# anchor Anchor is a JavaScript library that lets you enforce [high-level validation rules](https://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts/models-and-orm/validations). It is used in [Waterline and Sails](https://sailsjs.com/features) to complement the type safety imposed by [rttc](https://npmjs.com/package/rttc). (Built on top of the great work with https://www.npmjs.com/package/validator) ## Usage #### Documentation The up-to-date documentation for high-level anchor validation rules is maintained on the [Sails framework website](http://sailsjs.com). You can find a detailed reference of all validation rules under [Concepts > Models & ORM > Validations](http://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts/models-and-orm/validations). > For more details on standalone usage, see the source code in this repo. ## Help Check out the recommended [community support options](http://sailsjs.com/support) for tutorials and other resources. If you have a specific question, or just need to clarify how something works, [ask for help](https://gitter.im/balderdashy/sails) or reach out to the core team [directly](http://sailsjs.com/flagship). You can keep up to date with security patches, the Sails/Waterline release schedule, new database adapters, and events in your area by following us [@sailsjs](https://twitter.com/sailsjs) and [@waterlineorm](https://twitter.com/waterlineorm) on Twitter. ## Bugs   [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/anchor.svg)](http://npmjs.com/package/anchor) To report a bug, [click here](http://sailsjs.com/bugs). ## Contribute   [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sailshq/anchor.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sailshq/anchor) Please observe the guidelines and conventions laid out in our [contribution guide](http://sailsjs.com/documentation/contributing) when opening issues or submitting pull requests. #### Tests All tests are written with [mocha](https://mochajs.org/) and should be run with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/): ``` bash $ npm test ``` ## License Copyright 2012-present, [Mike McNeil](https://twitter.com/mikermcneil) This core package, like the rest of the [Sails framework](http://sailsjs.com), is free and open-source under the [MIT License](http://sailsjs.com/license). [![image_squidhome@2x.png](http://sailsjs.com/images/bkgd_squiddy.png)](http://sailsjs.com/about)