const util = require("../../../utils/util") const app = getApp() Page({ data: { spinShow: false, userInfo:{}, }, onShow: function(){ app.checkLogin( userInfo =>{ this.setData({userInfo}) }) }, wxLogin( ){ let that = this wx.login({ success(wxres) { if( !wxres.code){ util.showMsg("登入失败") }else{ that.doLoginByCode( wxres.code ) } } }) }, getPhoneNumber (e) { if( e.detail.errMsg !="getPhoneNumber:ok"){ util.showMsg("获取手机失败") return } let {iv, encryptedData} = e.detail; let that = this wx.login({ success(wxres) { that.doGetPhoneNumber( wxres.code, iv, encryptedData ) } }) }, doLoginByCode( code ){ app.formPost( "Auth.WxLoginByCode", {code}).then( (res)=>{ if( res.code == 200){ this.setData( {userInfo:}) app.setUserInfo( ) } }) }, doGetPhoneNumber( code, iv, encryptedData ){ let param = {code, iv, encryptedData } app.formPost( "Auth.WxLoginByPhone", param).then( (res)=>{ if( res.code == 200){ this.setData( {userInfo:}) app.setUserInfo( ) } }) }, logOut() { wx.setStorageSync('@openid', '') wx.setStorageSync('@user', '') let userInfo = {} this.setData({userInfo}) app.setUserInfo( userInfo ) }, gotoIdentify(){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/user/identify/index', }) } })