  font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;
+  text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+.pan-info p {
+  color: #fff;
+  padding: 10px 5px;
+  font-style: italic;
+  margin: 0 30px;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
+.pan-info p a {
+  display: block;
+  color: #333;
+  width: 80px;
+  height: 80px;
+  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  color: #fff;
+  font-style: normal;
+  font-weight: 700;
+  text-transform: uppercase;
+  font-size: 9px;
+  letter-spacing: 1px;
+  padding-top: 24px;
+  margin: 7px auto 0;
+  font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;
+  opacity: 0;
+  transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out 0.2s, opacity 0.3s ease-in-out 0.2s, background 0.2s linear 0s;
+  transform: translateX(60px) rotate(90deg);
+.pan-info p a:hover {
+  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
+.pan-item:hover .pan-thumb {
+  transform: rotate(-110deg);
+.pan-item:hover .pan-info p a {
+  opacity: 1;
+  transform: translateX(0px) rotate(0deg);

+ 145 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+  <div ref="rightPanel" :class="{show:show}" class="rightPanel-container">
+    <div class="rightPanel-background" />
+    <div class="rightPanel">
+      <div class="handle-button" :style="{'top':buttonTop+'px','background-color':theme}" @click="show=!show">
+        <i :class="show?'el-icon-close':'el-icon-setting'" />
+      </div>
+      <div class="rightPanel-items">
+        <slot />
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import { addClass, removeClass } from '@/utils'
+export default {
+  name: 'RightPanel',
+  props: {
+    clickNotClose: {
+      default: false,
+      type: Boolean
+    },
+    buttonTop: {
+      default: 250,
+      type: Number
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      show: false
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    theme() {
+      return this.$store.state.settings.theme
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    show(value) {
+      if (value && !this.clickNotClose) {
+        this.addEventClick()
+      }
+      if (value) {
+        addClass(document.body, 'showRightPanel')
+      } else {
+        removeClass(document.body, 'showRightPanel')
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.insertToBody()
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    const elx = this.$refs.rightPanel
+    elx.remove()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    addEventClick() {
+      window.addEventListener('click', this.closeSidebar)
+    },
+    closeSidebar(evt) {
+      const parent = evt.target.closest('.rightPanel')
+      if (!parent) {
+        this.show = false
+        window.removeEventListener('click', this.closeSidebar)
+      }
+    },
+    insertToBody() {
+      const elx = this.$refs.rightPanel
+      const body = document.querySelector('body')
+      body.insertBefore(elx, body.firstChild)
+    }
+  }
+.showRightPanel {
+  overflow: hidden;
+  position: relative;
+  width: calc(100% - 15px);
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.rightPanel-background {
+  position: fixed;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  opacity: 0;
+  transition: opacity .3s cubic-bezier(.7, .3, .1, 1);
+  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
+  z-index: -1;
+.rightPanel {
+  width: 100%;
+  max-width: 260px;
+  height: 100vh;
+  position: fixed;
+  top: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
+  transition: all .25s cubic-bezier(.7, .3, .1, 1);
+  transform: translate(100%);
+  background: #fff;
+  z-index: 40000;
+.show {
+  transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.7, .3, .1, 1);
+  .rightPanel-background {
+    z-index: 20000;
+    opacity: 1;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+  }
+  .rightPanel {
+    transform: translate(0);
+  }
+.handle-button {
+  width: 48px;
+  height: 48px;
+  position: absolute;
+  left: -48px;
+  text-align: center;
+  font-size: 24px;
+  border-radius: 6px 0 0 6px !important;
+  z-index: 0;
+  pointer-events: auto;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  color: #fff;
+  line-height: 48px;
+  i {
+    font-size: 24px;
+    line-height: 48px;
+  }

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  <div>
+    <svg-icon :icon-class="isFullscreen?'exit-fullscreen':'fullscreen'" @click="click" />
+  </div>
+import screenfull from 'screenfull'
+export default {
+  name: 'Screenfull',
+  data() {
+    return {
+      isFullscreen: false
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.init()
+  },
+  beforeDestroy() {
+    this.destroy()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    click() {
+      if (!screenfull.enabled) {
+        this.$message({
+          message: 'you browser can not work',
+          type: 'warning'
+        })
+        return false
+      }
+      screenfull.toggle()
+    },
+    change() {
+      this.isFullscreen = screenfull.isFullscreen
+    },
+    init() {
+      if (screenfull.enabled) {
+        screenfull.on('change', this.change)
+      }
+    },
+    destroy() {
+      if (screenfull.enabled) {
+        screenfull.off('change', this.change)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+.screenfull-svg {
+  display: inline-block;
+  cursor: pointer;
+  fill: #5a5e66;;
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+  vertical-align: 10px;

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+  <div :class="{active:isActive}" class="share-dropdown-menu">
+    <div class="share-dropdown-menu-wrapper">
+      <span class="share-dropdown-menu-title" @click.self="clickTitle">{{ title }}</span>
+      <div v-for="(item,index) of items" :key="index" class="share-dropdown-menu-item">
+        <a v-if="item.href" :href="item.href" target="_blank">{{ item.title }}</a>
+        <span v-else>{{ item.title }}</span>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+export default {
+  props: {
+    items: {
+      type: Array,
+      default: function() {
+        return []
+      }
+    },
+    title: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'vue'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      isActive: false
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    clickTitle() {
+      this.isActive = !this.isActive
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" >
+$n: 9; //和items.length 相同
+$t: .1s;
+.share-dropdown-menu {
+  width: 250px;
+  position: relative;
+  z-index: 1;
+  height: auto!important;
+  &-title {
+    width: 100%;
+    display: block;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    background: black;
+    color: white;
+    height: 60px;
+    line-height: 60px;
+    font-size: 20px;
+    text-align: center;
+    z-index: 2;
+    transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
+  }
+  &-wrapper {
+    position: relative;
+  }
+  &-item {
+    text-align: center;
+    position: absolute;
+    width: 100%;
+    background: #e0e0e0;
+    color: #000;
+    line-height: 60px;
+    height: 60px;
+    cursor: pointer;
+    font-size: 18px;
+    overflow: hidden;
+    opacity: 1;
+    transition: transform 0.28s ease;
+    &:hover {
+      background: black;
+      color: white;
+    }
+    @for $i from 1 through $n {
+      &:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
+        z-index: -1;
+        transition-delay: $i*$t;
+        transform: translate3d(0, -60px, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  &.active {
+    .share-dropdown-menu-wrapper {
+      z-index: 1;
+    }
+    .share-dropdown-menu-item {
+      @for $i from 1 through $n {
+        &:nth-of-type(#{$i}) {
+          transition-delay: ($n - $i)*$t;
+          transform: translate3d(0, ($i - 1)*60px, 0);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  <el-dropdown trigger="click" @command="handleSetSize">
+    <div>
+      <svg-icon class-name="size-icon" icon-class="size" />
+    </div>
+    <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
+      <el-dropdown-item v-for="item of sizeOptions" :key="item.value" :disabled="size===item.value" :command="item.value">
+        {{
+          item.label }}
+      </el-dropdown-item>
+    </el-dropdown-menu>
+  </el-dropdown>
+export default {
+  data() {
+    return {
+      sizeOptions: [
+        { label: 'Default', value: 'default' },
+        { label: 'Medium', value: 'medium' },
+        { label: 'Small', value: 'small' },
+        { label: 'Mini', value: 'mini' }
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    size() {
+      return this.$store.getters.size
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    handleSetSize(size) {
+      this.$ELEMENT.size = size
+      this.$store.dispatch('app/setSize', size)
+      this.refreshView()
+      this.$message({
+        message: 'Switch Size Success',
+        type: 'success'
+      })
+    },
+    refreshView() {
+      // In order to make the cached page re-rendered
+      this.$store.dispatch('tagsView/delAllCachedViews', this.$route)
+      const { fullPath } = this.$route
+      this.$nextTick(() => {
+        this.$router.replace({
+          path: '/redirect' + fullPath
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  }

