var Test = require('../../support/test-runner'); describe('Query Generation ::', function() { describe('Grouping statements with AND', function() { it('should generate a query when an AND statement is used as an array', function(done) { Test({ query: { select: ['*'], from: 'users', where: { and: [ { firstName: 'foo' }, { lastName: 'bar' } ] } }, outcomes: [ { dialect: 'postgresql', sql: 'select * from "users" where "firstName" = $1 and "lastName" = $2', bindings: ['foo', 'bar'] }, { dialect: 'mysql', sql: 'select * from `users` where `firstName` = ? and `lastName` = ?', bindings: ['foo', 'bar'] }, { dialect: 'sqlite3', sql: 'select * from "users" where "firstName" = ? and "lastName" = ?', bindings: ['foo', 'bar'] }, { dialect: 'oracle', sql: 'select * from "users" where "firstName" = :1 and "lastName" = :2', bindings: ['foo', 'bar'] }, { dialect: 'mariadb', sql: 'select * from `users` where `firstName` = ? and `lastName` = ?', bindings: ['foo', 'bar'] } ] }, done); }); it('should generate a query when a nested OR statement is used', function(done) { Test({ query: { select: ['*'], from: 'users', where: { and: [ { or: [ { firstName: 'John' }, { lastName: 'Smith' } ] }, { or: [ { qty: { '>': 100 } }, { price: { '<': 10.01 } } ] } ] } }, outcomes: [ { dialect: 'postgresql', sql: 'select * from "users" where ("firstName" = $1 or "lastName" = $2) and ("qty" > $3 or "price" < $4)', bindings: ['John', 'Smith', '100', '10.01'] }, { dialect: 'mysql', sql: 'select * from `users` where (`firstName` = ? or `lastName` = ?) and (`qty` > ? or `price` < ?)', bindings: ['John', 'Smith', '100', '10.01'] }, { dialect: 'sqlite3', sql: 'select * from "users" where ("firstName" = ? or "lastName" = ?) and ("qty" > ? or "price" < ?)', bindings: ['John', 'Smith', '100', '10.01'] }, { dialect: 'oracle', sql: 'select * from "users" where ("firstName" = :1 or "lastName" = :2) and ("qty" > :3 or "price" < :4)', bindings: ['John', 'Smith', '100', '10.01'] }, { dialect: 'mariadb', sql: 'select * from `users` where (`firstName` = ? or `lastName` = ?) and (`qty` > ? or `price` < ?)', bindings: ['John', 'Smith', '100', '10.01'] } ] }, done); }); }); });