!function(a, b) { "use strict"; var c, d, e, f = a, g = f.document, h = f.navigator, i = f.setTimeout, j = f.clearTimeout, k = f.setInterval, l = f.clearInterval, m = f.getComputedStyle, n = f.encodeURIComponent, o = f.ActiveXObject, p = f.Error, q = f.Number.parseInt || f.parseInt, r = f.Number.parseFloat || f.parseFloat, s = f.Number.isNaN || f.isNaN, t = f.Date.now, u = f.Object.keys, v = f.Object.defineProperty, w = f.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, x = f.Array.prototype.slice, y = function() { var a = function(a) { return a; }; if ("function" == typeof f.wrap && "function" == typeof f.unwrap) try { var b = g.createElement("div"), c = f.unwrap(b); 1 === b.nodeType && c && 1 === c.nodeType && (a = f.unwrap); } catch (d) {} return a; }(), z = function(a) { return x.call(a, 0); }, A = function() { var a, c, d, e, f, g, h = z(arguments), i = h[0] || {}; for (a = 1, c = h.length; c > a; a++) if (null != (d = h[a])) for (e in d) w.call(d, e) && (f = i[e], g = d[e], i !== g && g !== b && (i[e] = g)); return i; }, B = function(a) { var b, c, d, e; if ("object" != typeof a || null == a || "number" == typeof a.nodeType) b = a; else if ("number" == typeof a.length) for (b = [], c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; c++) w.call(a, c) && (b[c] = B(a[c])); else { b = {}; for (e in a) w.call(a, e) && (b[e] = B(a[e])); } return b; }, C = function(a, b) { for (var c = {}, d = 0, e = b.length; e > d; d++) b[d] in a && (c[b[d]] = a[b[d]]); return c; }, D = function(a, b) { var c = {}; for (var d in a) -1 === b.indexOf(d) && (c[d] = a[d]); return c; }, E = function(a) { if (a) for (var b in a) w.call(a, b) && delete a[b]; return a; }, F = function(a, b) { if (a && 1 === a.nodeType && a.ownerDocument && b && (1 === b.nodeType && b.ownerDocument && b.ownerDocument === a.ownerDocument || 9 === b.nodeType && !b.ownerDocument && b === a.ownerDocument)) do { if (a === b) return !0; a = a.parentNode; } while (a); return !1; }, G = function(a) { var b; return "string" == typeof a && a && (b = a.split("#")[0].split("?")[0], b = a.slice(0, a.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)), b; }, H = function(a) { var b, c; return "string" == typeof a && a && (c = a.match(/^(?:|[^:@]*@|.+\)@(?=http[s]?|file)|.+?\s+(?: at |@)(?:[^:\(]+ )*[\(]?)((?:http[s]?|file):\/\/[\/]?.+?\/[^:\)]*?)(?::\d+)(?::\d+)?/), c && c[1] ? b = c[1] : (c = a.match(/\)@((?:http[s]?|file):\/\/[\/]?.+?\/[^:\)]*?)(?::\d+)(?::\d+)?/), c && c[1] && (b = c[1]))), b; }, I = function() { var a, b; try { throw new p(); } catch (c) { b = c; } return b && (a = b.sourceURL || b.fileName || H(b.stack)), a; }, J = function() { var a, c, d; if (g.currentScript && (a = g.currentScript.src)) return a; if (c = g.getElementsByTagName("script"), 1 === c.length) return c[0].src || b; if ("readyState" in c[0]) for (d = c.length; d--; ) if ("interactive" === c[d].readyState && (a = c[d].src)) return a; return "loading" === g.readyState && (a = c[c.length - 1].src) ? a : (a = I()) ? a : b; }, K = function() { var a, c, d, e = g.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (a = e.length; a--; ) { if (!(d = e[a].src)) { c = null; break; } if (d = G(d), null == c) c = d; else if (c !== d) { c = null; break; } } return c || b; }, L = function() { var a = G(J()) || K() || ""; return a + "ZeroClipboard.swf"; }, M = function() { return null == a.opener && (!!a.top && a != a.top || !!a.parent && a != a.parent); }(), N = { bridge: null, version: "0.0.0", pluginType: "unknown", disabled: null, outdated: null, sandboxed: null, unavailable: null, degraded: null, deactivated: null, overdue: null, ready: null }, O = "11.0.0", P = {}, Q = {}, R = null, S = 0, T = 0, U = { ready: "Flash communication is established", error: { "flash-disabled": "Flash is disabled or not installed. May also be attempting to run Flash in a sandboxed iframe, which is impossible.", "flash-outdated": "Flash is too outdated to support ZeroClipboard", "flash-sandboxed": "Attempting to run Flash in a sandboxed iframe, which is impossible", "flash-unavailable": "Flash is unable to communicate bidirectionally with JavaScript", "flash-degraded": "Flash is unable to preserve data fidelity when communicating with JavaScript", "flash-deactivated": "Flash is too outdated for your browser and/or is configured as click-to-activate.\nThis may also mean that the ZeroClipboard SWF object could not be loaded, so please check your `swfPath` configuration and/or network connectivity.