/*global describe,it */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var assert = require('assert'); var MPromise = require('../'); /** * Test. */ describe('promise', function () { it('events fire right after fulfill()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise() , called = 0; promise.on('fulfill', function (a, b) { assert.equal(a, '1'); assert.equal(b, '2'); called++; }); promise.fulfill('1', '2'); promise.on('fulfill', function (a, b) { assert.equal(a, '1'); assert.equal(b, '2'); called++; }); assert.equal(2, called); done(); }); it('events fire right after reject()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise() , called = 0; promise.on('reject', function (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof Error); called++; }); promise.reject(new Error('booyah')); promise.on('reject', function (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof Error); called++; }); assert.equal(2, called); done() }); describe('onResolve()', function () { it('from constructor works', function (done) { var called = 0; var promise = new MPromise(function (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof Error); called++; }); promise.reject(new Error('dawg')); assert.equal(1, called); done(); }); it('after fulfill()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise() , called = 0; promise.fulfill('woot'); promise.onResolve(function (err, data) { assert.equal(data, 'woot'); called++; }); promise.onResolve(function (err) { assert.strictEqual(err, null); called++; }); assert.equal(2, called); done(); }) }); describe('onFulfill shortcut', function () { it('works', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise() , called = 0; promise.onFulfill(function (woot) { assert.strictEqual(woot, undefined); called++; }); promise.fulfill(); assert.equal(1, called); done(); }); }); describe('onReject shortcut', function () { it('works', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise() , called = 0; promise.onReject(function (err) { assert.ok(err instanceof Error); called++; }); promise.reject(new Error); assert.equal(1, called); done(); }) }); describe('return values', function () { it('on()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise(); assert.ok(promise.on('jump', function () {}) instanceof MPromise); done() }); it('onFulfill()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise(); assert.ok(promise.onFulfill(function () {}) instanceof MPromise); done(); }); it('onReject()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise(); assert.ok(promise.onReject(function () {}) instanceof MPromise); done(); }); it('onResolve()', function (done) { var promise = new MPromise(); assert.ok(promise.onResolve(function () {}) instanceof MPromise); done(); }) }); describe('casting errors', function () { describe('reject()', function () { it('does not cast arguments to Error', function (done) { var p = new MPromise(function (err) { assert.equal(3, err); done(); }); p.reject(3); }) }) }); describe('then', function () { describe('catching', function () { it('should not catch returned promise fulfillments', function (done) { var errorSentinal , p = new MPromise; p.then(function () { throw errorSentinal = new Error("boo!") }); p.fulfill(); done(); }); it('should not catch returned promise fulfillments even async', function (done) { var errorSentinal , p = new MPromise; p.then(function () { throw errorSentinal = new Error("boo!") }); setTimeout(function () { p.fulfill(); done(); }, 10); }); it('can be disabled using .end()', function (done) { if (process.version.indexOf('v0.8') == 0) return done(); var errorSentinal , overTimeout , domain = require('domain').create(); domain.once('error', function (err) { assert(err, errorSentinal); clearTimeout(overTimeout); done() }); domain.run(function () { var p = new MPromise; var p2 = p.then(function () { throw errorSentinal = new Error('shucks') }); p2.end(); p.fulfill(); }); overTimeout = setTimeout(function () { done(new Error('error was swallowed')); }, 10); }); it('can be disabled using .end() even when async', function (done) { if (process.version.indexOf('v0.10') != 0) return done(); var errorSentinal , overTimeout , domain = require('domain').create(); domain.on('error', function (err) { assert(err, errorSentinal); clearTimeout(overTimeout); done() }); domain.run(function () { var p = new MPromise; var p2 = p.then(function () { throw errorSentinal = new Error("boo!") }); p2.end(); setTimeout(function () {p.fulfill();}, 10); }); overTimeout = setTimeout(function () { done(new Error('error was swallowed')); }, 20); }); it('can be handled using .end() so no throwing', function (done) { var errorSentinal , overTimeout , domain = require('domain').create(); domain.run(function () { var p = new MPromise; var p2 = p.then(function () { throw errorSentinal = new Error("boo!") }); p2.end(function (err) { assert.equal(err, errorSentinal); clearTimeout(overTimeout); done() }); setTimeout(function () {p.fulfill();}, 10); }); overTimeout = setTimeout(function () { done(new Error('error was swallowed')); }, 20); }); }); it('persistent', function (done) { var p = new MPromise; v = null; function ensure(val) { v = v || val; assert.equal(v, val); } function guard() { throw new Error('onReject should not be called'); } p.then(ensure, guard).end(); p.fulfill('foo'); p.fulfill('bar'); p.reject(new Error('baz')); p.then(ensure, guard).end(); setTimeout(done, 0); }); it('accepts multiple completion values', function (done) { var p = new MPromise; p.then(function (a, b) { assert.equal(2, arguments.length); assert.equal('hi', a); assert.equal(4, b); done(); }, done).end(); p.fulfill('hi', 4); }) }); describe('fulfill values and splats', function () { it('should handle multiple values', function (done) { var p = new MPromise; p.onFulfill(function (a, b, c) { assert.equal('a', a); assert.equal('b', b); assert.equal('c', c); done(); }); p.fulfill('a', 'b', 'c'); }); it('should handle multiple values from a then', function (done) { MPromise.fulfilled().then( function () { return MPromise.fulfilled().then( function () { var p = new MPromise; p.fulfill('a', 'b', 'c'); return p; } ); } ).onFulfill( function (a, b, c) { assert.equal('a', a); assert.equal('b', b); assert.equal('c', c); done(); } ).end() }); it('should work with `fulfilled` convenience method', function (done) { MPromise.fulfilled('a', 'b', 'c').then(function (a, b, c) { assert.equal('a', a); assert.equal('b', b); assert.equal('c', c); done(); }) }); }); describe('end', function () { it("should return the promise", function (done) { var p = new MPromise; var p1 = p.end(); assert.equal(p, p1); done(); }); it("should throw for chain", function (done) { var p = new MPromise; p.then().then().then().then().end(); try { p.reject('bad'); } catch (e) { done(); } }); it("should not throw for chain with reject handler", function (done) { var p = new MPromise; p.then().then().then().then().end(function () { done(); }); try { p.reject('bad'); } catch (e) { done(e); } }); }); describe('chain', function () { it('should propagate fulfillment', function (done) { var varSentinel = {a: 'a'}; var p1 = new MPromise; p1.chain(new MPromise(function (err, doc) { assert.equal(doc, varSentinel); done(); })); p1.fulfill(varSentinel); }); it('should propagate rejection', function (done) { var e = new Error("gaga"); var p1 = new MPromise; p1.chain(new MPromise(function (err) { assert.equal(err, e); done(); })); p1.reject(e); }); it('should propagate resolution err', function (done) { var e = new Error("gaga"); var p1 = new MPromise; p1.chain(new MPromise(function (err) { assert.equal(err, e); done(); })); p1.resolve(e); }); it('should propagate resolution val', function (done) { var varSentinel = {a: 'a'}; var p1 = new MPromise; p1.chain(new MPromise(function (err, val) { assert.equal(val, varSentinel); done(); })); p1.resolve(null, varSentinel); }) }); describe("all", function () { it("works", function (done) { var count = 0; var p = new MPromise; var p2 = p.all(function () { return [ (function () { var p = new MPromise(); count++; p.resolve(); return p; })() , (function () { var p = new MPromise(); count++; p.resolve(); return p; })() ]; }); p2.then(function () { assert.equal(count, 2); done(); }); p.resolve(); }); it("handles rejects", function (done) { var count = 0; var p = new MPromise; var p2 = p.all(function () { return [ (function () { var p = new MPromise(); count++; p.resolve(); return p; })() , (function () { count++; throw new Error("gaga"); })() ]; }); p2.onReject(function (err) { assert(err.message, "gaga"); assert.equal(count, 2); done(); }); p.resolve(); }); }); describe("deferred", function () { it("works", function (done) { var d = MPromise.deferred(); assert.ok(d.promise instanceof MPromise); assert.ok(d.reject instanceof Function); assert.ok(d.resolve instanceof Function); assert.ok(d.callback instanceof Function); done(); }); }); describe("hook", function () { it("works", function (done) { var run = 0; var l1 = function (ser, par) { run++; ser(); par(); }; MPromise.hook([l1, l1, l1]).then(function () { assert(run, 3); done(); }) }); it("works with async serial hooks", function (done) { this.timeout(800); var run = 0; var l1 = function (ser, par) { run++; setTimeout(function () {ser();}, 200); par(); }; MPromise.hook([l1, l1, l1]).then(function () { assert(run, 3); done(); }) }); it("works with async parallel hooks", function (done) { this.timeout(400); var run = 0; var l1 = function (ser, par) { run++; ser(); setTimeout(function () {par();}, 200); }; MPromise.hook([l1, l1, l1]).then(function () { assert(run, 3); done(); }) }); it("catches errors in hook logic", function (done) { var run = 0; var l1 = function (ser, par) { run++; ser(); par(); }; var l2 = function (ser, par) { run++; ser(); par(); throw new Error("err") }; MPromise.hook([l1, l2, l1]).end(function (err) { assert(run, 2); done(); }); }); }); });