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+  <div :style="{height:height+'px',zIndex:zIndex}">
+    <div
+      :class="className"
+      :style="{top:(isSticky ? stickyTop +'px' : ''),zIndex:zIndex,position:position,width:width,height:height+'px'}"
+    >
+      <slot>
+        <div>sticky</div>
+      </slot>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+export default {
+  name: 'Sticky',
+  props: {
+    stickyTop: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 0
+    },
+    zIndex: {
+      type: Number,
+      default: 1
+    },
+    className: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      active: false,
+      position: '',
+      width: undefined,
+      height: undefined,
+      isSticky: false
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.height = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().height
+    window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll)
+    window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+  },
+  activated() {
+    this.handleScroll()
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll)
+    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
+  },
+  methods: {
+    sticky() {
+      if (this.active) {
+        return
+      }
+      this.position = 'fixed'
+      this.active = true
+      this.width = this.width + 'px'
+      this.isSticky = true
+    },
+    handleReset() {
+      if (!this.active) {
+        return
+      }
+      this.reset()
+    },
+    reset() {
+      this.position = ''
+      this.width = 'auto'
+      this.active = false
+      this.isSticky = false
+    },
+    handleScroll() {
+      const width = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().width
+      this.width = width || 'auto'
+      const offsetTop = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().top
+      if (offsetTop < this.stickyTop) {
+        this.sticky()
+        return
+      }
+      this.handleReset()
+    },
+    handleResize() {
+      if (this.isSticky) {
+        this.width = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px'
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+  <div v-if="isExternal" :style="styleExternalIcon" class="svg-external-icon svg-icon" v-on="$listeners" />
+  <svg v-else :class="svgClass" aria-hidden="true" v-on="$listeners">
+    <use :xlink:href="iconName" />
+  </svg>
+// doc: https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/feature/component/svg-icon.html#usage
+import { isExternal } from '@/utils/validate'
+export default {
+  name: 'SvgIcon',
+  props: {
+    iconClass: {
+      type: String,
+      required: true
+    },
+    className: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    isExternal() {
+      return isExternal(this.iconClass)
+    },
+    iconName() {
+      return `#icon-${this.iconClass}`
+    },
+    svgClass() {
+      if (this.className) {
+        return 'svg-icon ' + this.className
+      } else {
+        return 'svg-icon'
+      }
+    },
+    styleExternalIcon() {
+      return {
+        mask: `url(${this.iconClass}) no-repeat 50% 50%`,
+        '-webkit-mask': `url(${this.iconClass}) no-repeat 50% 50%`
+      }
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+.svg-icon {
+  width: 1em;
+  height: 1em;
+  vertical-align: -0.15em;
+  fill: currentColor;
+  overflow: hidden;
+.svg-external-icon {
+  background-color: currentColor;
+  mask-size: cover!important;
+  display: inline-block;

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+  <a :class="className" class="link--mallki" href="#">
+    {{ text }}
+    <span :data-letters="text" />
+    <span :data-letters="text" />
+  </a>
+export default {
+  props: {
+    className: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    },
+    text: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'vue-element-admin'
+    }
+  }
+/* Mallki */
+.link--mallki {
+  font-weight: 800;
+  color: #4dd9d5;
+  font-family: 'Dosis', sans-serif;
+  -webkit-transition: color 0.5s 0.25s;
+  transition: color 0.5s 0.25s;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  position: relative;
+  display: inline-block;
+  line-height: 1;
+  outline: none;
+  text-decoration: none;
+.link--mallki:hover {
+  -webkit-transition: none;
+  transition: none;
+  color: transparent;
+.link--mallki::before {
+  content: '';
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 6px;
+  margin: -3px 0 0 0;
+  background: #3888fa;
+  position: absolute;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 50%;
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
+  transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
+  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.4s;
+  transition: transform 0.4s;
+  -webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1);
+  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1);
+.link--mallki:hover::before {
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
+  transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
+.link--mallki span {
+  position: absolute;
+  height: 50%;
+  width: 100%;
+  left: 0;
+  top: 0;
+  overflow: hidden;
+.link--mallki span::before {
+  content: attr(data-letters);
+  color: red;
+  position: absolute;
+  left: 0;
+  width: 100%;
+  color: #3888fa;
+  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.5s;
+  transition: transform 0.5s;
+.link--mallki span:nth-child(2) {
+  top: 50%;
+.link--mallki span:first-child::before {
+  top: 0;
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
+  transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0);
+.link--mallki span:nth-child(2)::before {
+  bottom: 0;
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0);
+  transform: translate3d(0, -100%, 0);
+.link--mallki:hover span::before {
+  -webkit-transition-delay: 0.3s;
+  transition-delay: 0.3s;
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+  transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+  -webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1);
+  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.2, 1, 0.3, 1);

