# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines.
## [4.0.1](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v4.0.0...v4.0.1) (2018-12-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **object-id:** correct serialization of old ObjectID types ([8d57a8c](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/8d57a8c))
# [4.0.0](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v3.0.2...v4.0.0) (2018-11-13)
### Migration Guide
Please see the [migration guide](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/blob/master/docs/upgrade-to-v4.md) for detailed discussion of breaking changes in this release.
### Bug Fixes
* **buffer:** replace deprecated Buffer constructor ([5acdebf](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/5acdebf))
* **dbPointer:** fix utf8 bug for dbPointer ([018c769](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/018c769))
* **deserialize:** fix deserialization of 0xFFFD ([c682ae3](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/c682ae3)), closes [#277](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/issues/277)
* **ext-json:** deserialize doubles as `Number` in relaxed mode ([a767fa1](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/a767fa1))
* **ObjectId:** will now throw if an invalid character is passed ([6f30b4e](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/6f30b4e))
* **ObjectID:** ObjectId.isValid should check buffer length ([06af813](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/06af813))
* **package:** `browser` section needs to point to correct index ([08337e3](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/08337e3))
* **random-bytes:** fallback to insecure path if require is null ([963b12b](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/963b12b))
* **random-bytes:** wrap crypto require in try/catch for fallback ([47fd5f7](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/47fd5f7))
* **serializer:** do not use checkKeys for $clusterTime ([cbb4724](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/cbb4724))
* **serializer:** map insert expects only string keys ([aba3a18](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/aba3a18))
### Code Refactoring
* **symbol:** rename Symbol to BSONSymbol ([5d5b3d2](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/5d5b3d2))
### Features
* **BSON:** simplify and flatten module exports ([f8920c6](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/f8920c6))
* **bsontype:** move all `_bsontypes` to non-enumerable properties ([16f5bf6](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/16f5bf6))
* **ext-json:** add extended JSON codecs directly to BSON types ([10e5f00](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/10e5f00))
* **ext-json:** add extended JSON support to the bson library ([d6b71ab](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/d6b71ab))
* **ext-json:** export EJSON at top level of module ([c356a5a](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/c356a5a))
* **karma:** test bson in the browser ([cd593ca](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/cd593ca))
* **long:** replace long implementatin with long.js ([545900d](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/545900d))
* **ObjectId:** Where code was previously silently erroring, users may now
experience TypeErrors
* **symbol:** This was conflicting with the ES6 Symbol type
## [3.0.2](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v3.0.1...v3.0.2) (2018-07-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **revert:** Reverting v3.0.1 ([efb0720](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/efb0720))
# [3.0.0](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.8...v3.0.0) (2018-06-13)
### Features
* **ObjectID:** use FNV-1a hash for objectId ([4f545b1](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/4f545b1))
* **rollup:** initial commit of rollup-generated bundle ([474b8f7](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/474b8f7))
* **rollup:** switch from webpack to rollup for bundling ([98068fa](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/98068fa))
## [2.0.8](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.7...v2.0.8) (2018-06-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **readme:** clarify documentation about deserialize methods ([e311056](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/e311056))
* **serialization:** normalize function stringification ([21eb0b0](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/21eb0b0))
## [2.0.7](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.6...v2.0.7) (2018-05-31)
### Bug Fixes
* **binary:** add type checking for buffer ([cbfb25d](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/cbfb25d))
## [2.0.6](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.5...v2.0.6) (2018-04-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **deserializeStream:** allow multiple documents to be deserialized ([6fc5984](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/6fc5984)), closes [#244](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/issues/244)
## [2.0.5](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.4...v2.0.5) (2018-04-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **regexp:** properly construct new BSONRegExp when constructor called without new ([#242](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/issues/242)) ([93ae799](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/93ae799))
## [2.0.4](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.3...v2.0.4) (2018-03-12)
## [2.0.3](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3) (2018-03-12)
### Features
* **serialization:** support arbitrary sizes for the internal serialization buffer ([a6bd45c](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/a6bd45c))
## [2.0.2](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.1...v2.0.2) (2018-03-02)
### Bug Fixes
* make sure all functions are named consistently ([6df9022](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/6df9022))
## [2.0.1](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1) (2018-02-28)
### Bug Fixes
* **serializer:** ensure RegExp options are alphabetically sorted ([d60659d](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/d60659d))
### Features
* **db-ref:** support passing a namespace into a DBRef ctor ([604831b](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/604831b))
# 2.0.0 (2018-02-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **browser:** fixing browser property in package.json ([095fba9](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/095fba9))
* **dbref:** only upgrade objects with allowed $keys to DBRefs ([98eb9e2](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/98eb9e2))
* **decimal128:** add basic guard against REDOS attacks ([511ecc4](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/511ecc4))
* **Decimal128:** update toString and fromString methods to correctly handle the case of too many significant digits ([25ed43e](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/25ed43e))
* **objectid:** if pid is 1, use random value ([e188ae6](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/e188ae6))
* **serializeWithBufferAndIndex:** write documents to start of intermediate buffer ([b4e4ac5](https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson/commit/b4e4ac5))
1.0.4 2016-01-11
- #204 remove Buffer.from as it's partially broken in early 4.x.x. series of node releases.