\nMay also be attempting to run Flash in a sandboxed iframe, which is impossible.", "flash-overdue": "Flash communication was established but NOT within the acceptable time limit", "version-mismatch": "ZeroClipboard JS version number does not match ZeroClipboard SWF version number", "clipboard-error": "At least one error was thrown while ZeroClipboard was attempting to inject your data into the clipboard", "config-mismatch": "ZeroClipboard configuration does not match Flash's reality", "swf-not-found": "The ZeroClipboard SWF object could not be loaded, so please check your `swfPath` configuration and/or network connectivity" } }, V = [ "flash-unavailable", "flash-degraded", "flash-overdue", "version-mismatch", "config-mismatch", "clipboard-error" ], W = [ "flash-disabled", "flash-outdated", "flash-sandboxed", "flash-unavailable", "flash-degraded", "flash-deactivated", "flash-overdue" ], X = new RegExp("^flash-(" + W.map(function(a) { return a.replace(/^flash-/, ""); }).join("|") + ")$"), Y = new RegExp("^flash-(" + W.slice(1).map(function(a) { return a.replace(/^flash-/, ""); }).join("|") + ")$"), Z = { swfPath: L(), trustedDomains: a.location.host ? [ a.location.host ] : [], cacheBust: !0, forceEnhancedClipboard: !1, flashLoadTimeout: 3e4, autoActivate: !0, bubbleEvents: !0, containerId: "global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge", containerClass: "global-zeroclipboard-container", swfObjectId: "global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge", hoverClass: "zeroclipboard-is-hover", activeClass: "zeroclipboard-is-active", forceHandCursor: !1, title: null, zIndex: 999999999 }, $ = function(a) { if ("object" == typeof a && null !== a) for (var b in a) if (w.call(a, b)) if (/^(?:forceHandCursor|title|zIndex|bubbleEvents)$/.test(b)) Z[b] = a[b]; else if (null == N.bridge) if ("containerId" === b || "swfObjectId" === b) { if (!nb(a[b])) throw new Error("The specified `" + b + "` value is not valid as an HTML4 Element ID"); Z[b] = a[b]; } else Z[b] = a[b]; { if ("string" != typeof a || !a) return B(Z); if (w.call(Z, a)) return Z[a]; } }, _ = function() { return Tb(), { browser: C(h, [ "userAgent", "platform", "appName" ]), flash: D(N, [ "bridge" ]), zeroclipboard: { version: Vb.version, config: Vb.config() } }; }, ab = function() { return !!(N.disabled || N.outdated || N.sandboxed || N.unavailable || N.degraded || N.deactivated); }, bb = function(a, d) { var e, f, g, h = {}; if ("string" == typeof a && a) g = a.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); else if ("object" == typeof a && a && "undefined" == typeof d) for (e in a) w.call(a, e) && "string" == typeof e && e && "function" == typeof a[e] && Vb.on(e, a[e]); if (g && g.length) { for (e = 0, f = g.length; f > e; e++) a = g[e].replace(/^on/, ""), h[a] = !0, P[a] || (P[a] = []), P[a].push(d); if (h.ready && N.ready && Vb.emit({ type: "ready" }), h.error) { for (e = 0, f = W.length; f > e; e++) if (N[W[e].replace(/^flash-/, "")] === !0) { Vb.emit({ type: "error", name: W[e] }); break; } c !== b && Vb.version !== c && Vb.emit({ type: "error", name: "version-mismatch", jsVersion: Vb.version, swfVersion: c }); } } return Vb; }, cb = function(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; if (0 === arguments.length) f = u(P); else if ("string" == typeof a && a) f = a.split(/\s+/); else if ("object" == typeof a && a && "undefined" == typeof b) for (c in a) w.call(a, c) && "string" == typeof c && c && "function" == typeof a[c] && Vb.off(c, a[c]); if (f && f.length) for (c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) if (a = f[c].toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, ""), g = P[a], g && g.length) if (b) for (e = g.indexOf(b); -1 !== e; ) g.splice(e, 1), e = g.indexOf(b, e); else g.length = 0; return Vb; }, db = function(a) { var b; return b = "string" == typeof a && a ? B(P[a]) || null : B(P); }, eb = function(a) { var b, c, d; return a = ob(a), a && !vb(a) ? "ready" === a.type && N.overdue === !0 ? Vb.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-overdue" }) : (b = A({}, a), tb.call(this, b), "copy" === a.type && (d = Db(Q), c = d.data, R = d.formatMap), c) : void 0; }, fb = function() { var a = N.sandboxed; if (Tb(), "boolean" != typeof N.ready && (N.ready = !1), N.sandboxed !== a && N.sandboxed === !0) N.ready = !1, Vb.