(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.lolex = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i -1; var maxTimeout = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; //see https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#abstract-opdef-converttoint // Make properties writable in IE, as per // http://www.adequatelygood.com/Replacing-setTimeout-Globally.html if (isRunningInIE) { _global.setTimeout = _global.setTimeout; _global.clearTimeout = _global.clearTimeout; _global.setInterval = _global.setInterval; _global.clearInterval = _global.clearInterval; _global.Date = _global.Date; } // setImmediate is not a standard function // avoid adding the prop to the window object if not present if (_global.setImmediate !== undefined) { _global.setImmediate = _global.setImmediate; _global.clearImmediate = _global.clearImmediate; } // node expects setTimeout/setInterval to return a fn object w/ .ref()/.unref() // browsers, a number. // see https://github.com/cjohansen/Sinon.JS/pull/436 var NOOP = function () { return undefined; }; var timeoutResult = _global.setTimeout(NOOP, 0); var addTimerReturnsObject = typeof timeoutResult === "object"; var hrtimePresent = (_global.process && typeof _global.process.hrtime === "function"); var nextTickPresent = (_global.process && typeof _global.process.nextTick === "function"); var performancePresent = (_global.performance && typeof _global.performance.now === "function"); var hasPerformancePrototype = (_global.Performance && (typeof _global.Performance).match(/^(function|object)$/)); var queueMicrotaskPresent = (typeof _global.queueMicrotask === "function"); var requestAnimationFramePresent = ( _global.requestAnimationFrame && typeof _global.requestAnimationFrame === "function" ); var cancelAnimationFramePresent = ( _global.cancelAnimationFrame && typeof _global.cancelAnimationFrame === "function" ); var requestIdleCallbackPresent = ( _global.requestIdleCallback && typeof _global.requestIdleCallback === "function" ); var cancelIdleCallbackPresent = ( _global.cancelIdleCallback && typeof _global.cancelIdleCallback === "function" ); _global.clearTimeout(timeoutResult); var NativeDate = _global.Date; var uniqueTimerId = 1; function isNumberFinite(num) { if (Number.isFinite) { return Number.isFinite(num); } if (typeof num !== "number") { return false; } return isFinite(num); } /** * Parse strings like "01:10:00" (meaning 1 hour, 10 minutes, 0 seconds) into * number of milliseconds. This is used to support human-readable strings passed * to clock.tick() */ function parseTime(str) { if (!str) { return 0; } var strings = str.split(":"); var l = strings.length; var i = l; var ms = 0; var parsed; if (l > 3 || !/^(\d\d:){0,2}\d\d?$/.test(str)) { throw new Error("tick only understands numbers, 'm:s' and 'h:m:s'. Each part must be two digits"); } while (i--) { parsed = parseInt(strings[i], 10); if (parsed >= 60) { throw new Error("Invalid time " + str); } ms += parsed * Math.pow(60, (l - i - 1)); } return ms * 1000; } /** * Get the decimal part of the millisecond value as nanoseconds * * @param {Number} msFloat the number of milliseconds * @returns {Number} an integer number of nanoseconds in the range [0,1e6) * * Example: nanoRemainer(123.456789) -> 456789 */ function nanoRemainder(msFloat) { var modulo = 1e6; var remainder = (msFloat * 1e6) % modulo; var positiveRemainder = remainder < 0 ? remainder + modulo : remainder; return Math.floor(positiveRemainder); } /** * Used to grok the `now` parameter to createClock. * @param epoch {Date|number} the system time */ function getEpoch(epoch) { if (!epoch) { return 0; } if (typeof epoch.getTime === "function") { return epoch.getTime(); } if (typeof epoch === "number") { return epoch; } throw new TypeError("now should be milliseconds since UNIX epoch"); } function inRange(from, to, timer) { return timer && timer.callAt >= from && timer.callAt <= to; } function mirrorDateProperties(target, source) { var prop; for (prop in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { target[prop] = source[prop]; } } // set special now implementation if (source.now) { target.now = function now() { return target.clock.now; }; } else { delete target.now; } // set special toSource implementation if (source.toSource) { target.toSource = function toSource() { return source.toSource(); }; } else { delete target.toSource; } // set special toString implementation target.toString = function toString() { return source.toString(); }; target.prototype = source.prototype; target.parse = source.parse; target.UTC = source.UTC; target.prototype.toUTCString = source.prototype.toUTCString; return target; } function createDate() { function ClockDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, ms) { // Defensive and verbose to avoid potential harm in passing // explicit undefined when user does not pass argument switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return new NativeDate(ClockDate.clock.now); case 1: return new NativeDate(year); case 2: return new NativeDate(year, month); case 3: return new NativeDate(year, month, date); case 4: return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour); case 5: return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour, minute); case 6: return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second); default: return new NativeDate(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, ms); } } return mirrorDateProperties(ClockDate, NativeDate); } function enqueueJob(clock, job) { // enqueues a microtick-deferred task - ecma262/#sec-enqueuejob if (!clock.jobs) { clock.jobs = []; } clock.jobs.push(job); } function runJobs(clock) { // runs all microtick-deferred tasks - ecma262/#sec-runjobs if (!clock.jobs) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < clock.jobs.length; i++) { var job = clock.jobs[i]; job.func.apply(null, job.args); if (clock.loopLimit && i > clock.loopLimit) { throw new Error("Aborting after running " + clock.loopLimit + " timers, assuming an infinite loop!"); } } clock.jobs = []; } function addTimer(clock, timer) { if (timer.func === undefined) { throw new Error("Callback must be provided to timer calls"); } timer.type = timer.immediate ? "Immediate" : "Timeout"; if (timer.hasOwnProperty("delay")) { if (!isNumberFinite(timer.delay)) { timer.delay = 0; } timer.delay = timer.delay > maxTimeout ? 1 : timer.delay; timer.delay = Math.max(0, timer.delay); } if (timer.hasOwnProperty("interval")) { timer.type = "Interval"; timer.interval = timer.interval > maxTimeout ? 1 : timer.interval; } if (timer.hasOwnProperty("animation")) { timer.type = "AnimationFrame"; timer.animation = true; } if (!clock.timers) { clock.timers = {}; } timer.id = uniqueTimerId++; timer.createdAt = clock.now; timer.callAt = clock.now + (parseInt(timer.delay) || (clock.duringTick ? 1 : 0)); clock.timers[timer.id] = timer; if (addTimerReturnsObject) { var res = { id: timer.id, ref: function () { return res; }, unref: function () { return res; }, refresh: function () { return res; } }; return res; } return timer.id; } /* eslint consistent-return: "off" */ function compareTimers(a, b) { // Sort first by absolute timing if (a.callAt < b.callAt) { return -1; } if (a.callAt > b.callAt) { return 1; } // Sort next by immediate, immediate timers take precedence if (a.immediate && !b.immediate) { return -1; } if (!a.immediate && b.immediate) { return 1; } // Sort next by creation time, earlier-created timers take precedence if (a.createdAt < b.createdAt) { return -1; } if (a.createdAt > b.createdAt) { return 1; } // Sort next by id, lower-id timers take precedence if (a.id < b.id) { return -1; } if (a.id > b.id) { return 1; } // As timer ids are unique, no fallback `0` is necessary } function firstTimerInRange(clock, from, to) { var timers = clock.timers; var timer = null; var id, isInRange; for (id in timers) { if (timers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { isInRange = inRange(from, to, timers[id]); if (isInRange && (!timer || compareTimers(timer, timers[id]) === 1)) { timer = timers[id]; } } } return timer; } function firstTimer(clock) { var timers = clock.timers; var timer = null; var id; for (id in timers) { if (timers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (!timer || compareTimers(timer, timers[id]) === 1) { timer = timers[id]; } } } return timer; } function lastTimer(clock) { var timers = clock.timers; var timer = null; var id; for (id in timers) { if (timers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (!timer || compareTimers(timer, timers[id]) === -1) { timer = timers[id]; } } } return timer; } function callTimer(clock, timer) { if (typeof timer.interval === "number") { clock.timers[timer.id].callAt += timer.interval; } else { delete clock.timers[timer.id]; } if (typeof timer.func === "function") { timer.func.apply(null, timer.args); } else { /* eslint no-eval: "off" */ eval(timer.func); } } function clearTimer(clock, timerId, ttype) { if (!timerId) { // null appears to be allowed in most browsers, and appears to be // relied upon by some libraries, like Bootstrap carousel return; } if (!clock.timers) { clock.timers = {}; } // in Node, timerId is an object with .ref()/.unref(), and // its .id