describe('flaverr.getBareTrace()', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){ describe('with `flaverr.getBareTrace(err)`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){ it('should work'); it('should return the provided error\'s trace'); }); describe('with `flaverr.getBareTrace()`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){ it('should return a good trace from where it was invoked'); }); describe('with `flaverr.getBareTrace(caller)`', function _wouldBeArrowFnIfDidntNeedToSupportNode6(){ it('should fail with an error message explaining about Error.captureStackTrace if the caller is an unrelated function not even from the current stack'); it('should return a good trace from where the caller function was invoked in the current stack'); }); });