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-sandboxed" }); else if (!Vb.isFlashUnusable() && null === N.bridge) { var b = Z.flashLoadTimeout; "number" == typeof b && b >= 0 && (S = i(function() { "boolean" != typeof N.deactivated && (N.deactivated = !0), N.deactivated === !0 && Vb.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-deactivated" }); }, b)), N.overdue = !1, Bb(); } }, gb = function() { Vb.clearData(), Vb.blur(), Vb.emit("destroy"), Cb(), Vb.off(); }, hb = function(a, b) { var c; if ("object" == typeof a && a && "undefined" == typeof b) c = a, Vb.clearData(); else { if ("string" != typeof a || !a) return; c = {}, c[a] = b; } for (var d in c) "string" == typeof d && d && w.call(c, d) && "string" == typeof c[d] && c[d] && (Q[d] = c[d]); }, ib = function(a) { "undefined" == typeof a ? (E(Q), R = null) : "string" == typeof a && w.call(Q, a) && delete Q[a]; }, jb = function(a) { return "undefined" == typeof a ? B(Q) : "string" == typeof a && w.call(Q, a) ? Q[a] : void 0; }, kb = function(a) { if (a && 1 === a.nodeType) { d && (Lb(d, Z.activeClass), d !== a && Lb(d, Z.hoverClass)), d = a, Kb(a, Z.hoverClass); var b = a.getAttribute("title") || Z.title; if ("string" == typeof b && b) { var c = Ab(N.bridge); c && c.setAttribute("title", b); } var e = Z.forceHandCursor === !0 || "pointer" === Mb(a, "cursor"); Rb(e), Qb(); } }, lb = function() { alert(1) var a = Ab(N.bridge); a && (a.removeAttribute("title"), a.style.left = "0px", a.style.top = "-9999px", a.style.width = "1px", a.style.height = "1px"), d && (Lb(d, Z.hoverClass), Lb(d, Z.activeClass), d = null); }, mb = function() { return d || null; }, nb = function(a) { return "string" == typeof a && a && /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:\-\.]*$/.test(a); }, ob = function(a) { var b; if ("string" == typeof a && a ? (b = a, a = {}) : "object" == typeof a && a && "string" == typeof a.type && a.type && (b = a.type), b) { b = b.toLowerCase(), !a.target && (/^(copy|aftercopy|_click)$/.test(b) || "error" === b && "clipboard-error" === a.name) && (a.target = e), A(a, { type: b, target: a.target || d || null, relatedTarget: a.relatedTarget || null, currentTarget: N && N.bridge || null, timeStamp: a.timeStamp || t() || null }); var c = U[a.type]; return "error" === a.type && a.name && c && (c = c[a.name]), c && (a.message = c), "ready" === a.type && A(a, { target: null, version: N.version }), "error" === a.type && (X.test(a.name) && A(a, { target: null, minimumVersion: O }), Y.test(a.name) && A(a, { version: N.version })), "copy" === a.type && (a.clipboardData = { setData: Vb.setData, clearData: Vb.clearData }), "aftercopy" === a.type && (a = Eb(a, R)), a.target && !a.relatedTarget && (a.relatedTarget = pb(a.target)), qb(a); } }, pb = function(a) { var b = a && a.getAttribute && a.getAttribute("data-clipboard-target"); return b ? g.getElementById(b) : null; }, qb = function(a) { if (a && /^_(?:click|mouse(?:over|out|down|up|move))$/.test(a.type)) { var c = a.target, d = "_mouseover" === a.type && a.relatedTarget ? a.relatedTarget : b, e = "_mouseout" === a.type && a.relatedTarget ? a.relatedTarget : b, h = Nb(c), i = f.screenLeft || f.screenX || 0, j = f.screenTop || f.screenY || 0, k = g.body.scrollLeft + g.documentElement.scrollLeft, l = g.body.scrollTop + g.documentElement.scrollTop, m = h.left + ("number" == typeof a._stageX ? a._stageX : 0), n = h.top + ("number" == typeof a._stageY ? a._stageY : 0), o = m - k, p = n - l, q = i + o, r = j + p, s = "number" == typeof a.movementX ? a.movementX : 0, t = "number" == typeof a.movementY ? a.movementY : 0; delete a._stageX, delete a._stageY, A(a, { srcElement: c, fromElement: d, toElement: e, screenX: q, screenY: r, pageX: m, pageY: n, clientX: o, clientY: p, x: o, y: p, movementX: s, movementY: t, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, layerX: 0, layerY: 0 }); } return a; }, rb = function(a) { var b = a && "string" == typeof a.type && a.type || ""; return !/^(?:(?:before)?copy|destroy)$/.test(b); }, sb = function(a, b, c, d) { d ? i(function() { a.apply(b, c); }, 0) : a.apply(b, c); }, tb = function(a) { if ("object" == typeof a && a && a.type) { var b = rb(a), c = P["*"] || [], d = P[a.type] || [], e = c.concat(d); if (e && e.length) { var g, h, i, j, k, l = this; for (g = 0, h = e.length; h > g; g++) i = e[g], j = l, "string" == typeof i && "function" == typeof f[i] && (i = f[i]), "object" == typeof i && i && "function" == typeof i.handleEvent && (j = i, i = i.handleEvent), "function" == typeof i && (k = A({}, a), sb(i, j, [ k ], b)); } return this; } }, ub = function(a) { var b = null; return (M === !1 || a && "error" === a.type && a.name && -1 !