+ 175 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+  <el-color-picker
+    v-model="theme"
+    :predefine="['#409EFF', '#1890ff', '#304156','#212121','#11a983', '#13c2c2', '#6959CD', '#f5222d', ]"
+    class="theme-picker"
+    popper-class="theme-picker-dropdown"
+  />
+const version = require('element-ui/package.json').version // element-ui version from node_modules
+const ORIGINAL_THEME = '#409EFF' // default color
+export default {
+  data() {
+    return {
+      chalk: '', // content of theme-chalk css
+      theme: ''
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    defaultTheme() {
+      return this.$store.state.settings.theme
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    defaultTheme: {
+      handler: function(val, oldVal) {
+        this.theme = val
+      },
+      immediate: true
+    },
+    async theme(val) {
+      const oldVal = this.chalk ? this.theme : ORIGINAL_THEME
+      if (typeof val !== 'string') return
+      const themeCluster = this.getThemeCluster(val.replace('#', ''))
+      const originalCluster = this.getThemeCluster(oldVal.replace('#', ''))
+      console.log(themeCluster, originalCluster)
+      const $message = this.$message({
+        message: '  Compiling the theme',
+        customClass: 'theme-message',
+        type: 'success',
+        duration: 0,
+        iconClass: 'el-icon-loading'
+      })
+      const getHandler = (variable, id) => {
+        return () => {
+          const originalCluster = this.getThemeCluster(ORIGINAL_THEME.replace('#', ''))
+          const newStyle = this.updateStyle(this[variable], originalCluster, themeCluster)
+          let styleTag = document.getElementById(id)
+          if (!styleTag) {
+            styleTag = document.createElement('style')
+            styleTag.setAttribute('id', id)
+            document.head.appendChild(styleTag)
+          }
+          styleTag.innerText = newStyle
+        }
+      }
+      if (!this.chalk) {
+        const url = `https://unpkg.com/element-ui@${version}/lib/theme-chalk/index.css`
+        await this.getCSSString(url, 'chalk')
+      }
+      const chalkHandler = getHandler('chalk', 'chalk-style')
+      chalkHandler()
+      const styles = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('style'))
+        .filter(style => {
+          const text = style.innerText
+          return new RegExp(oldVal, 'i').test(text) && !/Chalk Variables/.test(text)
+        })
+      styles.forEach(style => {
+        const { innerText } = style
+        if (typeof innerText !== 'string') return
+        style.innerText = this.updateStyle(innerText, originalCluster, themeCluster)
+      })
+      this.$emit('change', val)
+      $message.close()
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    updateStyle(style, oldCluster, newCluster) {
+      let newStyle = style
+      oldCluster.forEach((color, index) => {
+        newStyle = newStyle.replace(new RegExp(color, 'ig'), newCluster[index])
+      })
+      return newStyle
+    },
+    getCSSString(url, variable) {
+      return new Promise(resolve => {
+        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
+        xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
+          if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
+            this[variable] = xhr.responseText.replace(/@font-face{[^}]+}/, '')
+            resolve()
+          }
+        }
+        xhr.open('GET', url)
+        xhr.send()
+      })
+    },
+    getThemeCluster(theme) {
+      const tintColor = (color, tint) => {
+        let red = parseInt(color.slice(0, 2), 16)
+        let green = parseInt(color.slice(2, 4), 16)
+        let blue = parseInt(color.slice(4, 6), 16)
+        if (tint === 0) { // when primary color is in its rgb space
+          return [red, green, blue].join(',')
+        } else {
+          red += Math.round(tint * (255 - red))
+          green += Math.round(tint * (255 - green))
+          blue += Math.round(tint * (255 - blue))
+          red = red.toString(16)
+          green = green.toString(16)
+          blue = blue.toString(16)
+          return `#${red}${green}${blue}`
+        }
+      }
+      const shadeColor = (color, shade) => {
+        let red = parseInt(color.slice(0, 2), 16)
+        let green = parseInt(color.slice(2, 4), 16)
+        let blue = parseInt(color.slice(4, 6), 16)
+        red = Math.round((1 - shade) * red)
+        green = Math.round((1 - shade) * green)
+        blue = Math.round((1 - shade) * blue)
+        red = red.toString(16)
+        green = green.toString(16)
+        blue = blue.toString(16)
+        return `#${red}${green}${blue}`
+      }
+      const clusters = [theme]
+      for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
+        clusters.push(tintColor(theme, Number((i / 10).toFixed(2))))
+      }
+      clusters.push(shadeColor(theme, 0.1))
+      return clusters
+    }
+  }
+.theme-picker-dropdown {
+  z-index: 99999 !important;
+.theme-picker .el-color-picker__trigger {
+  height: 26px !important;
+  width: 26px !important;
+  padding: 2px;
+.theme-picker-dropdown .el-color-dropdown__link-btn {
+  display: none;

+ 111 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  <div class="upload-container">
+    <el-button :style="{background:color,borderColor:color}" icon="el-icon-upload" size="mini" type="primary" @click=" dialogVisible=true">
+      upload
+    </el-button>
+    <el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
+      <el-upload
+        :multiple="true"
+        :file-list="fileList"
+        :show-file-list="true"
+        :on-remove="handleRemove"
+        :on-success="handleSuccess"
+        :before-upload="beforeUpload"
+        class="editor-slide-upload"
+        action="https://httpbin.org/post"
+        list-type="picture-card"
+      >
+        <el-button size="small" type="primary">
+          Click upload
+        </el-button>
+      </el-upload>
+      <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">
+        Cancel
+      </el-button>
+      <el-button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">
+        Confirm
+      </el-button>
+    </el-dialog>
+  </div>
+// import { getToken } from 'api/qiniu'
+export default {
+  name: 'EditorSlideUpload',
+  props: {
+    color: {
+      type: String,
+      default: '#1890ff'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      dialogVisible: false,
+      listObj: {},
+      fileList: []
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    checkAllSuccess() {
+      return Object.keys(this.listObj).every(item => this.listObj[item].hasSuccess)
+    },
+    handleSubmit() {
+      const arr = Object.keys(this.listObj).map(v => this.listObj[v])
+      if (!this.checkAllSuccess()) {
+        this.$message('Please wait for all images to be uploaded successfully. If there is a network problem, please refresh the page and upload again!')
+        return
+      }
+      this.$emit('successCBK', arr)
+      this.listObj = {}
+      this.fileList = []
+      this.dialogVisible = false
+    },
+    handleSuccess(response, file) {
+      const uid = file.uid
+      const objKeyArr = Object.keys(this.listObj)
+      for (let i = 0, len = objKeyArr.length; i < len; i++) {
+        if (this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].uid === uid) {
+          this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].url = response.files.file
+          this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].hasSuccess = true
+          return
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    handleRemove(file) {
+      const uid = file.uid
+      const objKeyArr = Object.keys(this.listObj)
+      for (let i = 0, len = objKeyArr.length; i < len; i++) {
+        if (this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].uid === uid) {
+          delete this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]]
+          return
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    beforeUpload(file) {
+      const _self = this
+      const _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL
+      const fileName = file.uid
+      this.listObj[fileName] = {}
+      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        const img = new Image()
+        img.src = _URL.createObjectURL(file)
+        img.onload = function() {
+          _self.listObj[fileName] = { hasSuccess: false, uid: file.uid, width: this.width, height: this.height }
+        }
+        resolve(true)
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.editor-slide-upload {
+  margin-bottom: 20px;
+  ::v-deep .el-upload--picture-card {
+    width: 100%;
+  }

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+let callbacks = []
+function loadedTinymce() {
+  // to fixed https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/2144
+  // check is successfully downloaded script
+  return window.tinymce
+const dynamicLoadScript = (src, callback) => {
+  const existingScript = document.getElementById(src)
+  const cb = callback || function() {}
+  if (!existingScript) {
+    const script = document.createElement('script')
+    script.src = src // src url for the third-party library being loaded.
+    script.id = src
+    document.body.appendChild(script)
+    callbacks.push(cb)
+    const onEnd = 'onload' in script ? stdOnEnd : ieOnEnd
+    onEnd(script)
+  }
+  if (existingScript && cb) {
+    if (loadedTinymce()) {
+      cb(null, existingScript)
+    } else {
+      callbacks.push(cb)
+    }
+  }
+  function stdOnEnd(script) {
+    script.onload = function() {
+      // this.onload = null here is necessary
+      // because even IE9 works not like others
+      this.onerror = this.onload = null
+      for (const cb of callbacks) {
+        cb(null, script)
+      }
+      callbacks = null
+    }
+    script.onerror = function() {
+      this.onerror = this.onload = null
+      cb(new Error('Failed to load ' + src), script)
+    }
+  }
+  function ieOnEnd(script) {
+    script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+      if (this.readyState !== 'complete' && this.readyState !== 'loaded') return
+      this.onreadystatechange = null
+      for (const cb of callbacks) {
+        cb(null, script) // there is no way to catch loading errors in IE8
+      }
+      callbacks = null
+    }
+  }
+export default dynamicLoadScript