field is the actual timer id. if (typeof timerId === "object") { timerId = timerId.id; } if (clock.timers.hasOwnProperty(timerId)) { // check that the ID matches a timer of the correct type var timer = clock.timers[timerId]; if (timer.type === ttype) { delete clock.timers[timerId]; } else { var clear = ttype === "AnimationFrame" ? "cancelAnimationFrame" : "clear" + ttype; var schedule = timer.type === "AnimationFrame" ? "requestAnimationFrame" : "set" + timer.type; throw new Error("Cannot clear timer: timer created with " + schedule + "() but cleared with " + clear + "()"); } } } function uninstall(clock, target, config) { var method, i, l; var installedHrTime = "_hrtime"; var installedNextTick = "_nextTick"; for (i = 0, l = clock.methods.length; i < l; i++) { method = clock.methods[i]; if (method === "hrtime" && target.process) { target.process.hrtime = clock[installedHrTime]; } else if (method === "nextTick" && target.process) { target.process.nextTick = clock[installedNextTick]; } else if (method === "performance") { target[method] = clock["_" + method]; } else { if (target[method] && target[method].hadOwnProperty) { target[method] = clock["_" + method]; if (method === "clearInterval" && config.shouldAdvanceTime === true) { target[method](clock.attachedInterval); } } else { try { delete target[method]; } catch (ignore) { /* eslint empty-block: "off" */ } } } } // Prevent multiple executions which will completely remove these props clock.methods = []; // return pending timers, to enable checking what timers remained on uninstall if (!clock.timers) { return []; } return Object.keys(clock.timers).map(function mapper(key) { return clock.timers[key]; }); } function hijackMethod(target, method, clock) { var prop; clock[method].hadOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, method); clock["_" + method] = target[method]; if (method === "Date") { var date = mirrorDateProperties(clock[method], target[method]); target[method] = date; } else if (method === "performance") { target[method] = clock[method]; } else { target[method] = function () { return clock[method].apply(clock, arguments); }; for (prop in clock[method]) { if (clock[method].hasOwnProperty(prop)) { target[method][prop] = clock[method][prop]; } } } target[method].clock = clock; } function doIntervalTick(clock, advanceTimeDelta) { clock.tick(advanceTimeDelta); } var timers = { setTimeout: _global.setTimeout, clearTimeout: _global.clearTimeout, setImmediate: _global.setImmediate, clearImmediate: _global.clearImmediate, setInterval: _global.setInterval, clearInterval: _global.clearInterval, Date: _global.Date }; if (hrtimePresent) { timers.hrtime = _global.process.hrtime; } if (nextTickPresent) { timers.nextTick = _global.process.nextTick; } if (performancePresent) { timers.performance = _global.performance; } if (requestAnimationFramePresent) { timers.requestAnimationFrame = _global.requestAnimationFrame; } if (queueMicrotaskPresent) { timers.queueMicrotask = _global.queueMicrotask; } if (cancelAnimationFramePresent) { timers.cancelAnimationFrame = _global.cancelAnimationFrame; } if (requestIdleCallbackPresent) { timers.requestIdleCallback = _global.requestIdleCallback; } if (cancelIdleCallbackPresent) { timers.cancelIdleCallback = _global.cancelIdleCallback; } var keys = Object.keys || function (obj) { var ks = []; var key; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ks.push(key); } } return ks; }; /** * @param start {Date|number} the system time - non-integer values are floored * @param loopLimit {number} maximum number of timers that will be run when calling runAll() */ function createClock(start, loopLimit) { start = Math.floor(getEpoch(start)); loopLimit = loopLimit || 1000; var nanos = 0; var adjustedSystemTime = [0, 0]; // [millis, nanoremainder] if (NativeDate === undefined) { throw new Error("The global scope doesn't have a `Date` object" + " (see https://github.com/sinonjs/sinon/issues/1852#issuecomment-419622780)"); } var clock = { now: start, timeouts: {}, Date: createDate(), loopLimit: loopLimit }; clock.Date.clock = clock; function getTimeToNextFrame() { return 16 - ((clock.now - start) % 16); } function hrtime(prev) { var millisSinceStart = clock.now - adjustedSystemTime[0] - start; var secsSinceStart = Math.floor( millisSinceStart / 1000); var remainderInNanos = (millisSinceStart - secsSinceStart * 1e3 ) * 1e6 + nanos - adjustedSystemTime[1]; if (Array.isArray(prev)) { if ( prev[1] > 1e9 ) { throw new TypeError("Number of nanoseconds can't exceed a billion"); } var oldSecs = prev[0]; var nanoDiff = remainderInNanos - prev[1]; var secDiff = secsSinceStart - oldSecs; if (nanoDiff < 0) { nanoDiff += 1e9; secDiff -= 1; } return [secDiff, nanoDiff]; } return [secsSinceStart, remainderInNanos]; } clock.requestIdleCallback = function requestIdleCallback(func, timeout) { var timeToNextIdlePeriod = 0; if (clock.countTimers() > 0) { timeToNextIdlePeriod = 50; // const for now } var result = addTimer(clock, { func: func, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), delay: typeof timeout === "undefined" ? timeToNextIdlePeriod : Math.min(timeout, timeToNextIdlePeriod) }); return result.id || result; }; clock.cancelIdleCallback = function cancelIdleCallback(timerId) { return clearTimer(clock, timerId, "Timeout"); }; clock.setTimeout = function setTimeout(func, timeout) { return addTimer(clock, { func: func, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), delay: timeout }); }; clock.clearTimeout = function clearTimeout(timerId) { return clearTimer(clock, timerId, "Timeout"); }; clock.nextTick = function nextTick(func) { return enqueueJob(clock, { func: func, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) }); }; clock.queueMicrotask = function queueMicrotask(func) { return clock.nextTick(func); // explicitly drop additional arguments }; clock.setInterval = function setInterval(func, timeout) { timeout = parseInt(timeout, 10); return addTimer(clock, { func: func, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), delay: timeout, interval: timeout }); }; clock.clearInterval = function clearInterval(timerId) { return clearTimer(clock, timerId, "Interval"); }; clock.setImmediate = function setImmediate(func) { return addTimer(clock, { func: func, args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), immediate: true }); }; clock.clearImmediate = function clearImmediate(timerId) { return clearTimer(clock, timerId, "Immediate"); }; clock.countTimers = function countTimers() { return Object.keys(clock.timers || {}).length; }; clock.requestAnimationFrame = function requestAnimationFrame(func) { var result = addTimer(clock, { func: func, delay: getTimeToNextFrame(), args: [clock.now + getTimeToNextFrame()], animation: true }); return result.id || result; }; clock.cancelAnimationFrame = function cancelAnimationFrame(timerId) { return clearTimer(clock, timerId, "AnimationFrame"); }; clock.runMicrotasks = function runMicrotasks() { runJobs(clock); }; /** * @param {tickValue} {String|Number} number of milliseconds or a human-readable value like "01:11:15" */ clock.tick = function tick(tickValue) { var msFloat = typeof tickValue === "number" ? tickValue : parseTime(tickValue); var ms = Math.floor(msFloat); var remainder = nanoRemainder(msFloat); var nanosTotal = nanos + remainder; var tickTo = clock.now + ms; if (msFloat < 0) { throw new TypeError("Negative ticks are not supported"); } // adjust for positive overflow if (nanosTotal >= 1e6) { tickTo += 1; nanosTotal -= 1e6; } nanos = nanosTotal; var tickFrom = clock.now; var previous = clock.now; var timer, firstException, oldNow; clock.duringTick = true; // perform microtasks oldNow = clock.now; runJobs(clock); if (oldNow !== clock.now) { // compensate for any setSystemTime() call during microtask callback tickFrom += clock.now - oldNow; tickTo += clock.now - oldNow; } // perform each timer in the requested range timer = firstTimerInRange(clock, tickFrom, tickTo); while (timer && tickFrom <= tickTo) { if (clock.timers[timer.id]) { tickFrom = timer.callAt; clock.now = timer.callAt; oldNow = clock.now; try { runJobs(clock); callTimer(clock, timer); } catch (e) { firstException = firstException || e; } // compensate for any setSystemTime() call during timer callback if (oldNow !== clock.now) { tickFrom += clock.now - oldNow; tickTo += clock.now - oldNow; previous += clock.now - oldNow; } } timer = firstTimerInRange(clock, previous, tickTo); previous = tickFrom; } // perform process.nextTick()s again oldNow = clock.now; runJobs(clock); if (oldNow !