== V.indexOf(a.name)) && (b = !1), b; }, vb = function(a) { var b = a.target || d || null, f = "swf" === a._source; switch (delete a._source, a.type) { case "error": var g = "flash-sandboxed" === a.name || ub(a); "boolean" == typeof g && (N.sandboxed = g), -1 !== W.indexOf(a.name) ? A(N, { disabled: "flash-disabled" === a.name, outdated: "flash-outdated" === a.name, unavailable: "flash-unavailable" === a.name, degraded: "flash-degraded" === a.name, deactivated: "flash-deactivated" === a.name, overdue: "flash-overdue" === a.name, ready: !1 }) : "version-mismatch" === a.name && (c = a.swfVersion, A(N, { disabled: !1, outdated: !1, unavailable: !1, degraded: !1, deactivated: !1, overdue: !1, ready: !1 })), Pb(); break; case "ready": c = a.swfVersion; var h = N.deactivated === !0; A(N, { disabled: !1, outdated: !1, sandboxed: !1, unavailable: !1, degraded: !1, deactivated: !1, overdue: h, ready: !h }), Pb(); break; case "beforecopy": e = b; break; case "copy": var i, j, k = a.relatedTarget; !Q["text/html"] && !Q["text/plain"] && k && (j = k.value || k.outerHTML || k.innerHTML) && (i = k.value || k.textContent || k.innerText) ? (a.clipboardData.clearData(), a.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", i), j !== i && a.clipboardData.setData("text/html", j)) : !Q["text/plain"] && a.target && (i = a.target.getAttribute("data-clipboard-text")) && (a.clipboardData.clearData(), a.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", i)); break; case "aftercopy": wb(a), Vb.clearData(), b && b !== Jb() && b.focus && b.focus(); break; case "_mouseover": Vb.focus(b), Z.bubbleEvents === !0 && f && (b && b !== a.relatedTarget && !F(a.relatedTarget, b) && xb(A({}, a, { type: "mouseenter", bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1 })), xb(A({}, a, { type: "mouseover" }))); break; case "_mouseout": Vb.blur(), Z.bubbleEvents === !0 && f && (b && b !== a.relatedTarget && !F(a.relatedTarget, b) && xb(A({}, a, { type: "mouseleave", bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1 })), xb(A({}, a, { type: "mouseout" }))); break; case "_mousedown": Kb(b, Z.activeClass), Z.bubbleEvents === !0 && f && xb(A({}, a, { type: a.type.slice(1) })); break; case "_mouseup": Lb(b, Z.activeClass), Z.bubbleEvents === !0 && f && xb(A({}, a, { type: a.type.slice(1) })); break; case "_click": e = null, Z.bubbleEvents === !0 && f && xb(A({}, a, { type: a.type.slice(1) })); break; case "_mousemove": Z.bubbleEvents === !0 && f && xb(A({}, a, { type: a.type.slice(1) })); } return /^_(?:click|mouse(?:over|out|down|up|move))$/.test(a.type) ? !0 : void 0; }, wb = function(a) { if (a.errors && a.errors.length > 0) { var b = B(a); A(b, { type: "error", name: "clipboard-error" }), delete b.success, i(function() { Vb.emit(b); }, 0); } }, xb = function(a) { if (a && "string" == typeof a.type && a) { var b, c = a.target || null, d = c && c.ownerDocument || g, e = { view: d.defaultView || f, canBubble: !0, cancelable: !0, detail: "click" === a.type ? 1 : 0, button: "number" == typeof a.which ? a.which - 1 : "number" == typeof a.button ? a.button : d.createEvent ? 0 : 1 }, h = A(e, a); c && d.createEvent && c.dispatchEvent && (h = [ h.type, h.canBubble, h.cancelable, h.view, h.detail, h.screenX, h.screenY, h.clientX, h.clientY, h.ctrlKey, h.altKey, h.shiftKey, h.metaKey, h.button, h.relatedTarget ], b = d.createEvent("MouseEvents"), b.initMouseEvent && (b.initMouseEvent.apply(b, h), b._source = "js", c.dispatchEvent(b))); } }, yb = function() { var a = Z.flashLoadTimeout; if ("number" == typeof a && a >= 0) { var b = Math.min(1e3, a / 10), c = Z.swfObjectId + "_fallbackContent"; T = k(function() { var a = g.getElementById(c); Ob(a) && (Pb(), N.deactivated = null, Vb.emit({ type: "error", name: "swf-not-found" })); }, b); } }, zb = function() { var a = g.createElement("div"); return a.id = Z.containerId, a.className = Z.containerClass, a.style.position = "absolute", a.style.left = "0px", a.style.top = "-9999px", a.style.width = "1px", a.style.height = "1px", a.style.zIndex = "" + Sb(Z.zIndex), a; }, Ab = function(a) { for (var b = a && a.parentNode; b && "OBJECT" === b.nodeName && b.parentNode; ) b = b.parentNode; return b || null; }, Bb = function() { var a, b = N.bridge, c = Ab(b); if (!b) { var d = Ib(f.location.host, Z), e = "never" === d ? "none" : "all", h = Gb(A({ jsVersion: Vb.version }, Z)), i = Z.swfPath + Fb(Z.swfPath, Z); c = zb(); var j = g.createElement("div"); c.appendChild(j), g.body.appendChild(c); var k = g.createElement("div"), l = "activex" === N.pluginType; k.innerHTML = '" + (l ? '' : "") + '
