flaverr.parseOrBuildError.test.js 4.1 KB

  1. describe('flaverr.parseOrBuildError()', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  2. describe('given a normal Error instance', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  3. it('should return the same Error instance');
  4. });
  5. describe('given a bluebird/promise error thing', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  6. it('should return the internal, wrapped Error instance as expected');
  7. });
  8. describe('given a Stripe SDK error thing', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  9. it('should return the internal, wrapped Error instance as expected');
  10. });
  11. describe('given a miscellaneous string', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  12. it('should return an Error instance that uses that value as its message');
  13. });
  14. describe('given `\'\'` (empty string)', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  15. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  16. });
  17. describe('given `null`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  18. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  19. });
  20. describe('given `undefined`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  21. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  22. });
  23. describe('given a miscellaneous number', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  24. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  25. });
  26. describe('given Infinity', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  27. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  28. });
  29. describe('given NaN', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  30. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  31. });
  32. describe('given `0` (zero)', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  33. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  34. });
  35. describe('given `false`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  36. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  37. });
  38. describe('given `true`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  39. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  40. });
  41. describe('given a dictionary', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  42. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  43. });
  44. describe('given a array', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  45. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  46. });
  47. describe('given a function', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  48. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  49. });
  50. describe('given something truly evil (circular)', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  51. it('should return an Error instance that uses a reasonable, pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  52. });
  53. describe('given a Buffer', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  54. it('should return an Error instance that uses a pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  55. });
  56. describe('given a Stream', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){
  57. it('should return an Error instance that uses a pretty-printed string representation of that value as its message');
  58. });
  59. });