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+  <div :class="{fullscreen:fullscreen}" class="tinymce-container" :style="{width:containerWidth}">
+    <textarea :id="tinymceId" class="tinymce-textarea" />
+    <div class="editor-custom-btn-container">
+      <editorImage color="#1890ff" class="editor-upload-btn" @successCBK="imageSuccessCBK" />
+    </div>
+  </div>
+ * docs:
+ * https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/feature/component/rich-editor.html#tinymce
+ */
+import editorImage from './components/EditorImage'
+import plugins from './plugins'
+import toolbar from './toolbar'
+import load from './dynamicLoadScript'
+// why use this cdn, detail see https://github.com/PanJiaChen/tinymce-all-in-one
+const tinymceCDN = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tinymce-all-in-one@4.9.3/tinymce.min.js'
+export default {
+  name: 'Tinymce',
+  components: { editorImage },
+  props: {
+    id: {
+      type: String,
+      default: function() {
+        return 'vue-tinymce-' + +new Date() + ((Math.random() * 1000).toFixed(0) + '')
+      }
+    },
+    value: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    },
+    toolbar: {
+      type: Array,
+      required: false,
+      default() {
+        return []
+      }
+    },
+    menubar: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'file edit insert view format table'
+    },
+    height: {
+      type: [Number, String],
+      required: false,
+      default: 360
+    },
+    width: {
+      type: [Number, String],
+      required: false,
+      default: 'auto'
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      hasChange: false,
+      hasInit: false,
+      tinymceId: this.id,
+      fullscreen: false,
+      languageTypeList: {
+        'en': 'en',
+        'zh': 'zh_CN',
+        'es': 'es_MX',
+        'ja': 'ja'
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    containerWidth() {
+      const width = this.width
+      if (/^[\d]+(\.[\d]+)?$/.test(width)) { // matches `100`, `'100'`
+        return `${width}px`
+      }
+      return width
+    }
+  },
+  watch: {
+    value(val) {
+      if (!this.hasChange && this.hasInit) {
+        this.$nextTick(() =>
+          window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId).setContent(val || ''))
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.init()
+  },
+  activated() {
+    if (window.tinymce) {
+      this.initTinymce()
+    }
+  },
+  deactivated() {
+    this.destroyTinymce()
+  },
+  destroyed() {
+    this.destroyTinymce()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    init() {
+      // dynamic load tinymce from cdn
+      load(tinymceCDN, (err) => {
+        if (err) {
+          this.$message.error(err.message)
+          return
+        }
+        this.initTinymce()
+      })
+    },
+    initTinymce() {
+      const _this = this
+      window.tinymce.init({
+        selector: `#${this.tinymceId}`,
+        language: this.languageTypeList['en'],
+        height: this.height,
+        body_class: 'panel-body ',
+        object_resizing: false,
+        toolbar: this.toolbar.length > 0 ? this.toolbar : toolbar,
+        menubar: this.menubar,
+        plugins: plugins,
+        end_container_on_empty_block: true,
+        powerpaste_word_import: 'clean',
+        code_dialog_height: 450,
+        code_dialog_width: 1000,
+        advlist_bullet_styles: 'square',
+        advlist_number_styles: 'default',
+        imagetools_cors_hosts: ['www.tinymce.com', 'codepen.io'],
+        default_link_target: '_blank',
+        link_title: false,
+        nonbreaking_force_tab: true, // inserting nonbreaking space &nbsp; need Nonbreaking Space Plugin
+        init_instance_callback: editor => {
+          if (_this.value) {
+            editor.setContent(_this.value)
+          }
+          _this.hasInit = true
+          editor.on('NodeChange Change KeyUp SetContent', () => {
+            this.hasChange = true
+            this.$emit('input', editor.getContent())
+          })
+        },
+        setup(editor) {
+          editor.on('FullscreenStateChanged', (e) => {
+            _this.fullscreen = e.state
+          })
+        },
+        // it will try to keep these URLs intact
+        // https://www.tiny.cloud/docs-3x/reference/configuration/Configuration3x@convert_urls/
+        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5196205/disable-tinymce-absolute-to-relative-url-conversions
+        convert_urls: false
+        // 整合七牛上传
+        // images_dataimg_filter(img) {
+        //   setTimeout(() => {
+        //     const $image = $(img);
+        //     $image.removeAttr('width');
+        //     $image.removeAttr('height');
+        //     if ($image[0].height && $image[0].width) {
+        //       $image.attr('data-wscntype', 'image');
+        //       $image.attr('data-wscnh', $image[0].height);
+        //       $image.attr('data-wscnw', $image[0].width);
+        //       $image.addClass('wscnph');
+        //     }
+        //   }, 0);
+        //   return img
+        // },
+        // images_upload_handler(blobInfo, success, failure, progress) {
+        //   progress(0);
+        //   const token = _this.$store.getters.token;
+        //   getToken(token).then(response => {
+        //     const url = response.data.qiniu_url;
+        //     const formData = new FormData();
+        //     formData.append('token', response.data.qiniu_token);
+        //     formData.append('key', response.data.qiniu_key);
+        //     formData.append('file', blobInfo.blob(), url);
+        //     upload(formData).then(() => {
+        //       success(url);
+        //       progress(100);
+        //     })
+        //   }).catch(err => {
+        //     failure('出现未知问题,刷新页面,或者联系程序员')
+        //     console.log(err);
+        //   });
+        // },
+      })
+    },
+    destroyTinymce() {
+      const tinymce = window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId)
+      if (this.fullscreen) {
+        tinymce.execCommand('mceFullScreen')
+      }
+      if (tinymce) {
+        tinymce.destroy()
+      }
+    },
+    setContent(value) {
+      window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId).setContent(value)
+    },
+    getContent() {
+      window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId).getContent()
+    },
+    imageSuccessCBK(arr) {
+      arr.forEach(v => window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId).insertContent(`<img class="wscnph" src="${v.url}" >`))
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.tinymce-container {
+  position: relative;
+  line-height: normal;
+.tinymce-container {
+  ::v-deep {
+    .mce-fullscreen {
+      z-index: 10000;
+    }
+  }
+.tinymce-textarea {
+  visibility: hidden;
+  z-index: -1;
+.editor-custom-btn-container {
+  position: absolute;
+  right: 4px;
+  top: 4px;
+  /*z-index: 2005;*/
+.fullscreen .editor-custom-btn-container {
+  z-index: 10000;
+  position: fixed;
+.editor-upload-btn {
+  display: inline-block;

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// Any plugins you want to use has to be imported
+// Detail plugins list see https://www.tinymce.com/docs/plugins/
+// Custom builds see https://www.tinymce.com/download/custom-builds/
+const plugins = ['advlist anchor autolink autosave code codesample colorpicker colorpicker contextmenu directionality emoticons fullscreen hr image imagetools insertdatetime link lists media nonbreaking noneditable pagebreak paste preview print save searchreplace spellchecker tabfocus table template textcolor textpattern visualblocks visualchars wordcount']
+export default plugins