', b = k.firstChild, k = null, y(b).ZeroClipboard = Vb, c.replaceChild(b, j), yb(); } return b || (b = g[Z.swfObjectId], b && (a = b.length) && (b = b[a - 1]), !b && c && (b = c.firstChild)), N.bridge = b || null, b; }, Cb = function() { var a = N.bridge; if (a) { var d = Ab(a); d && ("activex" === N.pluginType && "readyState" in a ? (a.style.display = "none", function e() { if (4 === a.readyState) { for (var b in a) "function" == typeof a[b] && (a[b] = null); a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a), d.parentNode && d.parentNode.removeChild(d); } else i(e, 10); }()) : (a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a), d.parentNode && d.parentNode.removeChild(d))), Pb(), N.ready = null, N.bridge = null, N.deactivated = null, c = b; } }, Db = function(a) { var b = {}, c = {}; if ("object" == typeof a && a) { for (var d in a) if (d && w.call(a, d) && "string" == typeof a[d] && a[d]) switch (d.toLowerCase()) { case "text/plain": case "text": case "air:text": case "flash:text": b.text = a[d], c.text = d; break; case "text/html": case "html": case "air:html": case "flash:html": b.html = a[d], c.html = d; break; case "application/rtf": case "text/rtf": case "rtf": case "richtext": case "air:rtf": case "flash:rtf": b.rtf = a[d], c.rtf = d; } return { data: b, formatMap: c }; } }, Eb = function(a, b) { if ("object" != typeof a || !a || "object" != typeof b || !b) return a; var c = {}; for (var d in a) if (w.call(a, d)) if ("errors" === d) { c[d] = a[d] ? a[d].slice() : []; for (var e = 0, f = c[d].length; f > e; e++) c[d][e].format = b[c[d][e].format]; } else if ("success" !== d && "data" !== d) c[d] = a[d]; else { c[d] = {}; var g = a[d]; for (var h in g) h && w.call(g, h) && w.call(b, h) && (c[d][b[h]] = g[h]); } return c; }, Fb = function(a, b) { var c = null == b || b && b.cacheBust === !0; return c ? (-1 === a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + "noCache=" + t() : ""; }, Gb = function(a) { var b, c, d, e, g = "", h = []; if (a.trustedDomains && ("string" == typeof a.trustedDomains ? e = [ a.trustedDomains ] : "object" == typeof a.trustedDomains && "length" in a.trustedDomains && (e = a.trustedDomains)), e && e.length) for (b = 0, c = e.length; c > b; b++) if (w.call(e, b) && e[b] && "string" == typeof e[b]) { if (d = Hb(e[b]), !d) continue; if ("*" === d) { h.length = 0, h.push(d); break; } h.push.apply(h, [ d, "//" + d, f.location.protocol + "//" + d ]); } return h.length && (g += "trustedOrigins=" + n(h.join(","))), a.forceEnhancedClipboard === !0 && (g += (g ? "&" : "") + "forceEnhancedClipboard=true"), "string" == typeof a.swfObjectId && a.swfObjectId && (g += (g ? "&" : "") + "swfObjectId=" + n(a.swfObjectId)), "string" == typeof a.jsVersion && a.jsVersion && (g += (g ? "&" : "") + "jsVersion=" + n(a.jsVersion)), g; }, Hb = function(a) { if (null == a || "" === a) return null; if (a = a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), "" === a) return null; var b = a.indexOf("//"); a = -1 === b ? a : a.slice(b + 2); var c = a.indexOf("/"); return a = -1 === c ? a : -1 === b || 0 === c ? null : a.slice(0, c), a && ".swf" === a.slice(-4).toLowerCase() ? null : a || null; }, Ib = function() { var a = function(a) { var b, c, d, e = []; if ("string" == typeof a && (a = [ a ]), "object" != typeof a || !a || "number" != typeof a.length) return e; for (b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; b++) if (w.call(a, b) && (d = Hb(a[b]))) { if ("*" === d) { e.length = 0, e.push("*"); break; } -1 === e.indexOf(d) && e.push(d); } return e; }; return function(b, c) { var d = Hb(c.swfPath); null === d && (d = b); var e = a(c.trustedDomains), f = e.length; if (f > 0) { if (1 === f && "*" === e[0]) return "always"; if (-1 !