== clock.now) { // compensate for any setSystemTime() call during process.nextTick() callback tickFrom += clock.now - oldNow; tickTo += clock.now - oldNow; } clock.duringTick = false; // corner case: during runJobs, new timers were scheduled which could be in the range [clock.now, tickTo] timer = firstTimerInRange(clock, tickFrom, tickTo); if (timer) { try { clock.tick(tickTo - clock.now); // do it all again - for the remainder of the requested range } catch (e) { firstException = firstException || e; } } else { // no timers remaining in the requested range: move the clock all the way to the end clock.now = tickTo; // update nanos nanos = nanosTotal; } if (firstException) { throw firstException; } return clock.now; }; clock.next = function next() { runJobs(clock); var timer = firstTimer(clock); if (!timer) { return clock.now; } clock.duringTick = true; try { clock.now = timer.callAt; callTimer(clock, timer); runJobs(clock); return clock.now; } finally { clock.duringTick = false; } }; clock.runAll = function runAll() { var numTimers, i; runJobs(clock); for (i = 0; i < clock.loopLimit; i++) { if (!clock.timers) { return clock.now; } numTimers = keys(clock.timers).length; if (numTimers === 0) { return clock.now; } clock.next(); } throw new Error("Aborting after running " + clock.loopLimit + " timers, assuming an infinite loop!"); }; clock.runToFrame = function runToFrame() { return clock.tick(getTimeToNextFrame()); }; clock.runToLast = function runToLast() { var timer = lastTimer(clock); if (!timer) { runJobs(clock); return clock.now; } return clock.tick(timer.callAt - clock.now); }; clock.reset = function reset() { nanos = 0; clock.timers = {}; clock.jobs = []; clock.now = start; }; clock.setSystemTime = function setSystemTime(systemTime) { // determine time difference var newNow = getEpoch(systemTime); var difference = newNow - clock.now; var id, timer; adjustedSystemTime[0] = difference; adjustedSystemTime[1] = nanos; // update 'system clock' clock.now = newNow; nanos = 0; // update timers and intervals to keep them stable for (id in clock.timers) { if (clock.timers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { timer = clock.timers[id]; timer.createdAt += difference; timer.callAt += difference; } } }; if (performancePresent) { clock.performance = Object.create(null); if (hasPerformancePrototype) { var proto = _global.Performance.prototype; Object .getOwnPropertyNames(proto) .forEach(function (name) { clock.performance[name] = NOOP; }); } clock.performance.now = function lolexNow() { var hrt = hrtime(); var millis = (hrt[0] * 1000 + hrt[1] / 1e6); return millis; }; } if (hrtimePresent) { clock.hrtime = hrtime; } return clock; } /** * @param config {Object} optional config * @param config.target {Object} the target to install timers in (default `window`) * @param config.now {number|Date} a number (in milliseconds) or a Date object (default epoch) * @param config.toFake {string[]} names of the methods that should be faked. * @param config.loopLimit {number} the maximum number of timers that will be run when calling runAll() * @param config.shouldAdvanceTime {Boolean} tells lolex to increment mocked time automatically (default false) * @param config.advanceTimeDelta {Number} increment mocked time every <> ms (default: 20ms) */ function install(config) { if ( arguments.length > 1 || config instanceof Date || Array.isArray(config) || typeof config === "number") { throw new TypeError("lolex.install called with " + String(config) + " lolex 2.0+ requires an object parameter - see https://github.com/sinonjs/lolex"); } config = typeof config !== "undefined" ? config : {}; config.shouldAdvanceTime = config.shouldAdvanceTime || false; config.advanceTimeDelta = config.advanceTimeDelta || 20; var i, l; var target = config.target || _global; var clock = createClock(config.now, config.loopLimit); clock.uninstall = function () { return uninstall(clock, target, config); }; clock.methods = config.toFake || []; if (clock.methods.length === 0) { // do not fake nextTick by default - GitHub#126 clock.methods = keys(timers).filter(function (key) {return key !== "nextTick";}); } for (i = 0, l = clock.methods.length; i < l; i++) { if (clock.methods[i] === "hrtime") { if (target.process && typeof target.process.hrtime === "function") { hijackMethod(target.process, clock.methods[i], clock); } } else if (clock.methods[i] === "nextTick") { if (target.process && typeof target.process.nextTick === "function") { hijackMethod(target.process, clock.methods[i], clock); } } else { if (clock.methods[i] === "setInterval" && config.shouldAdvanceTime === true) { var intervalTick = doIntervalTick.bind(null, clock, config.advanceTimeDelta); var intervalId = target[clock.methods[i]]( intervalTick, config.advanceTimeDelta); clock.attachedInterval = intervalId; } hijackMethod(target, clock.methods[i], clock); } } return clock; } return { timers: timers, createClock: createClock, install: install, withGlobal: withGlobal }; } var defaultImplementation = withGlobal(global || window); exports.timers = defaultImplementation.timers; exports.createClock = defaultImplementation.createClock; exports.install = defaultImplementation.install; exports.withGlobal = withGlobal; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{}]},{},[1])(1) });