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// Here is a list of the toolbar
+// Detail list see https://www.tinymce.com/docs/advanced/editor-control-identifiers/#toolbarcontrols
+const toolbar = ['searchreplace bold italic underline strikethrough alignleft aligncenter alignright outdent indent  blockquote undo redo removeformat subscript superscript code codesample', 'hr bullist numlist link image charmap preview anchor pagebreak insertdatetime media table emoticons forecolor backcolor fullscreen']
+export default toolbar

+ 171 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+  <div>
+    <el-col :span="12">
+      <el-upload
+        ref="upload"
+        :limit="1"
+        :action="action"
+        :auto-upload="true"
+        :show-file-list="false"
+        :before-upload="uploadBefore"
+        :on-success="uploadSuccess"
+        :on-change="handleChange"
+      >
+        <span style="float: left;">
+          <el-button plain type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-plus">
+            Select file
+          </el-button>
+        </span>
+        <br>
+      </el-upload>
+    </el-col>
+    <el-col :span="12">
+      <span> {{ file.filename || '' }} </span>
+    </el-col>
+  </div>
+import { authDB } from '@/db'
+//import md5 from '@/utils/md5'
+const getAction = function() {
+  const uid = authDB.get('uid')||0;
+  return '/upload?uid=${uid}&type=property'
+export default {
+  name: 'Upload',
+  components:{},
+  props: {
+    titleFile: {
+      type: String,
+      default: 'Title',
+    },
+  },
+  data() {
+    //let action = getAction();
+    return {
+      action: getAction(),
+      file: {
+        title: '',
+        filename: '',
+        url: '',
+        change: false,
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  created() {
+    this.file.title = this.titleFile
+  },
+  methods: {
+    uploadFile() {
+      // upload file to url specified by action
+      this.$refs.upload.submit();
+    },
+    uploadBefore(file) {
+      // 限制上传类型
+      let fileExtensions = '.jpg'
+      //限制的上限为20M
+      const max2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2;
+      if (!fileExtensions) {
+        this.$message.error('Only upload file is .doc, .docx, .pdf!');
+      }
+      if (!max2M) {
+        this.$message.error('Each file limit 2MB size!');
+      }
+      return fileExtensions && max2M;
+    },
+    uploadSuccess(res) {
+      const { data } = res;
+      if (data) {
+        this.file.url = data.url;
+        this.$emit('onFinish', this.file);
+      }
+    },
+    handleChange(file) {
+      if (file.status == 'ready') {
+        this.file.filename = file.name;
+        this.file.url = '';
+        this.file.change = true;
+      }
+    },
+    /*
+    handleRemove(file) {
+      this.$emit('onRemove', file.name);
+      this.file.title = '';
+      this.file.filename = '';
+      this.file.url = '';
+    },
+    */
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
+.upload-container {
+  width: 100%;
+  position: relative;
+  @include clearfix;
+  .image-uploader {
+    width: 100px;
+    display:block;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: auto;
+  }
+  .image-preview {
+    width: 100px;
+    position: relative;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    float: left;
+    .image-preview-wrapper {
+      position: relative;
+      width: 100%;
+      img {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: auto;
+      }
+    }
+    .image-preview-action {
+      position: absolute;
+      left: 0;
+      top: 0;
+      cursor: default;
+      text-align: center;
+      color: #fff;
+      opacity: 0;
+      font-size: 20px;
+      background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
+      transition: opacity .3s;
+      cursor: pointer;
+      text-align: center;
+      .el-icon-delete {
+        font-size: 36px;
+      }
+    }
+    &:hover {
+      .image-preview-action {
+        opacity: 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .image-app-preview {
+    position: relative;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    float: left;
+    // margin-left: 50px;
+    .app-fake-conver {
+      height: 44px;
+      position: absolute;
+      width: 100%; // background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
+      text-align: center;
+      line-height: 64px;
+      color: #fff;
+    }
+  }

+ 150 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+  <div>
+    <el-upload
+      name="file"
+      multiple
+      :action="action"
+      :show-file-list="false"
+      :on-success="handleSuccess"
+      :before-upload="beforeUpload"
+    >
+      <p style="text-algin: center;">
+        <el-button size="small">
+          <i class="el-icon-upload el-icon--left" />
+          Select file
+        </el-button>
+      </p>
+    </el-upload>
+    <!--
+    <p> {{src.filename||''}} </p>
+    -->
+  </div>
+import { authDB } from '@/db'
+import md5 from '@/utils/md5'
+const getAction = function(){
+  const uid = authDB.get('uid')||0;
+  return '/upload?uid=${uid}&type=property'
+export default {
+  name: 'Upload',
+  components:{},
+  props: {
+    /*
+    placeholder:{
+      type: String,
+      default: '',
+    },
+    src:{
+      type: Object,
+      default:{
+        url: '',
+        title:'',
+        filename:''
+      }
+    }
+    */
+  },
+  data() {
+    let action = getAction();
+    return {
+      action,
+      //errorImg: 'this.src="' + require('@/assets/404_images/null.jpg') + '"',
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    beforeUpload(file) {
+      // 限制上传类型
+      let fileExtensions = ".jpg"
+      //限制的上限为20M
+      const max2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2;
+      if (!fileExtensions) {
+        this.$message.error('Only upload file is .doc, .docx, .pdf!');
+      }
+      if (!max2M) {
+        this.$message.error('Each file limit 2MB size!');
+      }
+      return fileExtensions && max2M;
+    },
+    handleSuccess(res) {
+      if (res.data) {
+        this.$emit("onFinish", {url:res.data.url});
+      }
+    },
+    rmImage() {
+      this.$emit('onRemove' );
+    },
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
+.upload-container {
+  width: 100%;
+  position: relative;
+  @include clearfix;
+  .image-uploader {
+    width: 100px;
+    display:block;
+    width: 100%;
+    height: auto;
+  }
+  .image-preview {
+    width: 100px;
+    position: relative;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    float: left;
+    .image-preview-wrapper {
+      position: relative;
+      width: 100%;
+      img {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: auto;
+      }
+    }
+    .image-preview-action {
+      position: absolute;
+      left: 0;
+      top: 0;
+      cursor: default;
+      text-align: center;
+      color: #fff;
+      opacity: 0;
+      font-size: 20px;
+      background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
+      transition: opacity .3s;
+      cursor: pointer;
+      text-align: center;
+      .el-icon-delete {
+        font-size: 36px;
+      }
+    }
+    &:hover {
+      .image-preview-action {
+        opacity: 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .image-app-preview {
+    position: relative;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    float: left;
+    // margin-left: 50px;
+    .app-fake-conver {
+      height: 44px;
+      position: absolute;
+      width: 100%; // background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
+      text-align: center;
+      line-height: 64px;
+      color: #fff;
+    }
+  }