== e.indexOf(b)) return 1 === f && b === d ? "sameDomain" : "always"; } return "never"; }; }(), Jb = function() { try { return g.activeElement; } catch (a) { return null; } }, Kb = function(a, b) { var c, d, e, f = []; if ("string" == typeof b && b && (f = b.split(/\s+/)), a && 1 === a.nodeType && f.length > 0) if (a.classList) for (c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) a.classList.add(f[c]); else if (a.hasOwnProperty("className")) { for (e = " " + a.className + " ", c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) -1 === e.indexOf(" " + f[c] + " ") && (e += f[c] + " "); a.className = e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } return a; }, Lb = function(a, b) { var c, d, e, f = []; if ("string" == typeof b && b && (f = b.split(/\s+/)), a && 1 === a.nodeType && f.length > 0) if (a.classList && a.classList.length > 0) for (c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) a.classList.remove(f[c]); else if (a.className) { for (e = (" " + a.className + " ").replace(/[\r\n\t]/g, " "), c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) e = e.replace(" " + f[c] + " ", " "); a.className = e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } return a; }, Mb = function(a, b) { var c = m(a, null).getPropertyValue(b); return "cursor" !== b || c && "auto" !== c || "A" !== a.nodeName ? c : "pointer"; }, Nb = function(a) { var b = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; if (a.getBoundingClientRect) { var c = a.getBoundingClientRect(), d = f.pageXOffset, e = f.pageYOffset, h = g.documentElement.clientLeft || 0, i = g.documentElement.clientTop || 0, j = 0, k = 0; if ("relative" === Mb(g.body, "position")) { var l = g.body.getBoundingClientRect(), m = g.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); j = l.left - m.left || 0, k = l.top - m.top || 0; } b.left = c.left + d - h - j, b.top = c.top + e - i - k, b.width = "width" in c ? c.width : c.right - c.left, b.height = "height" in c ? c.height : c.bottom - c.top; } return b; }, Ob = function(a) { if (!a) return !1; var b = m(a, null), c = r(b.height) > 0, d = r(b.width) > 0, e = r(b.top) >= 0, f = r(b.left) >= 0, g = c && d && e && f, h = g ? null : Nb(a), i = "none" !== b.display && "collapse" !== b.visibility && (g || !!h && (c || h.height > 0) && (d || h.width > 0) && (e || h.top >= 0) && (f || h.left >= 0)); return i; }, Pb = function() { j(S), S = 0, l(T), T = 0; }, Qb = function() { var a; if (d && (a = Ab(N.bridge))) { var b = Nb(d); A(a.style, { width: b.width + "px", height: b.height + "px", top: b.top + "px", left: b.left + "px", zIndex: "" + Sb(Z.zIndex) }); } }, Rb = function(a) { N.ready === !0 && (N.bridge && "function" == typeof N.bridge.setHandCursor ? N.bridge.setHandCursor(a) : N.ready = !1); }, Sb = function(a) { if (/^(?:auto|inherit)$/.test(a)) return a; var b; return "number" != typeof a || s(a) ? "string" == typeof a && (b = Sb(q(a, 10))) : b = a, "number" == typeof b ? b : "auto"; }, Tb = function(b) { var c, d, e, f = N.sandboxed, g = null; if (b = b === !0, M === !1) g = !1; else { try { d = a.frameElement || null; } catch (h) { e = { name: h.name, message: h.message }; } if (d && 1 === d.nodeType && "IFRAME" === d.nodeName) try { g = d.hasAttribute("sandbox"); } catch (h) { g = null; } else { try { c = document.domain || null; } catch (h) { c = null; } (null === c || e && "SecurityError" === e.name && /(^|[\s\(\[@])sandbox(es|ed|ing|[\s\.,!\)\]@]|$)/.test(e.message.toLowerCase())) && (g = !0); } } return N.sandboxed = g, f === g || b || Ub(o), g; }, Ub = function(a) { function b(a) { var b = a.match(/[\d]+/g); return b.length = 3, b.join("."); } function c(a) { return !!a && (a = a.toLowerCase()) && (/^(pepflashplayer\.dll|libpepflashplayer\.so|pepperflashplayer\.plugin)$/.test(a) || "chrome.plugin" === a.slice(-13)); } function d(a) { a && (i = !0, a.version && (l = b(a.version)), !l && a.description && (l = b(a.description)), a.filename && (k = c(a.filename))); } var e, f, g, i = !1, j = !1, k = !1, l = ""; if (h.plugins && h.plugins.length) e = h.plugins["Shockwave Flash"], d(e), h.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] && (i = !0, l = ""); else if (h.mimeTypes && h.mimeTypes.length) g = h.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"], e = g && g.enabledPlugin, d(e); else if ("undefined" != typeof a) { j = !0; try { f = new a("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"), i = !0, l = b(f.GetVariable("$version")); } catch (m) { try { f = new a("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"), i = !0, l = "6.0.21"; } catch (n) { try { f = new a("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"), i = !0, l = b(f.GetVariable("$version")); } catch (o) { j = !1; } } } } N.disabled = i !== !0, N.outdated = l && r(l) < r(O), N.version = l || "0.0.0", N.pluginType = k ? "pepper" : j ? "activex" : i ? "netscape" : "unknown"; }; Ub(o), Tb(!0); var Vb = function() { return this instanceof Vb ? void ("function" == typeof Vb._createClient && Vb._createClient.apply(this, z(arguments))) : new Vb(); }; v(Vb, "version", { value: "2.2.0", writable: !1, configurable: !0, enumerable: !0 }), Vb.config = function() { return $.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.state = function() { return _.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.isFlashUnusable = function() { return ab.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.on = function() { return bb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.off = function() { return cb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.handlers = function() { return db.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.emit = function() { return eb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.create = function() { return fb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.destroy = function() { return gb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.setData = function() { return hb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.clearData = function() { return ib.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.getData = function() { return jb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.focus = Vb.activate = function() { return kb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.blur = Vb.deactivate = function() { alert(2) return lb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.activeElement = function() { return mb.apply(this, z(arguments)); }; var Wb = 0, Xb = {}, Yb = 0, Zb = {}, $b = {}; A(Z, { autoActivate: !0 }); var _b = function(a) { var b = this; b.id = "" + Wb++, Xb[b.id] = { instance: b, elements: [], handlers: {} }, a && b.clip(a), Vb.on("*", function(a) { return b.emit(a); }), Vb.on("destroy", function() { b.destroy(); }), Vb.create(); }, ac = function(a, d) { var e, f, g, h = {}, i = Xb[this.id], j = i && i.handlers; if (!i) throw new Error("Attempted to add new listener(s) to a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); if ("string" == typeof a && a) g = a.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); else if ("object" == typeof a && a && "undefined" == typeof d) for (e in a) w.call(a, e) && "string" == typeof e && e && "function" == typeof a[e] && this.on(e, a[e]); if (g && g.length) { for (e = 0, f = g.length; f > e; e++) a = g[e].replace(/^on/, ""), h[a] = !0, j[a] || (j[a] = []), j[a].push(d); if (h.ready && N.ready && this.emit({ type: "ready", client: this }), h.error) { for (e = 0, f = W.length; f > e; e++) if (N[W[e].replace(/^flash-/, "")]) { this.emit({ type: "error", name: W[e], client: this }); break; } c !== b && Vb.version !== c && this.emit({ type: "error", name: "version-mismatch", jsVersion: Vb.version, swfVersion: c }); } } return this; }, bc = function(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h = Xb[this.id], i = h && h.handlers; if (!i) return this; if (0 === arguments.length) f = u(i); else if ("string" == typeof a && a) f = a.split(/\s+/); else if ("object" == typeof a && a && "undefined" == typeof b) for (c in a) w.call(a, c) && "string" == typeof c && c && "function" == typeof a[c] && this.off(c, a[c]); if (f && f.length) for (c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) if (a = f[c].toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, ""), g = i[a], g && g.length) if (b) for (e = g.indexOf(b); -1 !== e; ) g.splice(e, 1), e = g.indexOf(b, e); else g.length = 0; return this; }, cc = function(a) { var b = null, c = Xb[this.id] && Xb[this.id].handlers; return c && (b = "string" == typeof a && a ? c[a] ? c[a].slice(0) : [] : B(c)), b; }, dc = function(a) { if (ic.call(this, a)) { "object" == typeof a && a && "string" == typeof a.type && a.type && (a = A({}, a)); var b = A({}, ob(a), { client: this }); jc.call(this, b); } return this; }, ec = function(a) { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to clip element(s) to a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); a = kc(a); for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) if (w.call(a, b) && a[b] && 1 === a[b].nodeType) { a[b].zcClippingId ? -1 === Zb[a[b].zcClippingId].indexOf(this.id) && Zb[a[b].zcClippingId].push(this.id) : (a[b].zcClippingId = "zcClippingId_" + Yb++, Zb[a[b].zcClippingId] = [ this.id ], Z.autoActivate === !0 && lc(a[b])); var c = Xb[this.id] && Xb[this.id].elements; -1 === c.indexOf(a[b]) && c.push(a[b]); } return this; }, fc = function(a) { var b = Xb[this.id]; if (!b) return this; var c, d = b.elements; a = "undefined" == typeof a ? d.slice(0) : kc(a); for (var e = a.length; e--; ) if (w.call(a, e) && a[e] && 1 === a[e].nodeType) { for (c = 0; -1 !