var log4js = require('log4js'); var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); var funcs = { 'env': doEnv, 'args': doArgs, 'opts': doOpts }; function getLogger(categoryName) { var args = arguments; var prefix = ""; for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { if(i !== args.length-1) prefix = prefix + args[i] + "] ["; else prefix = prefix + args[i]; } if (typeof categoryName === 'string') { // category name is __filename then cut the prefix path categoryName = categoryName.replace(process.cwd(), ''); } var logger = log4js.getLogger(categoryName); var pLogger = {}; for (var key in logger) { pLogger[key] = logger[key]; } ['log', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'trace', 'fatal'].forEach(function(item) { pLogger[item] = function() { var p = ""; if (args.length > 1) { p = "[" + prefix + "] "; } if(args.length && process.env.LOGGER_LINE) { p = getLine() + ": " + p; } p = colorize(p, colours[item]); if(args.length) { arguments[0] = p + arguments[0]; } logger[item].apply(logger, arguments); } }); return pLogger; }; var configState = {}; function initReloadConfiguration(filename, reloadSecs) { if (configState.timerId) { clearInterval(configState.timerId); delete configState.timerId; } configState.filename = filename; configState.lastMTime = getMTime(filename); configState.timerId = setInterval(reloadConfiguration, reloadSecs * 1000); }; function getMTime(filename) { var mtime; try { mtime = fs.statSync(filename).mtime; } catch (e) { throw new Error("Cannot find file with given path: " + filename); } return mtime; }; function loadConfigurationFile(filename) { if (filename) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8")); } return undefined; }; function reloadConfiguration() { var mtime = getMTime(configState.filename); if (!mtime) { return; } if (configState.lastMTime && (mtime.getTime() > configState.lastMTime.getTime())) { configureOnceOff(loadConfigurationFile(configState.filename)); } configState.lastMTime = mtime; }; function configureOnceOff(config) { if (config) { try { configureLevels(config.levels); if (config.replaceConsole) { log4js.replaceConsole(); } else { log4js.restoreConsole(); } } catch (e) { throw new Error( "Problem reading log4js config " + util.inspect(config) + ". Error was \"" + e.message + "\" (" + e.stack + ")" ); } } }; function configureLevels(levels) { if (levels) { for (var category in levels) { if (levels.hasOwnProperty(category)) { log4js.getLogger(category).setLevel(levels[category]); } } } }; /** * Configure the logger. * Configure file just like log4js.json. And support ${scope:arg-name} format property setting. * It can replace the placeholder in runtime. * scope can be: * env: environment variables, such as: env:PATH * args: command line arguments, such as: args:1 * opts: key/value from opts argument of configure function * * @param {String|Object} config configure file name or configure object * @param {Object} opts options * @return {Void} */ function configure(config, opts) { var filename = config; config = config || process.env.LOG4JS_CONFIG; opts = opts || {}; if (typeof config === 'string') { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config, "utf8")); } if (config) { config = replaceProperties(config, opts); } if(config && config.lineDebug) { process.env.LOGGER_LINE = true; } if(filename && config && config.reloadSecs) { initReloadConfiguration(filename, config.reloadSecs); } // config object could not turn on the auto reload configure file in log4js log4js.configure(config, opts); }; function replaceProperties(configObj, opts) { if (configObj instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, l = configObj.length; i < l; i++) { configObj[i] = replaceProperties(configObj[i], opts); } } else if (typeof configObj === 'object') { var field; for (var f in configObj) { if (!configObj.hasOwnProperty(f)) { continue; } field = configObj[f]; if (typeof field === 'string') { configObj[f] = doReplace(field, opts); } else if (typeof field === 'object') { configObj[f] = replaceProperties(field, opts); } } } return configObj; } function doReplace(src, opts) { if (!src) { return src; } var ptn = /\$\{(.*?)\}/g; var m, pro, ts, scope, name, defaultValue, func, res = '', lastIndex = 0; while ((m = ptn.exec(src))) { pro = m[1]; ts = pro.split(':'); if (ts.length !== 2 && ts.length !== 3) { res += pro; continue; } scope = ts[0]; name = ts[1]; if (ts.length === 3) { defaultValue = ts[2]; } func = funcs[scope]; if (!func && typeof func !== 'function') { res += pro; continue; } res += src.substring(lastIndex, m.index); lastIndex = ptn.lastIndex; res += (func(name, opts) || defaultValue); } if (lastIndex < src.length) { res += src.substring(lastIndex); } return res; } function doEnv(name) { return process.env[name]; } function doArgs(name) { return process.argv[name]; } function doOpts(name, opts) { return opts ? opts[name] : undefined; } function getLine() { var e = new Error(); // now magic will happen: get line number from callstack var line = e.stack.split('\n')[3].split(':')[1]; return line; } function colorizeStart(style) { return style ? '\x1B[' + styles[style][0] + 'm' : ''; } function colorizeEnd(style) { return style ? '\x1B[' + styles[style][1] + 'm' : ''; } /** * Taken from masylum's fork ( */ function colorize (str, style) { return colorizeStart(style) + str + colorizeEnd(style); } var styles = { //styles 'bold' : [1, 22], 'italic' : [3, 23], 'underline' : [4, 24], 'inverse' : [7, 27], //grayscale 'white' : [37, 39], 'grey' : [90, 39], 'black' : [90, 39], //colors 'blue' : [34, 39], 'cyan' : [36, 39], 'green' : [32, 39], 'magenta' : [35, 39], 'red' : [31, 39], 'yellow' : [33, 39] }; var colours = { 'all': "grey", 'trace': "blue", 'debug': "cyan", 'info': "green", 'warn': "yellow", 'error': "red", 'fatal': "magenta", 'off': "grey" }; module.exports = { getLogger: getLogger, getDefaultLogger: log4js.getDefaultLogger, addAppender: log4js.addAppender, loadAppender: log4js.loadAppender, clearAppenders: log4js.clearAppenders, configure: configure, replaceConsole: log4js.replaceConsole, restoreConsole: log4js.restoreConsole, levels: log4js.levels, setGlobalLogLevel: log4js.setGlobalLogLevel, layouts: log4js.layouts, appenders: log4js.appenders };