+ 134 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+  <div class="upload-container">
+    <el-upload
+      :data="dataObj"
+      :multiple="false"
+      :show-file-list="false"
+      :on-success="handleImageSuccess"
+      class="image-uploader"
+      drag
+      action="https://httpbin.org/post"
+    >
+      <i class="el-icon-upload" />
+      <div class="el-upload__text">
+        将文件拖到此处,或<em>点击上传</em>
+      </div>
+    </el-upload>
+    <div class="image-preview">
+      <div v-show="imageUrl.length>1" class="image-preview-wrapper">
+        <img :src="imageUrl+'?imageView2/1/w/200/h/200'">
+        <div class="image-preview-action">
+          <i class="el-icon-delete" @click="rmImage" />
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import { getToken } from '@/api/qiniu'
+export default {
+  name: 'SingleImageUpload',
+  props: {
+    value: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      tempUrl: '',
+      dataObj: { token: '', key: '' }
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    imageUrl() {
+      return this.value
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    rmImage() {
+      this.emitInput('')
+    },
+    emitInput(val) {
+      this.$emit('input', val)
+    },
+    handleImageSuccess() {
+      this.emitInput(this.tempUrl)
+    },
+    beforeUpload() {
+      const _self = this
+      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        getToken().then(response => {
+          const key = response.data.qiniu_key
+          const token = response.data.qiniu_token
+          _self._data.dataObj.token = token
+          _self._data.dataObj.key = key
+          this.tempUrl = response.data.qiniu_url
+          resolve(true)
+        }).catch(err => {
+          console.log(err)
+          reject(false)
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+    @import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
+    .upload-container {
+        width: 100%;
+        position: relative;
+        @include clearfix;
+        .image-uploader {
+            width: 60%;
+            float: left;
+        }
+        .image-preview {
+            width: 200px;
+            height: 200px;
+            position: relative;
+            border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+            float: left;
+            margin-left: 50px;
+            .image-preview-wrapper {
+                position: relative;
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 100%;
+                img {
+                    width: 100%;
+                    height: 100%;
+                }
+            }
+            .image-preview-action {
+                position: absolute;
+                width: 100%;
+                height: 100%;
+                left: 0;
+                top: 0;
+                cursor: default;
+                text-align: center;
+                color: #fff;
+                opacity: 0;
+                font-size: 20px;
+                background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
+                transition: opacity .3s;
+                cursor: pointer;
+                text-align: center;
+                line-height: 200px;
+                .el-icon-delete {
+                    font-size: 36px;
+                }
+            }
+            &:hover {
+                .image-preview-action {
+                    opacity: 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+  <div class="singleImageUpload2 upload-container">
+    <el-upload
+      :data="dataObj"
+      :multiple="false"
+      :show-file-list="false"
+      :on-success="handleImageSuccess"
+      class="image-uploader"
+      drag
+      action="https://httpbin.org/post"
+    >
+      <i class="el-icon-upload" />
+      <div class="el-upload__text">
+        Drag或<em>点击上传</em>
+      </div>
+    </el-upload>
+    <div v-show="imageUrl.length>0" class="image-preview">
+      <div v-show="imageUrl.length>1" class="image-preview-wrapper">
+        <img :src="imageUrl">
+        <div class="image-preview-action">
+          <i class="el-icon-delete" @click="rmImage" />
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import { getToken } from '@/api/qiniu'
+export default {
+  name: 'SingleImageUpload2',
+  props: {
+    value: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      tempUrl: '',
+      dataObj: { token: '', key: '' }
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    imageUrl() {
+      return this.value
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    rmImage() {
+      this.emitInput('')
+    },
+    emitInput(val) {
+      this.$emit('input', val)
+    },
+    handleImageSuccess() {
+      this.emitInput(this.tempUrl)
+    },
+    beforeUpload() {
+      const _self = this
+      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        getToken().then(response => {
+          const key = response.data.qiniu_key
+          const token = response.data.qiniu_token
+          _self._data.dataObj.token = token
+          _self._data.dataObj.key = key
+          this.tempUrl = response.data.qiniu_url
+          resolve(true)
+        }).catch(() => {
+          reject(false)
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.upload-container {
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 100%;
+  position: relative;
+  .image-uploader {
+    height: 100%;
+  }
+  .image-preview {
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 100%;
+    position: absolute;
+    left: 0px;
+    top: 0px;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    .image-preview-wrapper {
+      position: relative;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      img {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: 100%;
+      }
+    }
+    .image-preview-action {
+      position: absolute;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      left: 0;
+      top: 0;
+      cursor: default;
+      text-align: center;
+      color: #fff;
+      opacity: 0;
+      font-size: 20px;
+      background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
+      transition: opacity .3s;
+      cursor: pointer;
+      text-align: center;
+      line-height: 200px;
+      .el-icon-delete {
+        font-size: 36px;
+      }
+    }
+    &:hover {
+      .image-preview-action {
+        opacity: 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 157 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+  <div class="upload-container">
+    <el-upload
+      :data="dataObj"
+      :multiple="false"
+      :show-file-list="false"
+      :on-success="handleImageSuccess"
+      class="image-uploader"
+      drag
+      action="https://httpbin.org/post"
+    >
+      <i class="el-icon-upload" />
+      <div class="el-upload__text">
+        将文件拖到此处,或<em>点击上传</em>
+      </div>
+    </el-upload>
+    <div class="image-preview image-app-preview">
+      <div v-show="imageUrl.length>1" class="image-preview-wrapper">
+        <img :src="imageUrl">
+        <div class="image-preview-action">
+          <i class="el-icon-delete" @click="rmImage" />
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="image-preview">
+      <div v-show="imageUrl.length>1" class="image-preview-wrapper">
+        <img :src="imageUrl">
+        <div class="image-preview-action">
+          <i class="el-icon-delete" @click="rmImage" />
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import { getToken } from '@/api/qiniu'
+export default {
+  name: 'SingleImageUpload3',
+  props: {
+    value: {
+      type: String,
+      default: ''
+    }
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      tempUrl: '',
+      dataObj: { token: '', key: '' }
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    imageUrl() {
+      return this.value
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    rmImage() {
+      this.emitInput('')
+    },
+    emitInput(val) {
+      this.$emit('input', val)
+    },
+    handleImageSuccess(file) {
+      this.emitInput(file.files.file)
+    },
+    beforeUpload() {
+      const _self = this
+      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        getToken().then(response => {
+          const key = response.data.qiniu_key
+          const token = response.data.qiniu_token
+          _self._data.dataObj.token = token
+          _self._data.dataObj.key = key
+          this.tempUrl = response.data.qiniu_url
+          resolve(true)
+        }).catch(err => {
+          console.log(err)
+          reject(false)
+        })
+      })
+    }
+  }
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+@import "~@/styles/mixin.scss";
+.upload-container {
+  width: 100%;
+  position: relative;
+  @include clearfix;
+  .image-uploader {
+    width: 35%;
+    float: left;
+  }
+  .image-preview {
+    width: 200px;
+    height: 200px;
+    position: relative;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    float: left;
+    margin-left: 50px;
+    .image-preview-wrapper {
+      position: relative;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      img {
+        width: 100%;
+        height: 100%;
+      }
+    }
+    .image-preview-action {
+      position: absolute;
+      width: 100%;
+      height: 100%;
+      left: 0;
+      top: 0;
+      cursor: default;
+      text-align: center;
+      color: #fff;
+      opacity: 0;
+      font-size: 20px;
+      background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
+      transition: opacity .3s;
+      cursor: pointer;
+      text-align: center;
+      line-height: 200px;
+      .el-icon-delete {
+        font-size: 36px;
+      }
+    }
+    &:hover {
+      .image-preview-action {
+        opacity: 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  .image-app-preview {
+    width: 320px;
+    height: 180px;
+    position: relative;
+    border: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;
+    float: left;
+    margin-left: 50px;
+    .app-fake-conver {
+      height: 44px;
+      position: absolute;
+      width: 100%; // background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
+      text-align: center;
+      line-height: 64px;
+      color: #fff;
+    }
+  }