== (c = d.indexOf(a[e], c)); ) d.splice(c, 1); var f = Zb[a[e].zcClippingId]; if (f) { for (c = 0; -1 !== (c = f.indexOf(this.id, c)); ) f.splice(c, 1); 0 === f.length && (Z.autoActivate === !0 && mc(a[e]), delete a[e].zcClippingId); } } return this; }, gc = function() { var a = Xb[this.id]; return a && a.elements ? a.elements.slice(0) : []; }, hc = function() { Xb[this.id] && (this.unclip(), this.off(), delete Xb[this.id]); }, ic = function(a) { if (!a || !a.type) return !1; if (a.client && a.client !== this) return !1; var b = Xb[this.id], c = b && b.elements, d = !!c && c.length > 0, e = !a.target || d && -1 !== c.indexOf(a.target), f = a.relatedTarget && d && -1 !== c.indexOf(a.relatedTarget), g = a.client && a.client === this; return b && (e || f || g) ? !0 : !1; }, jc = function(a) { var b = Xb[this.id]; if ("object" == typeof a && a && a.type && b) { var c = rb(a), d = b && b.handlers["*"] || [], e = b && b.handlers[a.type] || [], g = d.concat(e); if (g && g.length) { var h, i, j, k, l, m = this; for (h = 0, i = g.length; i > h; h++) j = g[h], k = m, "string" == typeof j && "function" == typeof f[j] && (j = f[j]), "object" == typeof j && j && "function" == typeof j.handleEvent && (k = j, j = j.handleEvent), "function" == typeof j && (l = A({}, a), sb(j, k, [ l ], c)); } } }, kc = function(a) { return "string" == typeof a && (a = []), "number" != typeof a.length ? [ a ] : a; }, lc = function(a) { if (a && 1 === a.nodeType) { var b = function(a) { (a || (a = f.event)) && ("js" !== a._source && (a.stopImmediatePropagation(), a.preventDefault()), delete a._source); }, c = function(c) { (c || (c = f.event)) && (b(c), Vb.focus(a)); }; a.addEventListener("mouseover", c, !1), a.addEventListener("mouseout", b, !1), a.addEventListener("mouseenter", b, !1), a.addEventListener("mouseleave", b, !1), a.addEventListener("mousemove", b, !1), $b[a.zcClippingId] = { mouseover: c, mouseout: b, mouseenter: b, mouseleave: b, mousemove: b }; } }, mc = function(a) { if (a && 1 === a.nodeType) { var b = $b[a.zcClippingId]; if ("object" == typeof b && b) { for (var c, d, e = [ "move", "leave", "enter", "out", "over" ], f = 0, g = e.length; g > f; f++) c = "mouse" + e[f], d = b[c], "function" == typeof d && a.removeEventListener(c, d, !1); delete $b[a.zcClippingId]; } } }; Vb._createClient = function() { _b.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.on = function() { return ac.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.off = function() { return bc.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.handlers = function() { return cc.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.emit = function() { return dc.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.clip = function() { return ec.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.unclip = function() { return fc.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.elements = function() { return gc.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.destroy = function() { return hc.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, Vb.prototype.setText = function(a) { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); return Vb.setData("text/plain", a), this; }, Vb.prototype.setHtml = function(a) { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); return Vb.setData("text/html", a), this; }, Vb.prototype.setRichText = function(a) { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); return Vb.setData("application/rtf", a), this; }, Vb.prototype.setData = function() { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); return Vb.setData.apply(this, z(arguments)), this; }, Vb.prototype.clearData = function() { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to clear pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); return Vb.clearData.apply(this, z(arguments)), this; }, Vb.prototype.getData = function() { if (!Xb[this.id]) throw new Error("Attempted to get pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); return Vb.getData.apply(this, z(arguments)); }, "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { return Vb; }) : "object" == typeof module && module && "object" == typeof module.exports && module.exports ? module.exports = Vb : a.ZeroClipboard = Vb; }(function() { return this || window; }());