1.0.3 2016-01-03
- Fixed toString for ObjectId so it will work with inspect.
1.0.2 2016-01-02
- Minor optimizations for ObjectID to use Buffer.from where available.
1.0.1 2016-12-06
- Reverse behavior for undefined to be serialized as NULL. MongoDB 3.4 does not allow for undefined comparisons.
1.0.0 2016-12-06
- Introduced new BSON API and documentation.
0.5.7 2016-11-18
- NODE-848 BSON Regex flags must be alphabetically ordered.
0.5.6 2016-10-19
- NODE-833, Detects cyclic dependencies in documents and throws error if one is found.
- Fix(deserializer): corrected the check for (size + index) comparison… (Issue #195, https://github.com/JoelParke).
0.5.5 2016-09-15
- Added DBPointer up conversion to DBRef
0.5.4 2016-08-23
- Added promoteValues flag (default to true) allowing user to specify if deserialization should be into wrapper classes only.
0.5.3 2016-07-11
- Throw error if ObjectId is not a string or a buffer.
0.5.2 2016-07-11
- All values encoded big-endian style for ObjectId.
0.5.1 2016-07-11
- Fixed encoding/decoding issue in ObjectId timestamp generation.
- Removed BinaryParser dependency from the serializer/deserializer.
0.5.0 2016-07-05
- Added Decimal128 type and extended test suite to include entire bson corpus.
0.4.23 2016-04-08
- Allow for proper detection of ObjectId or objects that look like ObjectId, improving compatibility across third party libraries.
- Remove one package from dependency due to having been pulled from NPM.
0.4.22 2016-03-04
- Fix "TypeError: data.copy is not a function" in Electron (Issue #170, https://github.com/kangas).
- Fixed issue with undefined type on deserializing.
0.4.21 2016-01-12
- Minor optimizations to avoid non needed object creation.
0.4.20 2015-10-15
- Added bower file to repository.
- Fixed browser pid sometimes set greater than 0xFFFF on browsers (Issue #155, https://github.com/rahatarmanahmed)
0.4.19 2015-10-15
- Remove all support for bson-ext.
0.4.18 2015-10-15
- ObjectID equality check should return boolean instead of throwing exception for invalid oid string #139
- add option for deserializing binary into Buffer object #116
0.4.17 2015-10-15
- Validate regexp string for null bytes and throw if there is one.
0.4.16 2015-10-07
- Fixed issue with return statement in Map.js.
0.4.15 2015-10-06
- Exposed Map correctly via index.js file.
0.4.14 2015-10-06
- Exposed Map correctly via bson.js file.
0.4.13 2015-10-06
- Added ES6 Map type serialization as well as a polyfill for ES5.
0.4.12 2015-09-18
- Made ignore undefined an optional parameter.
0.4.11 2015-08-06
- Minor fix for invalid key checking.
0.4.10 2015-08-06
- NODE-38 Added new BSONRegExp type to allow direct serialization to MongoDB type.
- Some performance improvements by in lining code.
0.4.9 2015-08-06
- Undefined fields are omitted from serialization in objects.
0.4.8 2015-07-14
- Fixed size validation to ensure we can deserialize from dumped files.
0.4.7 2015-06-26
- Added ability to instruct deserializer to return raw BSON buffers for named array fields.
- Minor deserialization optimization by moving inlined function out.
0.4.6 2015-06-17
- Fixed serializeWithBufferAndIndex bug.
0.4.5 2015-06-17
- Removed any references to the shared buffer to avoid non GC collectible bson instances.
0.4.4 2015-06-17
- Fixed rethrowing of error when not RangeError.
0.4.3 2015-06-17
- Start buffer at 64K and double as needed, meaning we keep a low memory profile until needed.
0.4.2 2015-06-16
- More fixes for corrupt Bson
0.4.1 2015-06-16
- More fixes for corrupt Bson
0.4.0 2015-06-16
- New JS serializer serializing into a single buffer then copying out the new buffer. Performance is similar to current C++ parser.
- Removed bson-ext extension dependency for now.
0.3.2 2015-03-27
- Removed node-gyp from install script in package.json.
0.3.1 2015-03-27
- Return pure js version on native() call if failed to initialize.
0.3.0 2015-03-26
- Pulled out all C++ code into bson-ext and made it an optional dependency.
0.2.21 2015-03-21
- Updated Nan to 1.7.0 to support io.js and node 0.12.0
0.2.19 2015-02-16
- Updated Nan to 1.6.2 to support io.js and node 0.12.0
0.2.18 2015-01-20
- Updated Nan to 1.5.1 to support io.js
0.2.16 2014-12-17
- Made pid cycle on 0xffff to avoid weird overflows on creation of ObjectID's
0.2.12 2014-08-24
- Fixes for fortify review of c++ extension
- toBSON correctly allows returns of non objects
0.2.3 2013-10-01
- Drying of ObjectId code for generation of id (Issue #54, https://github.com/moredip)
- Fixed issue where corrupt CString's could cause endless loop
- Support for Node 0.11.X > (Issue #49, https://github.com/kkoopa)
0.1.4 2012-09-25
- Added precompiled c++ native extensions for win32 ia32 and x64