var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('@sailshq/lodash'); var SchemaBuilder = require('../lib/waterline-schema/schema'); describe('Schema Builder :: ', function() { describe('Validating Identity', function() { it('should throw an error when a collection is missing an identity', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should be valid when an identity is present', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'FOO', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should lowercase the identity', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'FOO', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' } } }; var schema = SchemaBuilder([collection]); assert(; assert.equal(, 'foo'); }); it('should allow tableName to suffice for identity', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { tableName: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); }); describe('Validating Primary Key', function() { it('should enforce a primary key attribute to be included', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', attributes: {} }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should allow the primary key to be set as a model option', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'bar', attributes: { bar: { type: 'string' } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should NOT allow the primary key to be set as a flag on an attribute', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', attributes: { bar: { type: 'string' }, baz: { type: 'number', primaryKey: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should NOT allow the primary key to have a defaultsTo value', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'baz', attributes: { bar: { type: 'string' }, baz: { type: 'number', defaultsTo: 123 } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); }); describe('Validating Instance Methods', function() { it('should not allow instance methods', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, getName: function() {} } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); }); describe('Validating Attribute Properties', function() { it('should not allow migration attributes', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number', unique: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should allow types', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should validate types', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'integer' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should add a required flag', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { type: 'string' } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); var schema = SchemaBuilder([collection]); assert.equal(, false); }); it('should prevent attributes from having a null default value', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { type: 'string', defaultsTo: null } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent attributes from having a default value and a required flag', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { type: 'string', defaultsTo: 'foo', required: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent attributes from having a default value that doesn\'t match its type', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { type: 'string', defaultsTo: 123 } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should allow attributes to have a default value that does match its type', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { type: 'number', defaultsTo: 123 } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow associations to have default values', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { model: 'bar', defaultsTo: 123 } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow singular associations to have a type', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { model: 'bar', type: 'string' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow required values to have default values', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { type: 'string', required: true, defaultsTo: 'abc' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow plural associations to have a required flag', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { collection: 'bar', required: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow plural associations to have a columnName property', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { collection: 'bar', columnName: 'blah' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow plural associations to point at themselves', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, name: { collection: 'foo', via: 'name' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow both timestamp flags', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'number', autoUpdatedAt: true, autoCreatedAt: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow both an autoUpdatedAt timestamp and a required flag', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'number', autoUpdatedAt: true, required: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow both an autoCreatedAt timestamp and a required flag', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'number', autoCreatedAt: true, required: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow both an autoCreatedAt timestamp and a defaultsTo value', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'number', autoCreatedAt: true, defaultsTo: 123 } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow both an autoUpdatedAt timestamp and a defaultsTo value', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'number', autoUpdatedAt: true, defaultsTo: 123 } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow an autoCreatedAt timestamp to be a json type', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'json', autoCreatedAt: true, } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow an autoUpdatedAt timestamp to be a json type', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, timestamp: { type: 'json', autoUpdatedAt: true, } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow type json attributes to have an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { type: 'json', allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should allow type json attributes to have an allowNull flag set to false', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { type: 'json', allowNull: false } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should not allow type ref attributes to have an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { type: 'ref', allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should allow type ref attributes to have an allowNull flag set to false', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { type: 'ref', allowNull: false } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should allow type string attributes to have an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { type: 'string', allowNull: true } } }; assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent singular associations from having an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { model: 'foo', allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent plural associations from having an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, data: { collection: 'foo', allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent the primary key from having an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number', allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent an autoCreatedAt timestamp from having an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, createdAt: { type: 'number', autoCreatedAt: true, allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent an autoUpdatedAt timestamp from having an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number', }, updatedAt: { type: 'number', autoUpdatedAt: true, allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent a required attribute from having an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number', }, importantData: { type: 'number', required: true, allowNull: true } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); it('should prevent an attribute with both defaultsTo set to null and an allowNull flag set to true', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number', }, importantData: { type: 'number', allowNull: true, defaultsTo: null } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); }); describe('Validating Attribute Names', function() { it('should not allow dots in attribute names', function() { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = { identity: 'foo', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'number' }, '': { type: 'number' } } }; assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder([collection]); } ); }); }); describe('Validating Dominant Collection Flag', function() { it('should error when dominant is used on a via-less association', function() { var fixtures = [ { identity: 'user', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' }, favoritePets: { collection: 'pet', dominant: true } } }, { identity: 'pet', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' } } }, ]; var collections =, function(obj) { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = obj; return collection; }); assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder(collections); } ); }); it('should error when dominant is used on a non many-to-many association', function() { var fixtures = [ { identity: 'user', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' }, favoritePets: { collection: 'pet', via: 'owner', dominant: true } } }, { identity: 'pet', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' }, owner: { model: 'user' } } }, ]; var collections =, function(obj) { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = obj; return collection; }); assert.throws( function() { SchemaBuilder(collections); } ); }); it('should NOT error when dominant is used on a many-to-many association', function() { var fixtures = [ { identity: 'user', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' }, favoritePets: { collection: 'pet', via: 'owner', dominant: true } } }, { identity: 'pet', primaryKey: 'id', attributes: { id: { type: 'string', columnName: '_id' }, owners: { collection: 'user', via: 'favoritePets' } } }, ]; var collections =, function(obj) { var collection = function() {}; collection.prototype = obj; return collection; }); assert.doesNotThrow( function() { SchemaBuilder(collections); } ); }); }); });