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- /**
- * Module dependencies
- */
- var rebuildSanitized = require('./helpers/sanitize');
- /**
- * Dehydrate/sanitize a value recursively:
- * • stringifying functions, dates, regexps, and errors, as well
- * • taking care of circular references
- * • normalizing -Infinity, Infinity, and NaN (to 0)
- * • stripping undefined (and potentially null) keys and values. If `allowNull` is set, `null` values will not be stripped from the encoded string.
- *
- * @param {===} value
- * @param {Boolean} allowNull [defaults to false]
- * @param {Boolean} dontStringifyFunctions [defaults to false]
- * @param {Boolean} allowNaNAndFriends [defaults to false]
- * @param {Boolean} doRunToJSONMethods [defaults to false]
- * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- * (only applies to certain things -- see https://trello.com/c/5SkpUlhI/402-make-customtojson-work-with-actions2#comment-5a3b6e7b43107b7a2938e7bd)
- * @return {String}
- */
- module.exports = function dehydrate (value, allowNull, dontStringifyFunctions, allowNaNAndFriends, doRunToJSONMethods) {
- return rebuildSanitized(value, allowNull, dontStringifyFunctions, allowNaNAndFriends, doRunToJSONMethods);
- };