+ 138 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+  <div>
+    <input ref="excel-upload-input" class="excel-upload-input" type="file" accept=".xlsx, .xls" @change="handleClick">
+    <div class="drop" @drop="handleDrop" @dragover="handleDragover" @dragenter="handleDragover">
+      Drop excel file here or
+      <el-button :loading="loading" style="margin-left:16px;" size="mini" type="primary" @click="handleUpload">
+        Browse
+      </el-button>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+import XLSX from 'xlsx'
+export default {
+  props: {
+    beforeUpload: Function, // eslint-disable-line
+    onSuccess: Function// eslint-disable-line
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      loading: false,
+      excelData: {
+        header: null,
+        results: null
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    generateData({ header, results }) {
+      this.excelData.header = header
+      this.excelData.results = results
+      this.onSuccess && this.onSuccess(this.excelData)
+    },
+    handleDrop(e) {
+      e.stopPropagation()
+      e.preventDefault()
+      if (this.loading) return
+      const files = e.dataTransfer.files
+      if (files.length !== 1) {
+        this.$message.error('Only support uploading one file!')
+        return
+      }
+      const rawFile = files[0] // only use files[0]
+      if (!this.isExcel(rawFile)) {
+        this.$message.error('Only supports upload .xlsx, .xls, .csv suffix files')
+        return false
+      }
+      this.upload(rawFile)
+      e.stopPropagation()
+      e.preventDefault()
+    },
+    handleDragover(e) {
+      e.stopPropagation()
+      e.preventDefault()
+      e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'
+    },
+    handleUpload() {
+      this.$refs['excel-upload-input'].click()
+    },
+    handleClick(e) {
+      const files = e.target.files
+      const rawFile = files[0] // only use files[0]
+      if (!rawFile) return
+      this.upload(rawFile)
+    },
+    upload(rawFile) {
+      this.$refs['excel-upload-input'].value = null // fix can't select the same excel
+      if (!this.beforeUpload) {
+        this.readerData(rawFile)
+        return
+      }
+      const before = this.beforeUpload(rawFile)
+      if (before) {
+        this.readerData(rawFile)
+      }
+    },
+    readerData(rawFile) {
+      this.loading = true
+      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+        const reader = new FileReader()
+        reader.onload = e => {
+          const data = e.target.result
+          const workbook = XLSX.read(data, { type: 'array' })
+          const firstSheetName = workbook.SheetNames[0]
+          const worksheet = workbook.Sheets[firstSheetName]
+          const header = this.getHeaderRow(worksheet)
+          const results = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet)
+          this.generateData({ header, results })
+          this.loading = false
+          resolve()
+        }
+        reader.readAsArrayBuffer(rawFile)
+      })
+    },
+    getHeaderRow(sheet) {
+      const headers = []
+      const range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(sheet['!ref'])
+      let C
+      const R = range.s.r
+      /* start in the first row */
+      for (C = range.s.c; C <= range.e.c; ++C) { /* walk every column in the range */
+        const cell = sheet[XLSX.utils.encode_cell({ c: C, r: R })]
+        /* find the cell in the first row */
+        let hdr = 'UNKNOWN ' + C // <-- replace with your desired default
+        if (cell && cell.t) hdr = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell)
+        headers.push(hdr)
+      }
+      return headers
+    },
+    isExcel(file) {
+      return /\.(xlsx|xls|csv)$/.test(file.name)
+    }
+  }
+<style scoped>
+  display: none;
+  z-index: -9999;
+  border: 2px dashed #bbb;
+  width: 600px;
+  height: 160px;
+  line-height: 160px;
+  margin: 0 auto;
+  font-size: 24px;
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  text-align: center;
+  color: #bbb;
+  position: relative;

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import Modal from './Modal'
+import Panel from './Modal/dialog.vue';
+export default {
+  install(Vue) {
+    Vue.use(Modal);
+    Vue.component(Panel.name, Panel);
+  }

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import db, { STORE } from '@/utils/db';
+export const authDB = db('AUTH', { type: STORE.LOCALSTORAGE, encrypt: false });

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Inspired by https://github.com/Inndy/vue-clipboard2
+const Clipboard = require('clipboard')
+if (!Clipboard) {
+  throw new Error('you should npm install `clipboard` --save at first ')
+export default {
+  bind(el, binding) {
+    if (binding.arg === 'success') {
+      el._v_clipboard_success = binding.value
+    } else if (binding.arg === 'error') {
+      el._v_clipboard_error = binding.value
+    } else {
+      const clipboard = new Clipboard(el, {
+        text() { return binding.value },
+        action() { return binding.arg === 'cut' ? 'cut' : 'copy' }
+      })
+      clipboard.on('success', e => {
+        const callback = el._v_clipboard_success
+        callback && callback(e) // eslint-disable-line
+      })
+      clipboard.on('error', e => {
+        const callback = el._v_clipboard_error
+        callback && callback(e) // eslint-disable-line
+      })
+      el._v_clipboard = clipboard
+    }
+  },
+  update(el, binding) {
+    if (binding.arg === 'success') {
+      el._v_clipboard_success = binding.value
+    } else if (binding.arg === 'error') {
+      el._v_clipboard_error = binding.value
+    } else {
+      el._v_clipboard.text = function() { return binding.value }
+      el._v_clipboard.action = function() { return binding.arg === 'cut' ? 'cut' : 'copy' }
+    }
+  },
+  unbind(el, binding) {
+    if (binding.arg === 'success') {
+      delete el._v_clipboard_success
+    } else if (binding.arg === 'error') {
+      delete el._v_clipboard_error
+    } else {
+      el._v_clipboard.destroy()
+      delete el._v_clipboard
+    }
+  }

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import Clipboard from './clipboard'
+const install = function(Vue) {
+  Vue.directive('Clipboard', Clipboard)
+if (window.Vue) {
+  window.clipboard = Clipboard
+  Vue.use(install); // eslint-disable-line
+Clipboard.install = install
+export default Clipboard

