var assert = require('assert'); var Machine = require('../'); describe('Machine.prototype.execSync()', function (){ it('should throw when called on a machine that does not declare sync:true', function (){ try {[0]).execSync(); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.code,'E_USAGE'); return; } // Should never make it here assert(false, 'Should have thrown an error'); }); it('should return the expected value when called on a configured machine that triggers its success exit', function (){ var result =[1]).execSync(); assert.equal(result,'stuff'); }); it('should throw an Error when called on a configured machine that triggers any non-success exit and sends back an Error instance', function (){ var m =[2]); m.configure({value: 'hi'}); assert.throws(function (){ m.execSync(); }); }); it('should throw an Error when called on a configured machine that triggers any non-success exit and sends back a string', function (){ var m =[2]); m.configure({value: 'hi'}); assert.throws(function (){ m.execSync(); }); }); it('should throw an Error when called on a configured machine that triggers any non-success exit and sends back a boolean', function (){ var m =[2]); m.configure({value: true}); assert.throws(function (){ m.execSync(); }); }); it('should throw an Error when called on a configured machine that triggers any non-success exit and sends back a number', function (){ var m =[2]); m.configure({value: -234.2}); assert.throws(function (){ m.execSync(); }); }); it('should throw an Error when called on a configured machine that triggers any non-success exit and sends back an array', function (){ var m =[2]); m.configure({value: ['stuff', 'and', 'things']}); assert.throws(function (){ m.execSync(); }); }); it('should throw an Error when called on a configured machine that triggers any non-success exit and sends back an object', function (){ var m =[2]); m.configure({value: { email: '' }}); assert.throws(function (){ m.execSync(); }); }); }); var machineFixtures = [ // (0) // Standard asynchronous machine { inputs: { foo: { example: 100 }, bar: { example: 'foobar' } }, exits: { success: { example: 'hello' }, error: { example: 'world' } }, fn: function (inputs, exits) { exits.success('stuff'); } }, // (1) // Same machine as above, but with sync:true { sync: true, inputs: { foo: { example: 100 }, bar: { example: 'foobar' } }, exits: { success: { example: 'hello' }, error: { example: 'world' } }, fn: function (inputs, exits) { exits.success('stuff'); } }, // (2) // Sync machine which calls a non-success exit with whatever // was passed into the `value` input. { sync: true, inputs: { value: { typeclass: '*' } }, exits: { success: { example: 'hello' }, someOtherExit: { getExample: function (inputs){ return inputs.value; } }, error: { example: 'world' } }, fn: function (inputs, exits) { exits.someOtherExit(inputs.value); } }, // (3) // Sync machine which calls a non-success exit with a new Error. { sync: true, inputs: { value: { typeclass: '*' } }, exits: { success: { example: 'hello' }, someOtherExit: { getExample: function (inputs){ return inputs.value; } }, error: { example: 'world' } }, fn: function (inputs, exits) { exits.someOtherExit(new Error('deliberate error')); } } ];