var testRules = require('./util/testRules.js'); describe('miscellaneous rules', function() { describe('isInteger', function() { it ('should fail for strings', function() { return testRules({ isInteger: true }, 2, '2'); }); it ('should fail for floats', function() { return testRules({ isInteger: true }, 2, 2.5); }); it ('should not allow nulls', function() { return testRules({ isInteger: true }, 2, null); }); }); describe('notEmptyString', function() { it('should no allow nulls', function() { return testRules({ isNotEmptyString: true }, 'sfsa', null); }); }); describe('max/min', function() { it(' should support "max" rule ', function() { return testRules({ max: 3 }, 2, 5); }); it(' should support "min" rule ', function() { return testRules({ min: 3 }, 5, 2); }); describe(' should support both "max" and "min" rules at the same time ', function() { it('with a val < min', function() { return testRules({ min: 3, max: 5 }, 4, 2); }); it('with a val > max', function() { return testRules({ min: 3, max: 5 }, 4, 6); }); }); it('should not allow `null` values', function() { return testRules({ min: 3, max: 5 }, 4, null); }); }); describe('maxLength/minLength', function() { it(' should support "maxLength" rule ', function() { return testRules({ maxLength: 3 }, 'abc', 'abcde'); }); it(' should support "minLength" rule ', function() { return testRules({ minLength: 3 }, 'abc', 'ab'); }); describe(' should support both "maxLength" and "minLength" rules at the same time ', function() { it('with a val < minLength', function() { return testRules({ minLength: 3, maxLength: 5 }, 'abcd', 'ab'); }); it('with a val > maxLength', function() { return testRules({ minLength: 3, maxLength: 5 }, 'abcd', 'abcdef'); }); }); it('should not allow null values', function() { return testRules({ minLength: 3, maxLength: 5 }, 'abcd', null); }); it('should allow empty string values', function() { return testRules({ minLength: 3, maxLength: 5 }, '', 'abcdef'); }); }); describe('isURL', function() { it('should support "isURL" rule with no options', function() { return testRules({ isURL: true }, '', 'sailsjs'); }); it('should support "isURL" rule with options', function() { return testRules({ isURL: { require_protocol: true//eslint-disable-line camelcase } }, '', ''); }); }); describe('isBefore/isAfter date', function() { it(' should support "isBefore" rule when validating Date instances (Date) vs. Date', function() { return testRules({ isBefore: new Date() }, new Date( - 100000), new Date( + 1000000)); }); it(' should support "isBefore" rule when validating Date instances (Date) vs. number', function() { return testRules({ isBefore: }, new Date( - 100000), new Date( + 1000000)); }); it(' should support "isBefore" rule when validating js timestamps (number) vs. number', function() { return testRules({ isBefore: }, (new Date( - 100000)).getTime(), (new Date( + 1000000)).getTime()); }); it(' should support "isBefore" rule when validating js timestamps (number) vs. Date', function() { return testRules({ isBefore: new Date() }, (new Date( - 100000)).getTime(), (new Date( + 1000000)).getTime()); }); it(' should support "isBefore" rule when validating JSON timestamps (string) vs. string', function() { return testRules({ isBefore: (new Date()).toJSON() }, (new Date( - 100000)).toJSON(), (new Date( + 1000000)).toJSON()); }); it(' should support "isBefore" rule when validating JSON timestamps (string) vs. number', function() { return testRules({ isBefore: }, (new Date( - 100000)).toJSON(), (new Date( + 1000000)).toJSON()); }); it(' should support "isAfter" rule when validating Date instances (Date) vs. Date', function() { return testRules({ isAfter: new Date() }, new Date( + 100000), new Date( - 1000000)); }); it(' should support "isAfter" rule when validating js timestamps (number) vs. number', function() { return testRules({ isAfter: new Date() }, (new Date( + 100000)).getTime(), (new Date( - 1000000)).getTime()); }); it(' should support "isAfter" rule when validating JSON timestamps (string) vs. string', function() { return testRules({ isAfter: (new Date()).toJSON() }, (new Date( + 100000)).toJSON(), (new Date( - 1000000)).toJSON()); }); }); describe('custom rule', function() { it ('should support a custom rule as a function', function() { return testRules({ custom: function(x) { return x.indexOf('foo') === 0; } }, 'foobar', 'notfoobar'); }); }); describe('isNotIn rule', function() { it ('should support isNotIn', function() { return testRules({ isNotIn: ['foo','bar','baz'] }, 'bloop', 'foo'); }); }); describe('regex rule', function() { it ('should support regex', function() { return testRules({ regex: /^\w\d{2}!$/ }, 'a12!', 'a1goop!'); }); }); });