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+export default {
+  bind(el, binding, vnode) {
+    const dialogHeaderEl = el.querySelector('.el-dialog__header')
+    const dragDom = el.querySelector('.el-dialog')
+    dialogHeaderEl.style.cssText += ';cursor:move;'
+    dragDom.style.cssText += ';top:0px;'
+    // 获取原有属性 ie dom元素.currentStyle 火狐谷歌 window.getComputedStyle(dom元素, null);
+    const getStyle = (function() {
+      if (window.document.currentStyle) {
+        return (dom, attr) => dom.currentStyle[attr]
+      } else {
+        return (dom, attr) => getComputedStyle(dom, false)[attr]
+      }
+    })()
+    dialogHeaderEl.onmousedown = (e) => {
+      // 鼠标按下,计算当前元素距离可视区的距离
+      const disX = e.clientX - dialogHeaderEl.offsetLeft
+      const disY = e.clientY - dialogHeaderEl.offsetTop
+      const dragDomWidth = dragDom.offsetWidth
+      const dragDomHeight = dragDom.offsetHeight
+      const screenWidth = document.body.clientWidth
+      const screenHeight = document.body.clientHeight
+      const minDragDomLeft = dragDom.offsetLeft
+      const maxDragDomLeft = screenWidth - dragDom.offsetLeft - dragDomWidth
+      const minDragDomTop = dragDom.offsetTop
+      const maxDragDomTop = screenHeight - dragDom.offsetTop - dragDomHeight
+      // 获取到的值带px 正则匹配替换
+      let styL = getStyle(dragDom, 'left')
+      let styT = getStyle(dragDom, 'top')
+      if (styL.includes('%')) {
+        styL = +document.body.clientWidth * (+styL.replace(/\%/g, '') / 100)
+        styT = +document.body.clientHeight * (+styT.replace(/\%/g, '') / 100)
+      } else {
+        styL = +styL.replace(/\px/g, '')
+        styT = +styT.replace(/\px/g, '')
+      }
+      document.onmousemove = function(e) {
+        // 通过事件委托,计算移动的距离
+        let left = e.clientX - disX
+        let top = e.clientY - disY
+        // 边界处理
+        if (-(left) > minDragDomLeft) {
+          left = -minDragDomLeft
+        } else if (left > maxDragDomLeft) {
+          left = maxDragDomLeft
+        }
+        if (-(top) > minDragDomTop) {
+          top = -minDragDomTop
+        } else if (top > maxDragDomTop) {
+          top = maxDragDomTop
+        }
+        // 移动当前元素
+        dragDom.style.cssText += `;left:${left + styL}px;top:${top + styT}px;`
+        // emit onDrag event
+        vnode.child.$emit('dragDialog')
+      }
+      document.onmouseup = function(e) {
+        document.onmousemove = null
+        document.onmouseup = null
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import drag from './drag'
+const install = function(Vue) {
+  Vue.directive('el-drag-dialog', drag)
+if (window.Vue) {
+  window['el-drag-dialog'] = drag
+  Vue.use(install); // eslint-disable-line
+drag.install = install
+export default drag

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { addResizeListener, removeResizeListener } from 'element-ui/src/utils/resize-event'
+ * How to use
+ * <el-table height="100px" v-el-height-adaptive-table="{bottomOffset: 30}">...</el-table>
+ * el-table height is must be set
+ * bottomOffset: 30(default)   // The height of the table from the bottom of the page.
+ */
+const doResize = (el, binding, vnode) => {
+  const { componentInstance: $table } = vnode
+  const { value } = binding
+  if (!$table.height) {
+    throw new Error(`el-$table must set the height. Such as height='100px'`)
+  }
+  const bottomOffset = (value && value.bottomOffset) || 30
+  if (!$table) return
+  const height = window.innerHeight - el.getBoundingClientRect().top - bottomOffset
+  $table.layout.setHeight(height)
+  $table.doLayout()
+export default {
+  bind(el, binding, vnode) {
+    el.resizeListener = () => {
+      doResize(el, binding, vnode)
+    }
+    // parameter 1 is must be "Element" type
+    addResizeListener(window.document.body, el.resizeListener)
+  },
+  inserted(el, binding, vnode) {
+    doResize(el, binding, vnode)
+  },
+  unbind(el) {
+    removeResizeListener(window.document.body, el.resizeListener)
+  }

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import adaptive from './adaptive'
+const install = function(Vue) {
+  Vue.directive('el-height-adaptive-table', adaptive)
+if (window.Vue) {
+  window['el-height-adaptive-table'] = adaptive
+  Vue.use(install); // eslint-disable-line
+adaptive.install = install
+export default adaptive

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import permission from './permission'
+const install = function(Vue) {
+  Vue.directive('permission', permission)
+if (window.Vue) {
+  window['permission'] = permission
+  Vue.use(install); // eslint-disable-line
+permission.install = install
+export default permission

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import store from '@/store'
+function checkPermission(el, binding) {
+  const { value } = binding
+  const roles = store.getters && store.getters.roles
+  if (value && value instanceof Array) {
+    if (value.length > 0) {
+      const permissionRoles = value
+      const hasPermission = roles.some(role => {
+        return permissionRoles.includes(role)
+      })
+      if (!hasPermission) {
+        el.parentNode && el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    throw new Error(`need roles! Like v-permission="['admin','editor']"`)
+  }
+export default {
+  inserted(el, binding) {
+    checkPermission(el, binding)
+  },
+  update(el, binding) {
+    checkPermission(el, binding)
+  }

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+const vueSticky = {}
+let listenAction
+vueSticky.install = Vue => {
+  Vue.directive('sticky', {
+    inserted(el, binding) {
+      const params = binding.value || {}
+      const stickyTop = params.stickyTop || 0
+      const zIndex = params.zIndex || 1000
+      const elStyle = el.style
+      elStyle.position = '-webkit-sticky'
+      elStyle.position = 'sticky'
+      // if the browser support css sticky(Currently Safari, Firefox and Chrome Canary)
+      // if (~elStyle.position.indexOf('sticky')) {
+      //     elStyle.top = `${stickyTop}px`;
+      //     elStyle.zIndex = zIndex;
+      //     return
+      // }
+      const elHeight = el.getBoundingClientRect().height
+      const elWidth = el.getBoundingClientRect().width
+      elStyle.cssText = `top: ${stickyTop}px; z-index: ${zIndex}`
+      const parentElm = el.parentNode || document.documentElement
+      const placeholder = document.createElement('div')
+      placeholder.style.display = 'none'
+      placeholder.style.width = `${elWidth}px`
+      placeholder.style.height = `${elHeight}px`
+      parentElm.insertBefore(placeholder, el)
+      let active = false
+      const getScroll = (target, top) => {
+        const prop = top ? 'pageYOffset' : 'pageXOffset'
+        const method = top ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'
+        let ret = target[prop]
+        if (typeof ret !== 'number') {
+          ret = window.document.documentElement[method]
+        }
+        return ret
+      }
+      const sticky = () => {
+        if (active) {
+          return
+        }
+        if (!elStyle.height) {
+          elStyle.height = `${el.offsetHeight}px`
+        }
+        elStyle.position = 'fixed'
+        elStyle.width = `${elWidth}px`
+        placeholder.style.display = 'inline-block'
+        active = true
+      }
+      const reset = () => {
+        if (!active) {
+          return
+        }
+        elStyle.position = ''
+        placeholder.style.display = 'none'
+        active = false
+      }
+      const check = () => {
+        const scrollTop = getScroll(window, true)
+        const offsetTop = el.getBoundingClientRect().top
+        if (offsetTop < stickyTop) {
+          sticky()
+        } else {
+          if (scrollTop < elHeight + stickyTop) {
+            reset()
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      listenAction = () => {
+        check()
+      }
+      window.addEventListener('scroll', listenAction)
+    },
+    unbind() {
+      window.removeEventListener('scroll', listenAction)
+    }
+  })
+export default vueSticky

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff